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USA wasn't informed about "No Evidence Surgical Strike" upfront

Was that indian? He looked like an indian! Dick head wanted US to confirm so that the Indians can use that US validation as confirmation of the hollow idian claim of so called strikes

Indians claimed that USA (Western World) was informed about India's actions upfront and India had conducted this operation after getting a consent from them.

US Foreign Office has just rubbished this claim that they were informed upfront. USA has refused to acknowledge if something even happened.

Was that indian? He looked like an indian! Dick head wanted US to confirm so that the Indians can use that US validation as confirmation of the hollow idian claim of so called strikes

Yea that Indian actually looks different. He has quite a big head with no hair on and he doesn't put his face up, he keeps it down and pulls his eyes. The guy actually did Pakistan a favour by asking a direct question which FO representative answered equally directly. When it was a drama, it shouldn't had sought validation for its falsehood from the world outside.

All this proves is how desperately Pakistanis are trying to save face.

Where is this blatant denial, that there are no evidence of strikes itself like the title of the thread claims?
LOL making up claims.

Diplomacy is not so tongue and cheek as you pakistanis want it to be.
So stop going into semantics, all it means is he doesn't have any answer for that.
Actually Pakistanis aren't saving face. It's India doing this for face saving. Even your public has started questioning the strike now. I have been following some Indian groups and they are full of people saying that gov has given us a "Lolly Pop" to suck and general public is happy with that.
off topic

curious case of masood azhar

he is a guy released in a flight hijack- IC814

still Pak needs evidence to nail him ?

now please dont tell, that hijack never happened
its only a story put by India etc
Saving face from what? we didn't lie? it's you guys who claimed to do something and failed to prove it by providing any shred of evidence, not only that your government and military contradicted itself and each other many times, proving they were lying and now your dickhead agents are running after foreign governments to say something anything that 1.3 billion monkeys can cling to as an "evidence" of their false lies

Actually Pakistanis aren't saving face. It's India doing this for face saving. Even your public has started questioning the strike now. I have been following some Indian groups and they are full of people saying that gov has given us a "Lolly Pop" to suck and general public is happy with that.
Saving face from what? we didn't lie? it's you guys who claimed to do something and failed to prove it by providing any shred of evidence, not only that your government and military contradicted itself and each other many times, proving they were lying and now your dickhead agents are running after foreign governments to say something anything that 1.3 billion monkeys can cling to as an "evidence" of their false lies
Are you high?. I am saying this as a Pakistani that GOI told the public about fake strike to cool them down after the war mongering.
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