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Varanasi court allows ASI survey of Gyanvapi Mosque, located next to Kashi Vishwanath Temple

It is not surprising that members of a depraved society are so excited at the prospect of demolishing another Muslim Mosque. Their excitement can barely be concealed at yet another opportunity to terrorize the Muslims.

Of course, none of those pontificating about temples and the "right to worship", ever bothered to learn a few facts.

1. The Kashi Vishwanath temple exists - It was built by Maharani of Holkar. Hindus regularly visit it to worship.

2. The place where the Gyan Vyapi mosque now stands, was a temple. It was destroyed by Aurangzeb on the request of the King of Nepal whose daughter was raped by the temple priests during her visit there. Members of the deprave society will surely relate to this.

Not demolish....move and improve.
It is not surprising that members of a depraved society are so excited at the prospect of demolishing another Muslim Mosque. Their excitement can barely be concealed at yet another opportunity to terrorize the Muslims.

Of course, none of those pontificating about temples and the "right to worship", ever bothered to learn a few facts.

1. The Kashi Vishwanath temple exists - It was built by Maharani of Holkar. Hindus regularly visit it to worship.

2. The place where the Gyan Vyapi mosque now stands, was a temple. It was destroyed by Aurangzeb on the request of the King of Nepal whose daughter was raped by the temple priests during her visit there. Members of the deprave society will surely relate to this.
a) Do you know the meaning of Gyan Vyapi ????
b) You are free to teach which Quranic Verses include the name Gyan Vyapi.
c) Just FYI whole Banaras is known as the land of Baba Vishwanath
It has been used as a mosque by Indian Muslims for many centuries what is the point of upsetting our fellow Indians. Let the past be we are moving in the right direction as a strong democratic country with many faiths and languages. What is the point of this it will only make the Muslim community worry and feel like the state is against them. As a Sikh if a gurdwara was knocked down that we had been using for hundreds of years because in the past it was a mandir it would piss me off
It always comes down to might is right...doesn't matter what garb is draped over it nowadays "democracy" or "secularism" or whatever. At least before the modern times during monarchies...they owned their "might is right" approach...
...in any case...not my country...not my problem.
How dare you show the mirror, and seems like Aurangzeb really missed the right temple and just demolished the side one .
Regarding ISIS in the real Islamic world, Indian Muslims just clean the toilets. seems like no one respect the converts in real Islamic Arabic world
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Not surprising to see Islamists rushing to twist facts without recognizing that Maharani of Holkar only made the temple next to the land considered sacred. The land that was blocked by Aurangzeb to Hindus by building a mosque on the same spot.

They probably celebrate the act by Aurangzeb and his spiritual successor, ISIS. Regardless, they can no longer influence India.

I wonder if the land became sacred for you when the priests decided to rape a Nepalese princess. That's par for the depraved society you belong to.
The temple is already gone

Just build it on some waste ground somewhere else

Why attack the historical sites of Indian Muslims

The mosque is IN USE,

Tell me what does Indian law say about in use religious sites?
It has less to do whether mosque should be removed or not.

If the temple is proven to have been existed then the land belongs to the temple committee.

The court will be deciding about the land ,once the temple gets it ,temple will be rebuilt & mosque will be relocated as it should be.
a) Do you know the meaning of Gyan Vyapi ????
b) You are free to teach which Quranic Verses include the name Gyan Vyapi.
c) Just FYI whole Banaras is known as the land of Baba Vishwanath

All I know is that your depraved society wants the land back because years earlier your priests raped a Nepalese princess there.
I wonder if the land became sacred for you when the priests decided to rape a Nepalese princess. That's par for the depraved society you belong to.

What does it matter what the priests did? We are talking about the temple. Those priests and that crime vanished long ago.
What does it matter what the priests did? We are talking about the temple. Those priests and that crime vanished long ago.

Not an unexpected answer from a society where rape is considered a past time.
What does it matter what the priests did? We are talking about the temple. Those priests and that crime vanished long ago.
Aurangzeb and his demolition of temple "vanished long ago" :enjoy:

...relax..I'm not debating u...just using ur reasoning against u...plz don't reply.
Temples belonging to Dalits Saints, which offer alternative Brahmanism-free worship , are also demolished by BJP with impunity

Dalit Saint Ravidas was Punjabi, 32% of Punjab is Dalit. Dalit Punjabi Sikhs are called ' Mazhabis ' Sikhs

Watch an Angry Dalit Leader give warning to 15% Upper caste HIndus, vows to stop Ram mandir construction and drive them out of India

Curious if members of the depraved society ever tried to rebuild these temples.
If it is proved that the mosque was built on a temple, then the mosque should be relocated.

Let me guess....you are an AAP supporter. A Sanghi with no stomach for the blood and gore that comes with the BJP?

Why is the land so important? Because a rape was committed there and you want to build a temple to honor the crime?
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