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Veena Malik, geo TV CHIEF get 26 years in jail for blasphemy

And in case you didn't notice, the courts already took action against him - multiple times. Wake the hell up.
the Holy Quran, ''whoever wills - let him believe; and whoever wills - let him disbelieve'' [18:29]

That was the point. These courts took action against the judge......NOT against IK who is directly responsible for attacking the democracy, the parliament, the national tv, getting many murdered and injured. NO action whatsoever!

Adding Quranic versus now.....couldn't argue with facts, now this was the last thing to bring in? The Quran also says and I quote "killing one human is like killing the entire humanity". So.....when does IK get tried for murder of so many people??? That's based on what Quran says.
Does Quran ask you to attack the parliament? lie to others and cause violence and bloodshed.....so why use Quran to support your argument when you want to (like other Mulllahs) and ignore what Quran says in other situations like getting people killed and murdered and spreading violence???
Stupid courts! Courts in Pakistan are sellouts.

Isn't that a condemn of court in Pakistan :o::o::o::o:

I would have thought 50 times before commenting like this on public forum.
Why not hang the Judge who acquitted Modi the murderer of thousands of Muslims in Gujrat? Even USA did not accept the judgment and continued with visa ban on the terrorist Modi.
That's a wrong and foolish analogy........
I was talking about the extent of punishment after finding someone guilty, NOT the courts decision on whether the crime has been committed or not.........
I didn't say that your court is wrong in finding the two accused(Veena Malik and the Geo chief) guilty but you're saying that our court is wrong in not finding Modi guilty......i.e, I'm not questioning your court's decision but you're questioning our's, hence your analogy is wrong.......and since when USA became an example of proper 'human rights' :lol:......do you know why the 'blacks' are agitating there??
As I said, Modi wasn't found guilty, hence acquitted, so you cannot talk about punishment........but in this case, the two accused were found guilty of blasphemy but were given 26 yrs. instead of death(which I thought was the punishment for blasphemy in Pakistan, based on past incidents).........IF that is true, then your court's decision on punishment is also blasphemous, because, IMHO, not giving the right/proper punishment for blasphemy i.e showing leniency towards a blasphemer, amounts to blasphemy itself.....

P.S: You must understand the post before commenting on it.........if you cannot, don't comment, otherwise your comment will be wrong and foolish.....
I usually don't reply to foolish comments/replies, it's waste of time.......but sometimes I do, just to point out the utter foolishness of the commenter, like in this case I pointed out your foolishness.......but don't expect me to reply if you're unable to understand my post above and make another foolish comment......
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the best part is govt not giving a shit about the order
Please do not spread disinformation. Nobody on any channel calls for murdering Qadyanis. Qadyanis are not as important as you think they are.

Please stop being a butt hurt sarkari emo muslim and lying through your teeth. I understand lying is a favourite past time in sarkari muslim land but you can't parade around here like some self righteous pillar of morality when everyone knows about the programmes done by amir liaquat against Ahmadis on Geo tv.

Qadianis are definitely important to sarkari muslim, they blame ahmadis for everything under the sun from dengue machar to their drug addiction. Nice try trying to cover up sarkari muslim lies, but it won't work here.
Why not hang the Judge who acquitted Modi the murderer of thousands of Muslims in Gujrat? Even USA did not accept the judgment and continued with visa ban on the terrorist Modi.

What an irony...on one hand you blame USA for the murder of numerous Muslims in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan & Pakistan...on the other hand you want American court to take on Indian matters. Grow up India is not Pakistan where in they can come...kill and take dead bodies home...USA has no business in India's internal matters. As far as Modi's acquittal is concerned, being a CM of a state during a riot doesn't make him an accomplice. If that was the norm...I can name at least 10-20 CM who should be behind bars. And mind it you don't even know their names. You have to google if I ask you who was the CM of Assam when 3000 muslims were killed in Nelli, in just one night.
Facts about Gujarat:
1. Instigated by Muslims by killing 52 Hindu pilgrims...riot was limited to the state of Assam...if 52 Haj pilgrims would have been burned alive there would have been riots all over India.
2. Thousands of Muslims Killed in Gujarat....who gives you those figures....Around 1000 people were killed in total....out which 300 were Hindus. So if Modi is responsible for the riots he is responsible for the death of all...not just Muslims. Unfortunately, you won't understand because your brain filled Malvi's shit...doesn't see the world outside the realm of Pisslam.
That was the point. These courts took action against the judge......NOT against IK who is directly responsible for attacking the democracy, the parliament, the national tv, getting many murdered and injured. NO action whatsoever!

Adding Quranic versus now.....couldn't argue with facts, now this was the last thing to bring in? The Quran also says and I quote "killing one human is like killing the entire humanity". So.....when does IK get tried for murder of so many people??? That's based on what Quran says.
Does Quran ask you to attack the parliament? lie to others and cause violence and bloodshed.....so why use Quran to support your argument when you want to (like other Mulllahs) and ignore what Quran says in other situations like getting people killed and murdered and spreading violence???

That was the point. These courts took action against the judge......NOT against IK who is directly responsible for attacking the democracy, the parliament, the national tv, getting many murdered and injured. NO action whatsoever!
No, that was not the point. Learn to comprehend basic sentences before you comment on stuff like this.

Good lord. Your obsession with IK has blinded you. Which part of ''ARREST WARRANT FOR IMRAN KHAN'' did you not understand? It was in the article I linked with the words ''already took action''. The court took action against Imran Khan, they didn't do anything to any judge. What's even the point of pulling something so retarded out of your backside? I ripped your retarded arguments to pieces a dozen times. What's the point in dragging it back in here?

The Quranic Verse I added was to BACK YOUR POINT that humans have no job punishing others for such religious issues. I AGREED with you on that. You misquoted me and mixed the two clearly together to make it look like that verse had something to do with Imran Khan.

And now you're accusing me of using the Quran 'like other mullahs'. Just because I have different political views that makes me a mullah?

Get your head out of your arse and actually bother to read stuff before writing a long senseless rant over it.

This is what I said:
You are right about one thing though, religious issues are not something for us humans to judge other humans over. God will deal with whoever's wrong, till then, as Muslims, our duty is to talk to the people we think are wrong and try to convince them - otherwise, as is said in the Holy Quran, ''whoever wills - let him believe; and whoever wills - let him disbelieve'' [18:29]
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