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Uyghurs who fled from China shared her experience.

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I can tell you one thing. There are many Indians fighting for civil rights of Kashmiris being fully and completely restored. I have never seen a Chinese speak up for the rights of Tibets or Uighurs. All rights of Kashmiris will be restored.

China does not just talk they DO it. By force educating Chinese muslims it will ensure that future generation will be able to compete in 21st century just like what Ataturk did with Muslims of Turkey.
I never said you survive on Pakistan, I said you have 16 billion trade surplus with Pakistan which is destructive for Pakistani economy. @beijingwalker
Do you seriously believe if China stays out of Pakistani economy and cut off all trade with Pakistan and Pakistani economy will be at a better shape?
If you don't buy from China, you have to buy from someone else and pay more, the problem is not China.
Show me where it says "limited pride is allowed"? The amount of pride you are showing is ALOT :woot:

btw, no pride in being one of the dirtiest, weakest economy, corruption of all sort in our nation is better then having pride.

By limited pride i mean which stops you from acting as slave. The amount of low Self esteem you showing is beyond disgusting.

You Chinese whore should learn the lesson of self esteem and pride, China is not our God.

If its the reality as you state, why is balochistan sealed off from rest of Pakistan? Why does a tourist entering from Taftan has to accompany with a protocol and why is a tourist forced to exit balochistan and not freely travel the areas there? WHy does an insurance company which covers entire Pakistan doesnt cover balochistan?


Security issues, its hub for proxy warfare and border Afghanistan. Once border is sealed, security infrastructure is in place, it will be as secure as rest of Pakistan.
If its the reality as you state, why is balochistan sealed off from rest of Pakistan? Why does a tourist entering from Taftan has to accompany with a protocol and why is a tourist forced to exit balochistan and not freely travel the areas there? WHy does an insurance company which covers entire Pakistan doesnt cover balochistan?


Balochistan is a HUGE province which is hard to monitor and bad guys can hide in rat holes and caves ready to ambush unexpected civilians. Vast majority are with Pakistan and only Indian internet trolls pretending to be balach are against Pakistan.
Security issues, its hub for proxy warfare and border Afghanistan. Once border is sealed, security infrastructure is in place, it will be as secure as rest of Pakistan.

why there is no proxy warfare in Punjab when its borders actualy touch india :lol: and why it not sealed off? it hould be the one which should be the hub of proxy wars.


Balochistan is a HUGE province which is hard to monitor and bad guys can hide in rat holes and caves ready to ambush unexpected civilians. Vast majority are with Pakistan and only Indian internet trolls pretending to be balach are against Pakistan.

why dont you compare quetta with lahore, balochistan infrastructure with Punjab, balochistan village facilities with Punjab etc and tell me if the difference in living standards show both regions in the same country.

By limited pride i mean which stops you from acting as slave. The amount of low Self esteem you showing is beyond disgusting.

You have just changed definition of "pride" after being caught pants down with pride. :lol:
why dont you compare quetta with lahore, balochistan infrastructure with Punjab, balochistan village facilities with Punjab etc and tell me if the difference in living standards show both regions in the same country.


Punjab population : 110,000,000
Balochistan population : 12,000,000

Does this make sense to you now?
China does not just talk they DO it. By force educating Chinese muslims it will ensure that future generation will be able to compete in 21st century just like what Ataturk did with Muslims of Turkey.
They are already competing in the 21st century.
No, China should reciprocate, help Pakistan export more to China, develop SeZ's in Pakistan to help increase Pakistani exports as promisesed.
I think China did and is still doing, trade deficit doesn't mean the other trading partner is bad, we have big trade surplus with the world, especailly against US, EU and India, but why they still want to make a deal with China? why didn't they cut trade with China once and for all? in a way China helps them to stay their luxury life style and they can't live without China.

Pakistan imported a lot of weapons, machines and electronics from China, if Pakistan doesn't buy from China, you have to buy from somewhere else with markedly higher price, the money can't be saved. There's not much China needs from Pakistan, that's why there's a trade deficit. Pakistan has some economic difficulties right now, but China is not the culprit and a destructive force to your economy as you claimed, please be reasonable.
Do you seriously believe if China stays out of Pakistani economy and cut off all trade with Pakistan and Pakistani economy will be at a better shape?
If you don't buy from China, you have to buy from someone else and pay more, the problem is not China.
that gentleman @Max is talking about the trade surplus china enjoys . which is a valid point . china must endeavor to set up factories and industries inside pakistan and hire and train pakistani people and then export the finished goods from pakistan to the world .
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STFU lol

As Pakistanis we should know our AUKAT! Which is without China, Pakistan is a banana republic and Pakistan for its survival should embrace China as an ally to its fullest!. barking at your master's policy on its own people (mind you it is totally different for Pakistan) is not going to give pakistan any result and we should be more concerned about Pakistan and its policy on its OWN PEOPLE because what ever it is .... it is making Pakistan and Pakistanis weaker and weaker (Karachi, Peshawar are among TOP dirtiest cities in the world) As much Islam forbids muslims from eating pork I am pretty sure it also forbids 80% as much against living in F!lthy conditions! hmmmm maybe we should improve that and our way of life first before being concerned about others??? The day Pakistan starts to worry about its own people first and minds its own foking business and stops pretending to be leader of muslim ummah will be the day pakistan starts to uplift its self. Taking pride in pity things is only a sign of weak nations which unfortunately is the only thing pakistan has embraced. Its like you go to school to study not be proud of being the biggest don in school and fail all classes.

coming back to China. yes they maybe committing crimes against muslim population but defiantly not even 20% of what is being portrayed in western and indian media. A million people to go missing or be held captive against their will CAN NOT GO UNNOTICED in today's world!
Same thing what Ataturk did with last generation of ottoman people or early stage of Turkey. even though i am not ataturk supporter but today's modern Turkey would not exist without ataturk's reform plans which were STRICT towards Muslims and Islam.

As for India.. Just think about it.... India requires almost half a million troops just to control Kashmiri population... Their is Indian police in almost every corner of street in Kashmir and how many troops has China deployed in streets of Uyghurs?? exactly... Brutal force is only required where people are rebellious and only Kashmiris suffer atrocity under tyrant Indian rule. If Uyghurs were feeling as much threatened they would be out in streets like Kashmiris without fearing consequences.

Make me!
ou can pretend what ever you want, but a rat can not roar like a lion.

Are you saying that Pakistan is the rat and China is the lion??

Straight up traitor level stuff you're saying here buddy...

The PLA hasn't fought a war in a long time whereas the PA is very battle hardened. I'm not saying that there would be a Pak-China war but at least choose your words carefully.

You can pretend what ever you want, but a rat can not roar like a lion.

Remind him that without China JF-17 would not exist just like our economy

Agree on the JF-17 part but the economy??

You're drinking too much Chinese kool aid. :rolleyes:

And then they will take that money back from us once we turn against china.

Right right...

Did the US take away your visa too?

Why're you in the US if you hate the West so much but love your Chinese overlords?? Move to China and see how it works out. :D

The west will pay us 10X more and give us 20X more if we decide to go against china. So do understand the position you are in and refrain from making yourself look like a fool.

I mean not that much but yea, they won't treat us like slaves or inferiors.

As much as I like China/its people, CPEC isn't giving Pakistan the benefits (yet) it was promised.
Are you saying that Pakistan is the rat and China is the lion??

Straight up traitor level stuff you're saying here buddy...

The PLA hasn't fought a war in a long time whereas the PA is very battle hardened. I'm not saying that there would be a Pak-China war but at least choose your words carefully.

Agree on the JF-17 part but the economy??

You're drinking too much Chinese kool aid. :rolleyes:

Right right...

Did the US take away your visa too?

Why're you in the US if you hate the West so much but love your Chinese overlords?? Move to China and see how it works out. :D

I mean not that much but yea, they won't treat us like slaves or inferiors.

As much as I like China/its people, CPEC isn't giving Pakistan the benefits (yet) it was promised.

Pakistanis have this bad habit of worshiping masters.
I think the British brought this mentality into us, they think that if someone more powerful then you is helping you, then you must worship them.

One time a Pakistani even called China "Big Brother"
I almost vomited in my mouth when I read that.

For god sake have some self respect. We are a major country on the world stage and a nuclear power. We do not have nor need big brothers.

We need trade relations and friendship with other nations, not big brothers.
Pakistan gains more from China then China gains from Pakistan. and dot give me this access to warm water crap. China has thousand backup plans unlike our short sighted version policy.

As of right now, China is gaining all the benefits.

Our economy is still in the shitholes but we have given China access to the Arab world, Africa and Europe as well as covering their backside and giving them a alternative route for oil/gas shipment. Instead of the Malacca/South China Sea route which would be blockaded during wartime.

You really need to research this stuff before spreading bs on here.

Pakistanis have this bad habit of worshiping masters.
I think the British brought this mentality into us, they think that if someone more powerful then you is helping you, then you must worship them.

One time a Pakistani even called China "Big Brother"
I almost vomited in my mouth when I read that.

For god sake have some self respect. We are a major country on the world stage and a nuclear power. We do not have nor need big brothers.

We need trade relations and friendship with other nations, not big brothers.

Absolutely right....there is no "friendship" or "brotherhood" in international geopolitics unless you're a Muslim nation, even then it's limited or non existent.

The sooner the slave mentality which some people in Pakistan hold wears off, the sooner Pakistan will get back on the right track.

China does not just talk they DO it. By force educating Chinese muslims it will ensure that future generation will be able to compete in 21st century just like what Ataturk did with Muslims of Turkey.

Wow...pathetic bro.

Anything that is "forced" will be meet by equal response that'll create a negative feedback loop. It's a downhill battle.

Look at the Soviet Union....it tried to suppress Islam and now it's broken up and we have multiple Islamic countries in its place.

If China continues to suppress and persecute the Uyghurs, they'll have a full blown rebellion on their hands.

On the other hand, you advocating for your Muslim brothers and sisters to be "forced" to do anything is a very shitty behavior. You should be ashamed of such speech. :angry:

Have you ever seen a Chinese speak against another Chinese?? You on the other hand are fighting with 2 (if not more) Pakis on this thread right now...forget about what you said to do with Uyghurs...:tdown:
Pakistanis have this bad habit of worshiping masters.
I think the British brought this mentality into us, they think that if someone more powerful then you is helping you, then you must worship them.

One time a Pakistani even called China "Big Brother"
I almost vomited in my mouth when I read that.

For god sake have some self respect. We are a major country on the world stage and a nuclear power. We do not have nor need big brothers.

We need trade relations and friendship with other nations, not big brothers.

don't blame even some Pakistanis for his slavery disease. I have yet to meet any Pakistani who say we survive bcoz of China alone. Lol

I think China did and is still doing, trade deficit doesn't mean the other trading partner is bad, we have big trade surplus with the world, especailly against US, EU and India, but why they still want to make a deal with China? why didn't they cut trade with China once and for all? in a way China helps them to stay their luxury life style and they can't live without China.

Pakistan imported a lot of weapons, machines and electronics from China, if Pakistan doesn't buy from China, you have to buy from somewhere else with markedly higher price, the money can't be saved. There's not much China needs from Pakistan, that's why there's a trade deficit. Pakistan has some economic difficulties right now, but China is not the culprit and a destructive force to your economy as you claimed, please be reasonable.

On reciprocation part you are not doing as much as you promised, where are SEZs and Chinese investments which China promisesed as part of CPEC to increase Pakistani exports to China and world.

It seems China is Okay with Status quo in trade and don't want to change it.
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