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Uyghurs who fled from China shared her experience.

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It's never been about the physical but the mental state, even a rat can defeat a lion if he's brave enough.

Stop degrading our nation, if we are weak help us get strong do not forget just 60 years ago China was in even more of a pathetic state than we are now with over half the nation under the control of the Japanese and later communist Russia.
Karachi, Peshawar, Lahore are among the dirtiest cities in the entire fokin world! Instead of being PROUD if we have any SHAME we should first atleast CLEAN the fokin city as a community and again NOT depend on OTHERS to even clean our own sh1t! If you are a retard then go ahead and be proud of your shit.

Why should China or anyother country help pakistan when pakistanis themselves dont want to help themselves and they care more about others?

They got strong by valuing their dignity and culture and they did it without anyone's help.

Give me few example of our culture that is unique from Chinese that will help us to grow.
(Islam does not count because it is a religion)

A Chinese would never call his nation a rat, you did.

You can interpret it how ever way you want but the comment was towards the member who was swearing at me.

North Indians too we share culture with

Lol do read what happened to Muslims in Soviet Union

also read what happened to Christians in Soviet Union.

If your too dumb to fall that down the hole yes. You sound like someone that doesn't understands any politics or how much power pakistan has. Infact you should move to china since its Pakistan is so weak and China is so powerful. Maybe you'll be lucky enough for the chinese to put you into their concentration camps.

If you are talking about Nuclear bombs then just to let you know without Chinese help Pak would not have nukes.
china has the right to kill muslims too. This is what you are implying.

635,687 people were born in Xinjiang in 2014, of which 92,804 are Han Chinese, account for 14.6% of the total born.
minorities account for over 85% of the total (mostly Uighurs)
Uighur population growth rate: 19.881%
I have a few questions from my Pakistani brothers, many of you see India as a oppressive regime. Compare our PM to Hitler. While you call China iron brothers.

This is an article from a Uyghur prisoners who fled from China’s re-education camps, and was granted asylum in Sweden. They were forced to stop religious practices, forced to eat pork, etc etc, at the threat of capital punishment if they don't comply.

I understand every country has strategic partners, but I want to know Pakistan's perspective on these. What do you think about this, and why is there no major backlash when a million Muslim's are in camps and another few millions have fled the country.

NOTE : I'm not able to find a relevant thread, mods please update.


What you don't understand is that Umha and Islamic brotherhood is a political ideology and it is invoked when cheap mercenaries are required to fight on the name of Islam. If you check the history, you will find that out of the Muslims killed in last few centuries, most are killed by Muslims only. Nobody cares about Chinese Muslims nor anybody care about Syrian or Iraqi Muslims. They will show their concern only when it suits them politically.
whether you like it or not if you allegedly oppress people on mass scale its not anymore your internal affair, people are only asking for transparency not breaking your country, invite UN investigation teams if you have nothing to hide instead of useless threats. useless threats wont help China save its public image in Muslim world.

If you have been in Xinjiang, maybe you don't want to come back, because you will find that the lives of Xinjiang people (all ethnic groups including Han and Uygur) are much better than you, even if some extreme “writers” claim that they have suffered what a oppression.

And what does this post have to do with India, and what is his motivation? At a glance.
There are still people who bite your hooks.
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No i did not call Pakistan rat, the comment was towards the member... however you can interpret it what ever way you want to.

Calling another member a "rat" is a violation of forum rules too.

@waz @Dubious @Arsalan

Check this guys post in this thread, he's been hurling personal insults & abuses at other posters. :angry:

cut the bullcr@p. warm water access my foot. how much has this "warmwater" access bull2hit contributed to Chinese growth? not even 5%!
You sound like Afghanis demanding its importance fromPakistan...

You need to read what I wrote again...I never said access to "warm" water...I said access to the M.E., Africa and Europe without the blockade in the SCS and the Straits of Malacca in case of US/China war.

So if Soiet was against Islam and Muslims then why are their still so many Muslims in Russia?

Because Islam survived and prospered while the Soviet Union is a relic of the past....it's pretty simple logic lol :rolleyes:

In case you have not missed but do check my username.... myth-buster.... I dont care which paart of the world you are from but i just dont buy pack of mythical lies from anybody... and i dont care if it hurts someones egos.

You're making up more myths than busting them :lol:

You're clearly confusing a lot of stuff and contradicting yourself here. You're also calling the Pakistani govt. a "beggar" and advocating the forced reeducation of Uyghurs.

That says enough about you. :disagree:
@waz @Dubious @Arsalan

Check this guys post in this thread, he's been hurling personal insults & abuses at other posters. :angry:[/QUOTE]

Check his abusive remarks which he started first, btw i did not call him a rat it was used more for analogy.

You need to read what I wrote again...I never said access to "warm" water...I said access to the M.E., Africa and Europe without the blockade in the SCS and the Straits of Malacca in case of US/China war.

dont be stupid, warm water access terminology is used to describes china's ambitious in the region which is ME AF EU... you dont need to reiterate.

Because Islam survived and prospered while the Soviet Union is a relic of the past....it's pretty simple logic lol :rolleyes:

You're clearly confusing a lot of stuff and contradicting yourself here. You're also calling the Pakistani govt. a "beggar" and advocating the forced reeducation of Uyghurs.
Not that I am against IK policies but the situation Pakistan has got themselves into is nothing less then begging. even IK has said it in his speech.
I have said it already that China maybe committing crimes but not to an extent where Pakistan needs to intervene in China's internal matter because muslims in Pakistan live in a much worst condition then Chinese Muslims. forced prostitution child abuse are among many issues Pakistan needs to deal with first and then worry about few percentage of chinese muslims being forced to eat pork when some of the conditions in pakistan is worst. you need to have some guts to accept the truth and indians dont have them... so dont be like them.
you do know pork is as just haram and many other list of haram that happens in pakistan?
Can we as a society change or should we just fallow with rest of wrong?
Wrong section, this thread has been done to death, an Indian talking about Muslim rights don’t make me laugh, people calling each other whores.
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