mmm...I don't think a war crimes trail would ever happen against Bush/B-liar. But interesting expression of views.
Actually, Bush was pretty smart. He managed the economy well while running two wars at once. Although, I think he understands the weight of the burden in Iraq and Afghanistan.
B-liar is a lameass.
Technically, I supported the overthrow of Saddam. In fact, he should have been overthrown during the First War. He was a threat the the Middle East and beyond.
The context under which Iraq was destroyed was based on pure fanboyism. Or so it seems.
Afghanistan? Can't say anything great about the matter as of now. Militants can still openly attack important targets in Kabul. Where is the security that NATO planned? Are they incompetent? There should be more clarity on the matter.
Why did America set boots on the ground in Afghanistan in the first place? To catch the 9/11 masterminds?
Well, they did kill OBL after many years. But that in my opinion was a big mistake. We got a bigger fish to fry here - Zawahiri and his ilks. The organization is still there.
Most of the non-American NATO troops are nothing more than weekend soldiers, or so it seems.
So, how does that deliver security to Afghanistan? Or was just to fill American ego and patriotism?
Is America a weak nation? I'm really starting to question its role as a super power. I for one would not be surprised if the US fails to deliver in Afghanistan.
Billions spent, prayers & hopes sent - and nothingness.
What should Bush/B-liar get? Nothing really. But Bush does deserve some credit for managing the economy during wartime.