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Van Jones on Muslims: "Model American Community", "Geniuses from Pakistan"


Oct 31, 2009
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United States

Here's CNN analyst Van Jones talking about the ill-effects of Islamophobia in America:

"Honestly, if a Muslim family moved next door to you, you would be the happiest person in the world. First of all, the chances of your kids getting into trouble just went way down. OK, went way down.

Because (American) Muslim community has the lowest crime rate, the highest entrepreneurship, the highest educational attainment for women in the country (US). They are the model American community.

And so, when you have people who are now afraid to come here--that's starting to happen--you have geniuses from Pakistan, who are from Indonesia, who now (think to themselves) "I'm not safe here".

That becomes an economic problem for America long term. So that we're starting to do stuff here that doesn't make good sense for what has made us great so far."

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The muslim community in America is way better integrated into mainstream society than in some other countries in western Europe. It's also not a homogeneous monolith, the Somalis being a tight knit bunch in their communities, they are different from Pakistanis, who in turn are not Iranians or Arabs or etc.

Good so far, but it'll change rapidly if they throw open their borders to millions of young "refugee" men from Syria etc, it's not exactly going smoothly for Germany or Sweden and co.

Given that, I think Trump has the right idea to not import a hateful foreign ideology that some groups might risk bringing in. For the rest, they're an advanced society, muslims, or any other ethnic or religious minority don't have any reason for concern. Expect a barrage of fake leftist news trying to smear Trump and his supporters though
I always liked Van Jones. He was a pleasure to listen to during the election season. The American Muslim community is indeed doing pretty well. But opinions on Muslims aren't always positive in certain sections of the country. There's not much we can do about that. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, though.
LOL so as Van Jones said something Pakistani American lives will change. From 60s - 90s Pakistan lost the best of the brains like doctors engineers scientists most important contributors were doctors like Dr ommaya [inventor neurosurgeon omaya tube] nuclear scientists mujaddid Ijaz, ekbal ahmed michael chowdry (buttar caste founded Atlas Air) plus many corrupt Pakistani dacoits and agents also transfered most of their capital to US and died there. When Pakistani migration drive was at its peak it was said that these Pakistanis will help give clout to Pak in US and promote muslim culture rofl.

Today most of those 'doctors' are dead and their children are not even muslim one can visit Illinois, Brooklyn, NY, Virginia and see their pitiful existence, doubt they even consider themselves Pakistani. There was a journo Deborah Feyerick who still is working she is only one who reported the secretive detentions, deportations of Pakistanis in 2001 and 2002. The stupid dream turned into nightmare and Pakistanis saw what America is after that. It used them and them flushed them out. To this day no one has the figures of how many Pakistanis were deported with charges of being illegal immigrants only.

Most of those so-called Pakistani have lost their next generation marrying to local americans and hindus (as indian migration quadrupled and continued) and now badmouth PAkistan as well as their religion for putting them in this place hahahahahaha. as though it was Pakistan's fault for their greed to short term goals now they suffer. Know a couple whose daughter does'nt see them for 5 years now they continue to spew crap blaming everybody else but themselves and sorry state compared to their brother who decided to stay in Pakistan and actually is living 'better life' with his children compared to them.
I always liked Van Jones. He was a pleasure to listen to during the election season. The American Muslim community is indeed doing pretty well. But opinions on Muslims aren't always positive in certain sections of the country. There's not much we can do about that. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, though.
You didn't think his "whitelash" comment was racist ?
Today most of those 'doctors' are dead and their children are not even muslim

Most present-day Pakistani Americans aren't Muslims?

Almost all of them are Muslims. Try attending a mosque during Jumma prayer. Pakistanis make up the largest group of American Muslims, and have quite a bit of representation in mosques and Islamic organizations across the country, where they often make up the single biggest nationality.

one can visit Illinois, Brooklyn, NY, Virginia and see their pitiful existence, doubt they even consider themselves Pakistani.

Cities like New York and Chicago are often the landing point of new Pakistani immigrants, just as they are for other immigrants. So naturally, poverty rates tend to be much higher there. Move outside these cities, however, and the Pakistani American community is doing quite well, including in Virginia where Asian Americans of all ethnicities are thriving.

In fact, they're doing better than most Americans, on average:

1. Pakistani Americans have a median household income of $61,890 vs. $53,046 for all Americans.

2. 54% of Pakistani Americans have a Bachelor's degree or higher vs 30% for all Americans:



3. A majority of Pakistani Americans own their own homes---55%

4. Only about 1% of Pakistani Americans households are on public assistance:



The stupid dream turned into nightmare and Pakistanis saw what America is after that. It used them and them flushed them out.

No, their dreams were realized, and their numbers are growing rapidly as a result:


And, they're still immigrating as well:

Muslims Recieving Green Cards .png


Most of those so-called Pakistani have lost their next generation marrying to local americans and hindus (as indian migration quadrupled and continued)

Muslim Americans have among the lowest rates of intermarriage in the US. And they're not marrying Hindus, but mostly Christians (′Ahl al-Kitab). In fact, Hindus have the lowest rates of intermarriage of any group:

Religious Switching- Change in America's Religion Landscape  Pew Research Center.png


and now badmouth PAkistan as well as their religion for putting them in this place hahahahahaha. as though it was Pakistan's fault for their greed to short term goals now they suffer.

We're doing quite well, thank you. I have no idea what you're ranting about. Maybe some older Pakistani immigrants like @rabzonkhan @meengla and @riazhaq can clear up your misconceptions.
You didn't think his "whitelash" comment was racist ?

@Avicenna you must be high. Perhaps you should just continue watching the liberal trainwreck 'YoungTurds'.

Van jones is a racist emotional punk. Yes what he said was without a doubt racist. We can only imagine if after Obaba won the election some white guy went on national television and said it was a 'blacklash' against American :lol:

Democrats and their obsession with religion and race.

Reminds me of the other CNN comintator that said 'we don't need anymore white people leading the Democratic Party' image if a white person said that about blacks.

Of course Liberals are some of the most racist people; however, they like to point the finger at others and make up racism where none exists. Liberal defense mechanism...if you don't agree with someone, call them racist, if that doesn't work start racial attacks. Preach tolerance but start violent riots, talk about rights and free speech but try to ban and silence others from exercising their free speech.
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You didn't think his "whitelash" comment was racist ?

If in 2008, any white political commentator on national TV had said the overwhelming majority of blacks who voted for President Obama was the result of a"Blacklash" he/she would have been almost immediately been branded a racist by many.

At the very least, his comment would have been widely condemned and called racist. again, by many

There are some who will stick their heads in the proverbial sand about this. But unfortunately, many of us know this is exactly what would have happened if the shoe were on the other foot.
Not high buddy. Just observant to the racism that was brought out of people by having a black president for the last 8 years. The election of Trump did have tones of a white backlash to the changing demographics and structure of the US. Living in rural Texas as a highly educated professional, I can't tell you the ridiculous amounts of racism I have witnessed towards Obama and his wife.
Not high buddy. Just observant to the racism that was brought out of people by having a black president for the last 8 years. The election of Trump did have tones of a white backlash to the changing demographics and structure of the US. Living in rural Texas as a highly educated professional, I can't tell you the ridiculous amounts of racism I have witnessed towards Obama and his wife.
ever faced any yourself ?

maybe the hate for Obama is political, not racial.
Not high buddy. Just observant to the racism that was brought out of people by having a black president for the last 8 years. The election of Trump did have tones of a white backlash to the changing demographics and structure of the US. Living in rural Texas as a highly educated professional, I can't tell you the ridiculous amounts of racism I have witnessed towards Obama and his wife.

Statical data does not support your liberal conspiracy theory. Looking at the number, the vast majority of the US is white and voted for Obama...twice. Interestingly enough many of the Trump voters that are labeled as racists are the same people that voted for Obama. Also a high number of hispanics voted for Trump, one national poll stated that 29% of Hispanics voted for Trump and 38% of people that were mixed race or "other" voted Trump.

You like to play the liberal race card. In your mind there is a racist hiding under every rock.
Actually I'm not a liberal at all. And I don't like to see things in the liberal/ conservative dichotomy. I'm only calling it as I see it.

ever faced any yourself ?

maybe the hate for Obama is political, not racial.

I have witnessed anti Muslim sentiment personally.

As for Obama, the hate is mostly racial. the major politically based gripe was based on higher insurance premiums which I can understand.
Actually I'm not a liberal at all. And I don't like to see things in the liberal/ conservative dichotomy. I'm only calling it as I see it.

Again statistics destroy your claim and 90% of the things the mainstream media says about Trump are an outright lie or taken out of context. Last time I checked it was Trump supporters getting physically assaulted and verbally abused by having racial slurs slung at them by the pieceful, totally not racist, liberals....
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