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Verification Drive of Muslimsin Nagaland

Correction..India registering illegal Muslims.

Actually the story is that they are registering the Muslims to differentiate between the legal and the illegal ones.

They are not registering the illegal Muslims. Illegal Muslims are not nuts to go and get registered :D

They are hinting at taking tough actions against Muslims but will spare the legal ones - so what are the legal Muslims going to get? Special cards? Slippery slope - Nazi Germany started this way.
What do you say about Simanta Bishwa Sharma?

I think you mean Himanta Biswa Sharma ???congress minister??I`ve heard lot of stuff about him don`t know if it is correct or not but he is very popular in his contituency for his development efforts . As a health minister and later education minister he atleast tried to bring some changes but I think most of his ideas were misguided and didnot bring intended results ,but then he is young and no doubt very energetic ,should be good leader in the future ..
Not all India. It is Nagaland which is One of 28 states and 7 Union terrirtory. And they are tribal people( non-hindu). So they can differentiate between friend(Indian muslim) and those alien who don't respect naga culture and doing crime( raping, read the article).

I've heard about "its only one state" before...

Beef/cow slaughter is banned only in a few states - Muslims got massacred only in one state, Muslims are getting registered only in one state.

Registering Muslims is a highly racist move. Nagaland has becharay pappu people who can't speak up for themselves and no media men usually ever go there to cover such issues either.

The right thing would have been to register ALL people and give them the Indian national ID cards. If they are stopped, verify whether or not they are Indians or not. Don't verify whether the Muslim is Indian or not. There is no point to it, if you verify whether the human being is Indian or not.

This smells - rather stinks.
Actually the story is that they are registering the Muslims to differentiate between the legal and the illegal ones.

They are not registering the illegal Muslims. Illegal Muslims are not nuts to go and get registered :D

They are hinting at taking tough actions against Muslims but will spare the legal ones - so what are the legal Muslims going to get? Special cards? Slippery slope - Nazi Germany started this way.

could be ID and pass. Its happening in our state.
I've heard about "its only one state" before...

Beef/cow slaughter is banned only in a few states - Muslims got massacred only in one state, Muslims are getting registered only in one state.

Registering Muslims is a highly racist move. Nagaland has becharay pappu people who can't speak up for themselves and no media men usually ever go there to cover such issues either.

The right thing would have been to register ALL people and give them the Indian national ID cards. If they are stopped, verify whether or not they are Indians or not. Don't verify whether the Muslim is Indian or not. There is no point to it, if you verify whether the human being is Indian or not.

This smells - rather stinks.

fyi it is not hard to differentiate between legal and illegal in Nagaland, nothing there to smell about:meeting:
Isn't Islam the official state religion in your country? Was it so during Mujib's time?

I don't think it should be news to you since you see your day to day political changes; assuming that you live in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh was founded on secular principles by Mujib until he was gunned down (not by fanatics as you'd assume).

Islam was made state religion on 1988 as part of the Eighth Amendment Act. That was under Hussain Muhammad Ershad, post Zia-era.

That doesn't make it an Islamist state :no:

Man, seeing from the comments of North Easterners here, their knowledge of Bangladesh is extremely poor.

And they are whining about the so-called illegal immigrants from Bangladesh...interesting...
Bangladesh was founded on secular principles by Mujib until he was gunned down (not by fanatics as you'd assume).

Islam was made state religion on 1988 as part of the Eighth Amendment Act. That was under Hussain Muhammad Ershad, post Zia-era.

That doesn't make it an Islamist state :no:

Man, seeing from the comments of North Easterners here, their knowledge of Bangladesh is extremely poor.

And they are whining about the so-called illegal immigrants from Bangladesh...interesting...

Well, we're not really concerned about whether you're Islamist or communist. Our only problem is the fanaticism that is pouring into our states from your side. BTW you're repeating only what we know about Bangladesh.

Rather surprising to see you tell us what is written in text books and not what's reality because everyone here can read a book. Try your hand at the remote Indo-Bangla border and see how people encroach land moving through marshes and rivulets when BSF is not present.
I've heard about "its only one state" before...

Beef/cow slaughter is banned only in a few states - Muslims got massacred only in one state, Muslims are getting registered only in one state.


Registering Muslims is a highly racist move. Nagaland has becharay pappu people who can't speak up for themselves and no media men usually ever go there to cover such issues either.

Pappu people? :woot: You really don't know Nagas, sonny.

Naga government is themselves registering them for the purpose of differentiation between our people and illegals.

The right thing would have been to register ALL people and give them the Indian national ID cards. If they are stopped, verify whether or not they are Indians or not. Don't verify whether the Muslim is Indian or not. There is no point to it, if you verify whether the human being is Indian or not.

No thanks. We've got millions of illegals already. Can't afford to be that generous. We're neither an Islamic country nor interested in being one. So registrations will have to do.

Trust me, our border situation here is as bad as your situation with Afghanistan minus the war.
I've heard about "its only one state" before...

Beef/cow slaughter is banned only in a few states - Muslims got massacred only in one state, Muslims are getting registered only in one state.

Registering Muslims is a highly racist move. Nagaland has becharay pappu people who can't speak up for themselves and no media men usually ever go there to cover such issues either.

The right thing would have been to register ALL people and give them the Indian national ID cards. If they are stopped, verify whether or not they are Indians or not. Don't verify whether the Muslim is Indian or not. There is no point to it, if you verify whether the human being is Indian or not.

This smells - rather stinks.

Alright you need to know a lot about Inda and state of Nagaland before you poke your nose and go sniffing around.Nagaland is the easternmost state of India bordering Myanmar.It is inhabited by group of people called as Naga people,which actually a name given to them by britisher and they instead call themselve by their tribal names.They are all christian by religion with small pockets of animist,none of them are hindus or muslims.Nagapeople are actually group of many tribes each unique in its own way with seperate and distinct dialects.Because of these Britisher left them alone and made their area a special area where entry of outsiders were not allowed and after independence the tradition was kept as it is by Indian govt .So today if you need to go to Nagaland you will need special permit and this applies to all the citizens of India and foreigners as well.

Now the illegal migrants are flooding the state taking advantage of low population and unoccupied land. They donot respect the local laws and don`t even bother to get permit to enter the state and that is the reason why Nagaland govt has started this programme to identify and evict them out.
Even us Indian(and Hindus if you insist) go their without permit they will kick out us,no excuse.
(BTW killing of cow is not illegal in Nagaland and they are not "pappu people" rather very progressive I would say)
heard about "its only one state" before...

Beef/cow slaughter is banned only in a few

not in few state. Only in one and that is M.P.
- Muslims got massacred only in one state,
Why muslims not got massacared in Only one state. That is punjab
ISI killed baloch and sindhi and trible people dying in the hand of Drone. Wait a minute. You mean muslim are not massaced In gujrat? Only in one state?
Muslims are getting registered only in one state.

Registering Muslims is a highly racist move. Nagaland has becharay pappu people who can't speak up for themselves and no media men usually ever go there to cover such issues either

It is decision of NAGA people not decision of GoI. Why are you not understanding? You can feel how they feel.

The right thing would have been to register ALL people and give them the Indian national ID cards. If they are stopped, verify whether or not they are Indians or not. Don't verify whether the Muslim is Indian or not. There is no point to it, if you verify whether the human being is Indian or not.

that is non of your buisness. If the local think than they will do what ever they want to do.

This smells - rather stinks.

And you stink more than us becuase if Pakistan didn't killed their family than this situation would be never arise



you are troller and it does not matter that you are a mod. I answered you in your language.
You are a moderator. And is this a way to answer who is talking with respect. One more point will lead me to ban because i have already 2 points but I don't care.
Kesang you can omit the last few statement if you donot want to invite an infraction. I think this forum do not tolerate such statements ;)
Hmmm India registering Muslims - this can't be good.

you have little knowledge of rights of Indian states which is expected also as you are not Indian.

In India to protect the demographic characterstics of some Indigenous tribes certain areas are prohibited for foreigners.

Protected Area Permits/Restricted area permits

Domestic Immigration stamp permitting entry into the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
The Foreigners (Protected Areas) Order 1958 states that a Protected Area Permit (PAP) is required for non-Indian citizens to visit certain areas in India (mainly in the North-East). Certain requirements have to be fulfilled in order to get this permit. Indian citizens, who are not resident in these areas need a Inner Line Permit (ILP) to enter these places. The Inner Line Permit is significantly easier to get.
In addition, the Foreigners (Restricted Areas) Order 1968 states that a Restricted Area Permit (RAP) is required for non-Indians to visit certain areas in India. As of 2009, RAPs are required for all visits to the Union Territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and parts of the state of Sikkim. Unlike PAPs, RAPs are generally available for individual travellers and can be issued by overseas embassies or even, in some cases such as Port Blair's Vir Savarkar Airport, on the spot. Indian citizens do not need special permission to visit Restricted Areas.

General Protected Area Permit requirements

Tourists have to travel in groups of at least 4
They have to travel with a registered travel agent
In some areas only certain entry/exit points are allowed. In certain areas non-Indians cannot enter at all
Citizens of Pakistan, Bangladesh, China and Myanmar can get the PAP only with approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs
Normally the PAP has a duration of 10 days, with the option of extending for another 7 days. The PAP is issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs. However, the different authorities of the concerned Indian provinces can also issue the PAP, and also the Indian missions abroad. Normally the travel agent will take care of getting the PAP for the tourists.
[edit]Areas for which a PAP is required

Parts of Jammu and Kashmir
Parts of Himachal Pradesh
Parts of Uttar Pradesh
All of Arunachal Pradesh
All of Nagaland
All of Manipur
All of Mizoram

Areas for which a RAP is required

All of Andaman and Nicobar
Parts of Sikkim


and mainland Indians also

Inner line permit

Inner Line Permit is an official travel document issued by the Government of India to allow inward travel of an Indian citizen into a protected/restricted area for a limited period. It is obligatory for Indian citizens from outside those states to obtain permit for entering into the protected state. The document is an effort by the Government to regulate movement to certain areas located near the international border of India. This is a security measure and it is applicable for the following states:
Arunachal Pradesh – Issued by the Secretary (Political) of the Government of Arunachal Pradesh. It is required for entering the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh through any of the check gates across the inter-state border with Assam or Nagaland.
Mizoram – Issued by the Government of Mizoram. It is required for entering the Indian state of Mizoram through any of the check gates across the inter-state borders.
Nagaland – It is mandatory for a mainland Indian citizen entering the state of Nagaland through any of the check gates across the inter-state borders.

Inner Line Permit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Apart from that buying property by a person not domiciled in that state is restricted in these states and also tourist places like Goa,Himanchal and Uttrakhand.

So the verification drive is not unusual.Muslims are not being singled out as from the source i have provided it would be clear that even Non muslim Indians require permit to enter Nagaland.The agency for verification belong to state rather than union government.Muslims are being registered for a simple fact that Nagas are not muslims.They are either Christians or animists.So any muslim is bound to be probably from mainland India or worst an illegal Bangladeshi immigrant.

The reporter could have phrased the article in politically correct terms.Sometime i wonder whether media is on payroll of congress to make muslims feel insecure so that they would always vote as a block to fight non-existent phantoms rather than for betterment of their lives.
I don't much about politics but we have 60 MLA and 2 lok sabha MP and 1 rajya sabha MP. Not offence just want know.

Well I heard it from somewhere, but I did a little googling and find out that we have a total of 4,083 MLAs and the only number when 4,083 gets divided gives a value greater than but nearly equal to 545( the current strength of Lok Sabha) is 7 (4,083/7= approx 583). Also when we divide the number of MLAs by the number of MPs for the states of Andhra (294/42), Gujurat (182/26),Kerala (140/20),Orissa(147/21) & WB (294/42), we get 7.

The reason why you have 60 MLAs is bcs of the provision of Constitution:

"The Legislative Assembly consists of not more than 500 members and not less than 60. The biggest state like Uttar Pradesh has 425 members in its Assembly. States which have small population and are small in size have a provision for having even lesser number of members in the Legislative Assembly. Pondicherry, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh have only 30 members each. Sikkim has 32 members. "

Member of the Legislative Assembly (India) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I've heard about "its only one state" before...

Beef/cow slaughter is banned only in a few states - Muslims got massacred only in one state, Muslims are getting registered only in one state.

Registering Muslims is a highly racist move. Nagaland has becharay pappu people who can't speak up for themselves and no media men usually ever go there to cover such issues either.

The right thing would have been to register ALL people and give them the Indian national ID cards. If they are stopped, verify whether or not they are Indians or not. Don't verify whether the Muslim is Indian or not. There is no point to it, if you verify whether the human being is Indian or not.

This smells - rather stinks.
The locals are doing it. Muslims are not new in India that they would be subject to new conditions suddenly. Its a humungous problem of illegal migration in NE India, they are truely tired. I hope they mine the bloody border.
The National ID project is on. That should make a difference.
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