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Very concerned with development of Indian navy: Pakistan naval chief

Damn!! mate - delete that.

Thanks just did

with all the recent mishaps in the recent times with the Indian navy and the blocked for eternity hardware inductions, one would have though that Indian navy looks the weakest right now. I get the feeling that the Pak Navy chief is soft trolling here.

I thoght the same but we are ahead of both countries in terms of navy. I think the mishaps point to something more sinister...just my gut feeling...
Thanks just did

I thoght the same but we are ahead of both countries in terms of navy. I think the mishaps point to something more sinister...just my gut feeling...

You mean sabotage? it could be accidents waiting to happen, every navy goes through that phase.
If budget was the issue then he should be crying in the Pakistani parliament, why cry over China's shoulder?

Not crying crying is when India bitches infront of DC when we purchase a weapon.. Whining when Pak buys something from china .. And so on can give a thousand examples .. Just have to type "India crying over Pak weapon... " on google ..

Concern he is right.. The navy has been trying to get more budget..
You guys are really insecure. How did you deduce that from the Pakistan Navy chief's statement? Relax, no one is going to sabotage Indian Navy ships, you guys are already doing that yourself.

Anyone cannot neglect any statement by any chief of military. And recently a senior officer got martyred in Kashmir. So tensions are high, though they are being covered by election news in India.
The PN Chief has every reason to feel this way. But fact remains that Pakistan is a continental power with a smallish coastline to defend, unlike India. If one compares the Naval assets with the extent of territorial waters and coastline to defend, there is considerable parity between the two Navies. Pakistan, IMO, has enough to defend it's waters for now. Equally, it can neither hope to have a Navy that can threaten India in Indian waters.
There is nothing for Pakistani Admiral to worry about.... Indian Navy is half the size it needs to be to just secure our maritime border, forget force projection in this decade.
Oh please our navy is weak . Ignore it for a decade or so ;) .
yes.. IN is so weak. so many accidnet..old sub..
cant compete super duper navies in asia and south china sea

He means a bigger piece of the Pie to PN compared with other arms of our forces i.e. PAF and PA.
what the % allocation to forces in pa k?any idea ?
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