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Varanasi - Medieval History

He just mentioned the issue - he wrote what he saw. Everybody knows the pollution of a river is entirely due to industrial waste. Point is that this has remained unchecked. And that is a national shame.

Point is that is not what registers in the common people's mind. The river cleaning campaign has entirely focused on propagating a narration that Hindus are spoiling their rivers.
It's not due to money. It's basic civic sense. You haven't seen people defecating openly in public ghats? Well, I have. When someone has a plastic bag in their hand, they just throw it in a random place. This betrays a complete lack of basic cleanliness.

Are there adequate public toilets built around the ghats for that amount of crowds? When was the last time the city had a facelift? Agreed people have no civic sense. That happens when people have no pride or sense of belonging. This achievement has been due to our great socialist experiment where everything associated with Hindu religion has been deemed as bad. All our history wiped out of people's consciousness. A people without knowledge of self or pride in their heritage, why will they care? Another thing the general poverty of these places.

well the want to preserve hindu heritage with Har Har Mahadit and violence against 15% of their OWN country [ indian Muslims ]

indian Muslims gave india civilization. They gave india Taj Mahal, the symbol of Love.

It was no one else but the Muslims, who brought Love to India. That is why you find Sufis ALL OVER India, in every NOOK and Corner.

They gave Heer Ranjha too! Another symbol of love. :omghaha:

Oh damn this is hilarious. We had Radha-Krishna and Ram-Sita to speak about love long before Islam was born. So really there is a limit to moronery.

They gave india Taj Mahal, the symbol of Love.

They milked the people dry to build a mausoleum, a building of no use for any other purpose. How vain can one be? And love? Shah Jahan had dozens of wives and a harem of over 5000 women. Some love really.
Nonsense. All our religious sites are in bad shape due to neglect and the govt takeover of the temples. Mathura, Varanasi, Brindavan none of these are exceptions.

Ganga does not get spoiled due to 80 bodies being creamated on its ghats everyday. This is the river with the greatest discharge of water on planet Earth after the Amazon river. Traveling over the Himalayas it carries millions of tons of forest debris and silt. So what is a few thousand people bathing in it or a few hundred bodies ashes immersed in it. Do not know how many dead bodies are floated in it, but guess it will not be more than 2-3 a day. For that huge a river this is nothing.

The river is polluted primarily because all the cities on its course discharge their effluents in it including all the industrial zone toxins along the way. Add untreated sewage water to it.

It has become popular to just attack some rituals on the River by Hindus, but everything used in the Hindu ritual is organic. Flowers, leaves, coconuts, these are supposed to be the major pollutants according to our ignoramuses.

Cremation on Ghats[edit]

Cremations in progress at Manikarnika Ghat, Varanasi.
In Hindu traditions, cremation is one of the rites of passage and the Ghats of Varanasi are considered one of the auspicious locations for this ritual.[2] At the time of the cremation or "last rites," a "Puja" (prayer) is performed. Hymns and mantras are recited during cremation to mark the ritual. The Manikarnika and Harishchandra Ghats are dedicated to the cremation ritual. Annually, less than 2 in 1000 people who die in India, or 25,000 to 30,000 bodies are cremated on various Varanasi Ghats; about an average of 80 per day. This practice has become controversial for the pollution it causes to the river.[3] In 1980s, the Government of India funded a Clean Ganga initiative, to address cremation and other sources of pollution along the Ghats of Varanasi. In many cases, the cremation is done elsewhere and only the ashes are dispersed into the river near these Ghats.[4]

Pollution of Ghats[edit]
Untreated sewage in a pervasive source of river pollution in India. City municipal waste and untreated sewage is the largest source of pollution of Ganges river near the Ghats of Varanasi.[5]

The religious sites in Banaras and the Gurus sitting there are well funded by millions of indians donating money by the hundreds of billions every year all over india, in hindu temples and sanctuaries.

I can post hundreds of videos from youtube, about funding. This is evidence that corruption is rampant in indian hindu temples as gurus and sadhus care about nothing but their own bellies and mansion in general
The religious sites in Banaras and the Gurus sitting there are well funded by millions of indians donating money by the hundreds of billions every year all over india, in hindu temples and sanctuaries.

I can post hundreds of videos from youtube, about funding. This is evidence that corruption is rampant indian hindu temples as gurus and sadhus care about nothing but their own bellies and mansion in general

This is utter falsehood. The monies gotten by religious sites are taken by the govt. The civic infrastructure is crumbling because the govt does not plow back the money in these places. About the cheats and the frauds in these sites, it is not the religions fault. The general state of the country and unemployment was so bad that uneducated or even educated youth had to resort to trickery and fraud as babas to survive. So chalk it up to India poverty.
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Plain and simple scaremongering by a rabid communal Hindutvavaadi. A threat to the "Idea of India" and secularism.
@SarthakGanguly You should be ashamed of yourself..

@ Topic, Bhai saab : Kashi se lekar Ayodhya aur Deoghar se lekar Vaishali tak, Temples were targeted all along the thousand years of Islamic rule.
It's a shame that such an important and wonderful historic city is an utter mess today. I went to Varanasi in 2005 and wanted to get the hell out of there asap.
The most beautiful place in india, the symbol of love, is Kashmir Valley, and it is 94% Muslim

Banaras itself has a major Muslim population, and these Muslims live peacefully with their hindu indian brethren in Banaras

indians are a united people

Muslims in Banaras!

Plain and simple scaremongering by a rabid communal Hindutvavaadi. A threat to the "Idea of India" and secularism.
@SarthakGanguly You should be ashamed of yourself..

@ Topic, Bhai saab : Kashi se lekar Ayodhya aur Deoghar se lekar Vaishali tak, Temples were targeted all along the thousand years of Islamic rule.

temples were targeted by kings and politicians, and those who violated Islamic Law, not by Muslims who followed Islamic Law.

The central idea of Islam is Tolerance, and No Compulsion in religion. In Islam it is sin to insult other religions, or attack their religious sites.

If Muslim rulers wanted they could have finished off every hindu from india, but it was the Sufi Muslims, who made the vast majority of the Muslims in india, that upheld Islamic Law, and kept these rulers in check.
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many people may not know the origin of the name varanasi .....
so, here I will revel it......
there are two river which flow through the river named Varuna and Asi....and hence the name of Varanasi was given to the city....
Kashi is the fav. place of Lord Shiva....and Baba Vishwanath temple is there.....
there are 80 ghats on the bank of ganges and the legend story about Raja Harishchanda being working as a Dom(the person who deal with dead bodies) was being plotted here.....
its one of the oldest continuous inhabited cities of the world..... may be according to stats the city was first inhabited in 12-14 century BC....may be much older than what we think.....
its one of the holiest places for hindus in the world...and one of the places where u will really feel the power of Gods...flowing in the world......really astonishing and energy filled place......
though many temples were plundered and many were massacred...but yet this city continued its journey and will continue to do so.....
temples were targeted by kings and politicians, and those who violated Islamic Law, not by Muslims who followed Islamic Law.


Thats why I said Islamic rule not Muslims. I should have mentioned Muslim rulers to be more politically correct.
well they want to preserve hindu heritage with Har Har Mahadit and violence against 15% of their OWN country [ indian Muslims ]

indian Muslims gave india civilization. They gave india Taj Mahal, the symbol of Love.

It was no one else but the Muslims, who brought Love to India. That is why you find Sufis ALL OVER India, in every NOOK and Corner.

They gave Heer Ranjha too! Another symbol of love. :omghaha:
okay.... muslims brought love to india.....now I want to have that love in my life......
help me to find one from multan.......:omghaha::omghaha:
Thats why I said Islamic rule not Muslims. I should have mentioned Muslim rulers to be more politically correct.

If Ghaznawi destroyed Somnath Temple, then he went against Islamic teachings.

It is a direct order in Shariah Law [ a general word for Islamic Law ], to protect and to not to damage the religious sites of other peoples in war.

To insult another religion is a great sin in Islamic Law.

Most of these Muslim rulers were not practicing Muslims. They were marauders, power, and money hungry kings, killers, and bad people.

Thats why I said Islamic rule not Muslims. I should have mentioned Muslim rulers to be more politically correct.

it was not Islamic rule. It was rule of kings and rulers, who happened to be Muslims.

The Islamic religion does not teach destroying of the religious places of other religions.
If Ghaznawi destroyed Somnath Temple, then he went against Islamic teachings.

It is a direct order in Shariah Law [ a general word for Islamic Law ], to protect and to not to damage the religious sites of other peoples in war.

To insult another religion is a great sin in Islamic Law.

Most of these Muslim rulers were not practicing Muslims. They were marauders, power, and money hungry kings, killers, and bad people.

it was not Islamic rule. It was rule of kings and rulers, who happened to be Muslims.

The Islamic religion does not teach destroying of the religious places of other religions.

Bhai why are you trolling , please stick to the topic . If you want , you can open a new thread where we can discuss Shria law and its implications. What happened in past is past . We are new nation with new face don't bring your islamic teachings in this thread.

I liked how you showed that Muslims live in Banaras in peaceful coexistence. Apart from that you are just trolling.

If you have something good to share then please go ahead or else please leave this thread .(Kind request)
Bhai why are you trolling , please stick to the topic . If you want , you can open a new thread where we can discuss Shria law and its implications. What happened in past is past . We are new nation with new face don't bring your islamic teachings in this thread.

I liked how you showed that Muslims live in Banaras in peaceful coexistence. Apart from that you are just trolling.

If you have something good to share then please go ahead or else please leave this thread .(Kind request)

I am not trolling. But answering some of the posts in this thread. Some of the posts talked about how Islamic Rulers ransacked Banaras. These rulers were not Islamic. They were anti-Islam, in their activities.

I wanted to make it clearer what Islamic teachings are. In Islamic Law, it is STRICTLY illegal to damage in anyway the religious sties of other religions.
Our History books are a socialist marxists social engineering project to turn black into white. All Hindu heroes are villains and all Muslim villains are heroes.

No man our books are so damp that they do not even have a hero or a villian...and its probably for the good.
No man our books are so damp that they do not even have a hero or a villian...and its probably for the good.

It robs Indians of their history. All those sacrifices, all of it for nothing. You rob people of their history and identity, all you will get is people without roots or care. I mean what are those monuments but just some piece of walls to scratch their names on. A place to spit upon.
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