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Uyghurs who fled from China shared her experience.

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Individual stories on western media are very unreliable, everyone has their version of a story to tell, but if Xinjiang is what the western media claimed, it can never be developing and progressing so fast all across the board, tell me one example in the world history to prove me wrong.
And Xinjiang is very peaceful with zero terrorism, how can that be possible if China acts that bad based on your media? where there is an oppression, there is a revolt, it's always true in whatever countries in the world history. Most law enforced officers in Xinjiang are local Uighurs as well, they are well equipped and armed by the government, why none of them ever turned their guns against the government if China persecuted their people so much? it is just so illogical.
the only purpose of this propaganda from India for somehow make some sort of misunderstanding between China & Pakistan...
Punjab population : 110,000,000
Balochistan population : 12,000,000

Does this make sense to you now?

this should be in favour of balochistan then anything else, less population means more resources per capita and not the other way around.

that gentleman @Max is talking about the trade surplus china enjoys . which is a valid point . china must endeavor to set up factories and industries inside pakistan and hire and train pakistani people and then export the finished goods from pakistan to the world .
That's exactly what China is doing, together with Pakistan.
You're either talking through your nose or you're totally ignorant of the ground realities.
I can show you a bunch of videos and articles showing China is always trying to do so, but you can always deny something you don't want to accept. I personally know some engineers used to work in Pakistan and some middle eastern countries, they don't really want to go there, but in order to ensure the smooth operation of those projects, the government pay them handsome bonus money to go, but they still try all options not be sending there, they tell me working in that region is like serving prison terms.
I can show you a bunch of videos and articles showing China is always trying to do so, but you can always deny something you don't want to accept. I personally know some engineers used to work in Pakistan and some middle eastern countries, they don't really want to go there, but in order to ensure the smooth operation of those projects, the government pay them handsome bonus money to go, but they still try all options not be sending there, they tell me working in that region is like serving prison terms.

Instead of your government funding an engineering college in Pakistan to benefit both Pakistan and China (CPEC being a long term project), it insists on exporting Chinese engineers who have to be kept away from the local people due to certain unacceptable cultural behaviour by them. Just recently the Sindh government has pointed out that it is cheaper and more efficient to deal with Japan rather than China in the financing of a railway extension project which was supposed to be funded by China in terms of the CPEC project. The fact is that the project is becoming totally one sided where China refuses to take any risks at all whilst benefiting heftily from the project
Instead of your government funding an engineering college in Pakistan to benefit both Pakistan and China (CPEC being a long term project), it insists on exporting Chinese engineers who have to be kept away from the local people due to certain unacceptable cultural behaviour by them. Just recently the Sindh government has pointed out that it is cheaper and more efficient to deal with Japan rather than China in the financing of a railway extension project which was supposed to be funded by China in terms of the CPEC project. The fact is that the project is becoming totally one sided where China refuses to take any risks at all whilst benefiting heftily from the project
China sponsors more Pakistani students studying in China than students from any other countries. If Japan or any other countries can fund projects in Pakistan, it's an extremely good thing, we fully support that, the more , the merrier.
You can pretend what ever you want, but a rat can not roar like a lion.

It's never been about the physical but the mental state, even a rat can defeat a lion if he's brave enough.

Stop degrading our nation, if we are weak help us get strong do not forget just 60 years ago China was in even more of a pathetic state than we are now with over half the nation under the control of the Japanese and later communist Russia.

They got strong by valuing their dignity and culture and they did it without anyone's help.

A Chinese would never call his nation a rat, you did.
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Instead of your government funding an engineering college in Pakistan to benefit both Pakistan and China (CPEC being a long term project), it insists on exporting Chinese engineers who have to be kept away from the local people due to certain unacceptable cultural behaviour by them. Just recently the Sindh government has pointed out that it is cheaper and more efficient to deal with Japan rather than China in the financing of a railway extension project which was supposed to be funded by China in terms of the CPEC project. The fact is that the project is becoming totally one sided where China refuses to take any risks at all whilst benefiting heftily from the project

Every country has the right to look for their own best interests stop blaming the Chinese and fight for your own self interest better, no love is selfless even the mother who mentors her offsprings have hidden interests that one day her children would grow up and take care of her in her old age, no doubt China is our ally and our cultural, historical, strategical and world interest are totally aligned but even China our closest ally will try to take advantage of us if we allow it ultimately it falls down to us to show to them and to the world that we are a dignified nation worthy of respect at the world stage with better laws and systems.
Are you saying that Pakistan is the rat and China is the lion??

Straight up traitor level stuff you're saying here buddy...

No i did not call Pakistan rat, the comment was towards the member... however you can interpret it what ever way you want to.

The PLA hasn't fought a war in a long time whereas the PA is very battle hardened. I'm not saying that there would be a Pak-China war but at least choose your words carefully.
ok, where have i ever disrespected the military? Infact military is the only institution which is functioning properly.

I mean not that much but yea, they won't treat us like slaves or inferiors.

As much as I like China/its people, CPEC isn't giving Pakistan the benefits (yet) it was promised.

No one will treat you like slaves if you dont beg around for help!
Ask mazdor pakistani in KSA how they get treated by muslim brothers and ask pakistanis workers how they get treated in China.
It's one billion now by US vice president. You can believe whatever you want, at least we have the support of Pakistani government, you, as an individual, wants to come to Xinjiang to save your so called millions of brothers and sisters? Do you know how many your "brothers and sister" are being daily bombed and killed in the middle east? What did you do for them?
Your using fallacies to push your baseless arguments forward. Saying that since muslims are dying in the middle east, china has the right to kill muslims too. This is what you are implying.

And then they will take that money back from us once we turn against china.
If your too dumb to fall that down the hole yes. You sound like someone that doesn't understands any politics or how much power pakistan has. Infact you should move to china since its Pakistan is so weak and China is so powerful. Maybe you'll be lucky enough for the chinese to put you into their concentration camps.
As of right now, China is gaining all the benefits.

Our economy is still in the shitholes but we have given China access to the Arab world, Africa and Europe as well as covering their backside and giving them a alternative route for oil/gas shipment. Instead of the Malacca/South China Sea route which would be blockaded during wartime.

cut the bullcr@p. warm water access my foot. how much has this "warmwater" access bull2hit contributed to Chinese growth? not even 5%!
You sound like Afghanis demanding its importance fromPakistan...

Anything that is "forced" will be meet by equal response that'll create a negative feedback loop. It's a downhill battle.

Look at the Soviet Union....it tried to suppress Islam and now it's broken up and we have multiple Islamic countries in its place.
So if Soiet was against Islam and Muslims then why are their still so many Muslims in Russia?

If China continues to suppress and persecute the Uyghurs, they'll have a full blown rebellion on their hands.
They would be already out in streets like Kashmiris who are actually persecuted.
On the other hand, you advocating for your Muslim brothers and sisters to be "forced" to do anything is a very shitty behavior. You should be ashamed of such speech. :angry:

This is what i wrote earlier...

coming back to China. yes they maybe committing crimes against muslim population but defiantly not even 20% of what is being portrayed in western and indian media. A million people to go missing or be held captive against their will CAN NOT GO UNNOTICED in today's world!
Same thing what Ataturk did with last generation of ottoman people or early stage of Turkey. even though i am not ataturk supporter but today's modern Turkey would not exist without ataturk's reform plans which were STRICT towards Muslims and Islam.

As for India.. Just think about it.... India requires almost half a million troops just to control Kashmiri population... Their is Indian police in almost every corner of street in Kashmir and how many troops has China deployed in streets of Uyghurs?? exactly... Brutal force is only required where people are rebellious and only Kashmiris suffer atrocity under tyrant Indian rule. If Uyghurs were feeling as much threatened they would be out in streets like Kashmiris without fearing consequences.

Have you ever seen a Chinese speak against another Chinese?? You on the other hand are fighting with 2 (if not more) Pakis on this thread right now...forget about what you said to do with Uyghurs...:tdown:

In case you have not missed but do check my username.... myth-buster.... I dont care which paart of the world you are from but i just dont buy pack of mythical lies from anybody... and i dont care if it hurts someones egos.
Muslim world used to like China compared to western countries but its not the case anymore, I warned Chinese here on PDF multiple times that their suspected actions (non transparency) against Uyghurs is creating hostility among 1.6 billion Muslims.

as for Iron brother, well its govt thing or you can say propaganda on both sides and its true that both Govt have stood for each other since last 60 years, but its also reality that we dont share culture with east Asia, We are closer to Afghans, Indian Punjabis and occupied Kashmirs, Iranian Balochs then we would ever be with China.
North Indians too we share culture with

So if Soiet was against Islam and Muslims then why are their still so many Muslims in Russia?
Lol do read what happened to Muslims in Soviet Union
Your using fallacies to push your baseless arguments forward. Saying that since muslims are dying in the middle east, china has the right to kill muslims too. This is what you are implying.
How many Muslims did China kill? How many are dying in China? Average life expectancy in Xinjiang is the highest in central and south Asia.
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