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Veena Malik, geo TV CHIEF get 26 years in jail for blasphemy

well as per my understanding Its a Courts Order Under the Blasphemy Law..so we should respect it.. And for my endian fellows (Hanging Guru for Parliament attacks without proof tells alot about your judicial system and mentality )..so atleast endians should be the last people to comment on judicial system...
I thought blasphemy is punishable by death in Pakistan......why they get 26 yrs.??........it's a blasphemous judgement, the judge must be hanged.....
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Why 26 years of jail???? Just stone them to death or burn them alive and make an example out of them.
Is this a joke? Pakistan can be such a fruity loop country sometimes.
GEO is always seeking sensationalism. The sensationalism led them to be declared blasphemous.

Btw I want blasphemy law to go away but GEO has always negatively portrayed Ahmedis and others. We should take action against this rogue tv channel. It was also the first to declare Ajmal Khassab was Pakistani. They are liars and anti national.
exactly. ajmal kassab was not pakistani. geo lied first.His name was amar singh and he had that orange rss band on his hand.
Geo TV the worst group in Pakistan got what it deserved. The less said about veena malik and shaista lodhi the better.
I thought blasphemy is punishable by death in Pakistan......why they get 26 yrs.??........it's a blasphemous judgement, the judge must be hanged.....
Why not hang the Judge who acquitted Modi the murderer of thousands of Muslims in Gujrat? Even USA did not accept the judgment and continued with visa ban on the terrorist Modi.
tell this to the blasphemy law victims of Islamic Pakistan. I'm sure they will oblige you.

and stop doing that ! Looks like you're on the blue pill and alone !
:woot::woot: really... :wave:
Article is misleading, like most Indian media. It was not an 'Anti-terrorism court' that sentenced anyone - it was a Civil or Session court in Gilgit. This is extremely insignificant as Veena Malik and Mir Shakil will definitely appeal and definitely have the resources to fight a prolonged case if they have to. There is absolutely no way this will affect either of them in any real way except for them having to waste some time in courts.

It's ridiculously absurd to call any of them 'Victims' of 'Pakistan's evil mooslim sharia law'. One of the other articles even went as far as to suggest the Pakistan Army was behind it! Good lord, the level of idiocy in today's media is disturbing.

And Amnesty International already wrote a report on it, in less than a day. Where's this efficiency when it comes to stuff that actually matters?
The prison sentence for blasphemy handed down today by a court in Pakistan against four people including the owner of a major private TV channel and one of its star actresses will have a chilling effect on freedom of expression and the media, Amnesty International said.
Pakistan: Blasphemy sentence against private TV channel will have chilling effect on media freedom | Amnesty International

Geo does mess with a lot of people's sentiments, on everything from political matters to religion and personal things. They like to stay in the limelight with their sensationalist, 'victim' portrayal of themselves.
On the other hand, our courts are unfortunately so incompetent that they prefer to involve themselves in this kind of drama instead of actually doing their job.

Not to mention how the 'international' media loves to make a big deal out of anything that can be used to ridicule countries they don't like, from trivial matters like Putin giving the Chinese first lady a coat to relatively serious (but still insignificant) things like this.

It's just getting annoying now.
SLAMABAD: Pakistan actor Veena Malik, her husband, and the owner of the country's biggest media group, Geo TV, have been sentenced to 26 years in prison by an anti-terrorism court for allegedly airing a blasphemous programme.

Wow, this is crazy!

Here is the definition of Blasphemy:
n. noun
1. Contemptuous or profane speech or action concerning God or a sacred entity
2. An instance of this
3. Irreverent or impious action or expression in regard to something considered inviolable or sacrosanct.

Well.......if we consider Blasphemy as profane speech against a "sacred entity", I think for any country, the Parliament is the most sacred place as it is what runs the country. So by this definiton, IK and Mullah Greedy need to be in jail for 60 years as they've committed violence and blasphemy against not one, but MANY sacred institutions, including humans who got killed and policemen who got beat up and some dead!!!
Where was this judge at when people were getting killed and innocent blood was being spilled by some leaders who he also agrees with as this is a pure example of extremism, that connects with IK and Mullah's instigation for violence, destruction and destroying the pillars of a country.....???? I think someone needs to take this judge off religious drugs and make him realize where they didn't do justice and that a tv show doesn't require that strict of a punishment. Humans are humans and they make mistakes, allow God to take care of the wrong doers if that's the case, instead of humans using justice system to punish what they want to and closing their eyes of the bloodshed their favorite people were committing in Islamabad through violent sit ins!
Wow, this is crazy!

Here is the definition of Blasphemy:
n. noun
1. Contemptuous or profane speech or action concerning God or a sacred entity
2. An instance of this
3. Irreverent or impious action or expression in regard to something considered inviolable or sacrosanct.

Well.......if we consider Blasphemy as profane speech against a "sacred entity", I think for any country, the Parliament is the most sacred place as it is what runs the country. So by this definiton, IK and Mullah Greedy need to be in jail for 60 years as they've committed violence and blasphemy against not one, but MANY sacred institutions, including humans who got killed and policemen who got beat up and some dead!!!
Where was this judge at when people were getting killed and innocent blood was being spilled by some leaders who he also agrees with as this is a pure example of extremism, that connects with IK and Mullah's instigation for violence, destruction and destroying the pillars of a country.....???? I think someone needs to take this judge off religious drugs and make him realize where they didn't do justice and that a tv show doesn't require that strict of a punishment. Humans are humans and they make mistakes, allow God to take care of the wrong doers if that's the case, instead of humans using justice system to punish what they want to and closing their eyes of the bloodshed their favorite people were committing in Islamabad through violent sit ins!
Practically none of what you said in your long and barely coherent rant is relevant to this topic. Your obsession with Imran Khan is approaching levels that could be dangerous for whatever's left of your mental health.

And in case you didn't notice, the courts already took action against him - multiple times. Wake the hell up.

You are right about one thing though, religious issues are not something for us humans to judge other humans over. God will deal with whoever's wrong, till then, as Muslims, our duty is to talk to the people we think are wrong and try to convince them - otherwise, as is said in the Holy Quran, ''whoever wills - let him believe; and whoever wills - let him disbelieve'' [18:29]
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