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Varanasi - Medieval History

well they want to preserve hindu heritage with Har Har Mahadit and violence against 15% of their OWN country [ indian Muslims ]

indian Muslims gave india civilization. They gave india Taj Mahal, the symbol of Love.

It was no one else but the Muslims, who brought Love to India. That is why you find Sufis ALL OVER India, in every NOOK and Corner.

They gave Heer Ranjha too! Another symbol of love. :omghaha:

O.K accepted muslims are our saviours....now please leave this thread.

It robs Indians of their history. All those sacrifices, all of it for nothing. You rob people of their history and identity, all you will get is people without roots or care. I mean what are those monuments but just some piece of walls to scratch their names on. A place to spit upon

I get your point, i really do....but to open up that can of worms will be a painful subject,it will be true but still can incite hatred against our muslim bretherens...i mean a 10nth class student reading this will atleast for a moment will have hate rushing through his veins against Muslims, its just rational, and thats not good.We can i agree cover it in a very political manner by glazing over large portions.......the hindus of this nation have a very bloody history of suppression , destruction and killings by then invaders, and subsequent muslim rulers......the truth is too inflammatory for a 10nt class kid,, too bitter too hateful.
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I get your point, i really do....but to open up that can of worms will be a painful subject,it will be true but still can incite hatred against our muslim bretherens...i mean a 10nth class student reading this will atleast for a moment will have hate rushing through his veins against Muslims, its just rational, and thats not good.We can i agree cover it in a very political manner by glazing over large portions.......the hindus of this nation have a very bloody history of suppression , destruction and killings by then invaders, and subsequent muslim rulers......the truth is too inflammatory for a 10nt class kid,, too bitter too hateful.

The native Indians learn about their history. The Germans and Israelis learn about their history. The rest of the world gets to learn about their history. The point of history is to learn from it and ensure it never repeats again. We by wiping out the Hindu history and glorifying the Muslim history are preparing our people for a repeat holocaust. Already the state propaganda of Hindu bad Muslim good has many people even questioning idol worship and embrace beef eating. So the options given to us are riots and killing at a future date by a Muslim population which is already incapable of self-reflection and high on hubris or general embrace of Islam since Hinduism is so primitive religion.
I am not trolling. But answering some of the posts in this thread. Some of the posts talked about how Islamic Rulers ransacked Banaras. These rulers were not Islamic. They were anti-Islam, in their activities.

I wanted to make it clearer what Islamic teachings are. In Islamic Law, it is STRICTLY illegal to damage in anyway the religious sties of other religions.
So the people who killed muhammad grand son in Karbla were not Muslims or umayyads what are you talking about they even killed 6 months old infant grandson of Ali' in that battle and you are tlking about Islam and peace
Thank you for data on ahilya bai holkar, i didn't know about this woman.Very pleased to read.Always thought mahadaji scindia was the best of the late marathas.
I didn't know all those Majestic Ghats at the bank of Ganga were built by Marathas

At One point of time .. Maratha were ruler of almost entire West,central and north India. the rulers of Baroda, Gwalior, etc were Maratha.

I hope Varanasi elects a person who has the experience of transforming a dying river to one of the most beautiful river fronts in India

I amd sorry to say ..but people of Varanasi are equally responsible for the sorry state of Varanasi. They have zero civic sense :(
Are there adequate public toilets built around the ghats for that amount of crowds? When was the last time the city had a facelift? Agreed people have no civic sense. That happens when people have no pride or sense of belonging. This achievement has been due to our great socialist experiment where everything associated with Hindu religion has been deemed as bad. All our history wiped out of people's consciousness. A people without knowledge of self or pride in their heritage, why will they care? Another thing the general poverty of these places.
Posturing aside, we have a chapter there. If you are willing, I will inform you when there is a new drive over there. :D
But no naming and shaming :yay:

4. At least 5 more attacks were faced by this city. -
by -
Feroz Shah Tughlaq
Shangi Kings of Jaunpur (not sure about them) :(
Sikander Lodhi
Shah Jahan (so what he built the Taj Mahal :P)

Jaunpur is 55 Km from Varanasi

The Jaunpur sultanate was an independent kingdom of northern India between 1394 to 1479, whose rulers ruled from Jaunpur or Jounpoor in the present day state of Uttar Pradesh. The Jaunpur sultanate was ruled by the Sharqi dynasty - 1394 to 1479.
I hope Varanasi elects a person who has the experience of transforming a dying river to one of the most beautiful river fronts in India

I too hope this,to see the state of the ganges-the mother of indian civilization is heartbreaking.We need to seriously consider this issue.
Plain and simple scaremongering by a rabid communal Hindutvavaadi. A threat to the "Idea of India" and secularism.

Topic, Bhai saab : Kashi se lekar Ayodhya aur Deoghar se lekar Vaishali tak, Temples were targeted all along the thousand years of Islamic rule.
That I am. :tup: I have never made two bones about it :D it's been there in my 'About Me' right from the start. :devil:

I am not trolling. But answering some of the posts in this thread. Some of the posts talked about how Islamic Rulers ransacked Banaras. These rulers were not Islamic. They were anti-Islam, in their activities.

I wanted to make it clearer what Islamic teachings are. In Islamic Law, it is STRICTLY illegal to damage in anyway the religious sties of other religions.
You may want to tell that to the Muslims in Benaras. They regularly go to these 'Illegal' mosques to pray. You will be branded as the most communal on Earth.

Jaunpur is 55 Km from Varanasi

The Jaunpur sultanate was an independent kingdom of northern India between 1394 to 1479, whose rulers ruled from Jaunpur or Jounpoor in the present day state of Uttar Pradesh. The Jaunpur sultanate was ruled by the Sharqi dynasty - 1394 to 1479.
Oh, from the 'Kings' I thought this was some raiding Hindu king. :ashamed:

I hope Varanasi elects a person who has the experience of transforming a dying river to one of the most beautiful river fronts in India
I see what you did there :D :devil:

O.K accepted muslims are our saviours....now please leave this thread.

I get your point, i really do....but to open up that can of worms will be a painful subject,it will be true but still can incite hatred against our muslim bretherens...i mean a 10nth class student reading this will atleast for a moment will have hate rushing through his veins against Muslims, its just rational, and thats not good.We can i agree cover it in a very political manner by glazing over large portions.......the hindus of this nation have a very bloody history of suppression , destruction and killings by then invaders, and subsequent muslim rulers......the truth is too inflammatory for a 10nt class kid,, too bitter too hateful.
Not really. The holocaust is taught to kids all over Europe, within class 10. How many anti German hate crimes happen?
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Will the Muslims of Varanasi have any problems to see the river transformed or will they vote for a gunda in jail or a 49 day bhagoda?
I too hope this,to see the state of the ganges-the mother of indian civilization is heartbreaking.We need to seriously consider this issue.

That whole region has gone to the dogs sadly. Haridwar is also in a bad condition.
That whole region has gone to the dogs sadly. Haridwar is also in a bad condition.
But far better than vanarasi ..... ganga water still bathable in haridwar n haridwar is much cleaner than vanarasi. ...........
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