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Uyghurs who fled from China shared her experience.

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We respect Pakistan's sovereignty and never tries to meddle in Pakistan's internal affairs, we simply hope Pakistan can reciprocate and respect ours.

i only said more transparency would help Chinese standing in the Muslim world. can you show me a single line where i supporter separatism in China against Chinese sovereignty?
Have some pride and dignity. dont be such a slut, even Chinese would be laughing at your low self esteem.

Is this how you talk to your mother when she does not agree with you?

Yeah. before China Pakistan never had an economy and Air Force, Your mighty Chinese lords gave us everything.. as i said you need dose of dignity and pride more then Chinese loan.

No one is saying we should cut ties with China or do any harm to China, i only said if China want to win Information warfare, it can only win by being transparent in its actions.

Dont live in the past, live in present. and btw in the past Pakistan relied on US for weapon and economy until they were betrayed by US and now the new master is China.
Hate it or love it you just got to accept the reality and if you dont like it then change it.. and pounding on keyboard does not change reality. so good luck.
i only said more transparency would help Chinese standing in the Muslim world. can you show me a single line where i supporter separatism in China against Chinese sovereignty?
It'a still kind of a tone telling China what she should do over her internal affairs,China and Pakistan should respect each others internal affairs and avoid pointing fingures.that's the corner stone for a long term sustainable friendship.
We respect Pakistan's sovereignty and never tries to meddle in Pakistan's internal affairs, we simply hope Pakistan can reciprocate and respect ours.
Since when Pakistan has intervened in China's affairs? Pakistan is the only country that has NEVER officially disagreed with Chinese policy. Few cyber warriors dont represent GOP
Since when Pakistan has intervened in China's affairs? Pakistan is the only country that has NEVER officially disagreed with Chinese policy. Few cyber warriors dont represent GOP
I surely know that and we are very appreciated.
Indian rat deliberately wants us to fight.Rat forget this and concentrate on lifting the curfew from IOK.
whether you like it or not if you allegedly oppress people on mass scale its not anymore your internal affair, people are only asking for transparency not breaking your country, invite UN investigation teams if you have nothing to hide instead of useless threats. useless threats wont help China save its public image in Muslim world.
To some degree, I agree with you.
Gov transparency is something need be improved not just for XinJiang but for everything.
And this improvement is not for other countries but for our own people's good though.
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Is this how you talk to your mother when she does not agree with you?

people without self esteem and regard for national dignity deserve this behavior.

Dont live in the past, live in present. and btw in the past Pakistan relied on US for weapon and economy until they were betrayed by US and now the new master is China.

all countries of the world rely on each other but only people with low self esteem like your kind prudly say the are slaves.

do you have eyes on the present? your Chinese master is raping our economy with huge trade deficit every year, where are so called SEZs for Which we were busy building roads and power plants for last 5 years? i dont wanted to say this but you forced my hand.

To some degree, I agree with you.
Gov transparency is something need be improved not just for XinJiang but for everything.
Not for other countries but for our own people's good though.

That's what i said, Thanks for understanding.
We respect Pakistan's sovereignty and never tries to meddle in Pakistan's internal affairs, we simply hope Pakistan can reciprocate and respect ours.
That doesnt mean we stand by and watch millions of our brothers and sisters be suppressed. You must be insane to come to a correlation like this.

STFU lol

As Pakistanis we should know our AUKAT! Which is without China, Pakistan is a banana republic and Pakistan for its survival should embrace China as an ally to its fullest!. barking at your master's policy on its own people (mind you it is totally different for Pakistan) is not going to give pakistan any result and we should be more concerned about Pakistan and its policy on its OWN PEOPLE because what ever it is .... it is making Pakistan and Pakistanis weaker and weaker (Karachi, Peshawar are among TOP dirtiest cities in the world) As much Islam forbids muslims from eating pork I am pretty sure it also forbids 80% as much against living in F!lthy conditions! hmmmm maybe we should improve that and our way of life first before being concerned about others??? The day Pakistan starts to worry about its own people first and minds its own foking business and stops pretending to be leader of muslim ummah will be the day pakistan starts to uplift its self. Taking pride in pity things is only a sign of weak nations which unfortunately is the only thing pakistan has embraced. Its like you go to school to study not be proud of being the biggest don in school and fail all classes.

coming back to China. yes they maybe committing crimes against muslim population but defiantly not even 20% of what is being portrayed in western and indian media. A million people to go missing or be held captive against their will CAN NOT GO UNNOTICED in today's world!
Same thing what Ataturk did with last generation of ottoman people or early stage of Turkey. even though i am not ataturk supporter but today's modern Turkey would not exist without ataturk's reform plans which were STRICT towards Muslims and Islam.

As for India.. Just think about it.... India requires almost half a million troops just to control Kashmiri population... Their is Indian police in almost every corner of street in Kashmir and how many troops has China deployed in streets of Uyghurs?? exactly... Brutal force is only required where people are rebellious and only Kashmiris suffer atrocity under tyrant Indian rule. If Uyghurs were feeling as much threatened they would be out in streets like Kashmiris without fearing consequences.
The west will pay us 10X more and give us 20X more if we decide to go against china. So do understand the position you are in and refrain from making yourself look like a fool.
The west will pay us 10X more and give us 20X more if we decide to go against china. So do understand the position you are in and refrain from making yourself look like a fool.
And then they will take that money back from us once we turn against china.
That doesnt mean we stand by and watch millions of our brothers and sisters be suppressed. You must be insane to come to a correlation like this.
It's one billion now by US vice president. You can believe whatever you want, at least we have the support of Pakistani government, you, as an individual, wants to come to Xinjiang to save your so called millions of brothers and sisters? Do you know how many your "brothers and sister" are being daily bombed and killed in the middle east? What did you do for them?
I have a few questions from my Pakistani brothers, many of you see India as a oppressive regime. Compare our PM to Hitler. While you call China iron brothers.

This is an article from a Uyghur prisoners who fled from China’s re-education camps, and was granted asylum in Sweden. They were forced to stop religious practices, forced to eat pork, etc etc, at the threat of capital punishment if they don't comply.

I understand every country has strategic partners, but I want to know Pakistan's perspective on these. What do you think about this, and why is there no major backlash when a million Muslim's are in camps and another few millions have fled the country.

NOTE : I'm not able to find a relevant thread, mods please update.


as a pakistani, i believe, we are all naked

india has kashmir issue, pakistan has balochistan issue, china has uygher issue etc.

so as we say in urdu, is hammam me sab nange hain.

I have a few questions from my Pakistani brothers, many of you see India as a oppressive regime. Compare our PM to Hitler. While you call China iron brothers.

This is an article from a Uyghur prisoners who fled from China’s re-education camps, and was granted asylum in Sweden. They were forced to stop religious practices, forced to eat pork, etc etc, at the threat of capital punishment if they don't comply.

The statement saying that Uigyur cannot pray 5 times daily in the camp is true and about forcing eating pork I really dont know but Indonesian delegation who has visited the camp said that they were concern about the food served on the camp and ask China to provide Halal food there.

people without self esteem and regard for national dignity deserve this behavior.

Please tell me what does Quran says about those people who take pride

all countries of the world rely on each other but only people with low self esteem like your kind prudly say the are slaves.
Pakistan gains more from China then China gains from Pakistan. and dot give me this access to warm water crap. China has thousand backup plans unlike our short sighted version policy.
do you have eyes on the present? your Chinese master is raping our economy with huge trade deficit every year, where are so called SEZs for Which we were busy building roads and power plants for last 5 years? i dont wanted to say this but you forced my hand.

If our own people have plundered and looted this nation with support of awam then why wont others do the same if provided with an opportunity? Previous gov offered inside and outside forces to rape our economy.
I am glad that IK is undoing alot of corruption in CPEC.
Btw even Turkey Iran and Qatar were involved in corruption in pakistan.
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