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Vegetarians live longer, study says

Big deal.... What's the point of living if you can only eat vegetables.... They have their places mainly as a side dish although there are a few vegetarian mains I don't mind..... But realistically I have never tasted any vegetable that beats a good beef steak or kebab..... Roast duck or chicken or tandoori lamb chops.....

Living a little less is ok by me as long as I get to enjoy what I eat..... I rather be dead than pretending to love rabbit food..... Now rabbit on the other.....bit chewy but Bring it on....
Past a certain age, it really doesn't make all that much sense to keep living. Sure you are "alive" but is it really a life worth continuing? I don't think so. Also I think the correlation between being vegetarian and living a long time is hokey at best, completely fraudulent at worst. Diet and exercise play a much greater roll in overall life health than anything else. You can be a vegetarian and eat donuts, soda, and cakes, live indoors all the time, etc, and you will be one fat bastard. Like anything in life the key is to be prudent in your moderation of things, too much meat is bad, just like not enough protein is harmful as well. To each his own, but I think that to say being a vegetarian is a health benefit in and of it's own accord is just ridiculous.
Past a certain age, it really doesn't make all that much sense to keep living. Sure you are "alive" but is it really a life worth continuing? I don't think so. Also I think the correlation between being vegetarian and living a long time is hokey at best, completely fraudulent at worst. Diet and exercise play a much greater roll in overall life health than anything else. You can be a vegetarian and eat donuts, soda, and cakes, live indoors all the time, etc, and you will be one fat bastard. Like anything in life the key is to be prudent in your moderation of things, too much meat is bad, just like not enough protein is harmful as well. To each his own, but I think that to say being a vegetarian is a health benefit in and of it's own accord is just ridiculous.

come on dude,all that is okay.

It is about the same guy having the same lifestyle,veg or non veg which is better?

It is also not the case that a non vegetarian will be awesome and healthy and just like that snap off the face of earth.He ll also undergo the same process of ageing and all like a vegetarian and it ll happen sooner for him.

Moreover, if living longer has no point then why try to live at all in the first place?

I dont even knw whether veg vs non veg research is true but your reasons for not living longer dont make sense.

Nice Vegetarians are live longer it is one of recognize phenomenon...

Proper nourishment is important to channelize your health in positive direction by the ration of

Vegetables ------- Meat

80% ------------ 20%

Yeah something like that or having meat once or twice a week,more fish and chicken and less lamb and beef.

And of possible try to eat fresh,live meat instead of packaged one.
Meat is tasty! Chicken is more tastier!! Feel sad for veggies
With world population set to increase and add more pressure on agricultural land we have two choices before us...cut down on meat consumption or get ready to eat genetically modified food.
Vegetarianism doesnt guarantee longer lives. What if I ate a bowl of Fries everyday...lets say with Cheese. And Nachos with Cheese. Or a vegatarian pizza every single day?

Now a grilled piece of meat is much much more healthier.

Its just how you cook it, not what you eat. Use less butter, less Ghee and less cheese I guess even meat is healthy!

BTW, even if it means a few years less, I need my meat!! I eat meat every day, I cant live without it :lol:
i want to live happier....not longer.

so i'll stick with eating meat, riding bikes and enjoying the occasional dominican cigar :lol:

vegetarianism is for hippies/losers
Vegetarianism doesnt guarantee longer lives. What if I ate a bowl of Fries everyday...lets say with Cheese. And Nachos with Cheese. Or a vegatarian pizza every single day?

Now a grilled piece of meat is much much more healthier.

Its just how you cook it, not what you eat. Use less butter, less Ghee and less cheese I guess even meat is healthy!

BTW, even if it means a few years less, I need my meat!! I eat meat every day, I cant live without it :lol:

Errr....butter, cheese and ghee are animal products and not vegan in the first place.
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