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USA wasn't informed about "No Evidence Surgical Strike" upfront

For Pakistan friends...Pakistan Gov said that nothing has happened...Now, there is no reason for Pakistan to even react to Indian news...We have our own schme of things to take care ourselves...As you feel nothing has happened, then you do not need to worry about it...
Inform washington what? That we are faking a strike today??
For Pakistan friends...Pakistan Gov said that nothing has happened...Now, there is no reason for Pakistan to even react to Indian news...We have our own schme of things to take care ourselves...As you feel nothing has happened, then you do not need to worry about it...

We have to respond , indian's are telling lies , so we have to respond
May be you are the ones who need a hearing Aid.
His replies were:
1- I have nothing on that for you
2- It is not for me to confirm but the respective governments

How much shameless can you people get ? :disagree:
Alright, you guys have just heard from your Indian friends....now you will have to learn English:-).
we dont have a dream to even touch your level of lowerness and naked terrorism you are inflicting in your neighbors.

Certainly Pakistan did just recently in Indian occupied kashmir killed 110 kashmiri civilians, blinded over 200 and over 10 fucckin thousand injured. We are definitely the terorists here.

I have a suggestion for you that if you dont have an answer then just burn inside rather than unloading your frustration.
You seriously think that that is a flat out rejection that the raids took place. That spokesman is just deflecting the question.

Please lets have a serious discussion.

Yes lets have a discussion so let startd by most logical question where is the proof? Stop wasting my time with your wishful thinking.

bhai 110 people died because they were protesting violently in time of curfew.

we do not do attrocities on kashmiris

why will we ?

are we not humans ?


why will kashmir get by coming under Pakistan ?

religion ??

religion is a slowly vanishing concept bhai, it wont be there 500 years down the line

Kashmir should be wise enough to choose a wealthy guardian , than an economically fragile one

after all , in the end , every thing comes down to quality of like
India has zero evidence for their claims, they want their stupid public to take these aggrandizing claims at face value. As I said yesterday, India doesn't let go of any opportunity to malign and ridicule Pakistan, if they had any evidence they would have be playing it on repeat on their media.

maybe your version is true.

But even then we won at that battle even

At this point India looks to be dominating terms

even if Surgery happened, not happened

Pak is being subjugated a lot diplomatically, media, international perception etc

All this proves is how desperately Pakistanis are trying to save face.

Where is this blatant denial, that there are no evidence of strikes itself like the title of the thread claims?
LOL making up claims.

Diplomacy is not so tongue and cheek as you pakistanis want it to be.
So stop going into semantics, all it means is he doesn't have any answer for that.

Dude where is blatant approval? What is holding him back in saying what Indians are claiming ?
We will. Till then, everything is just speculation.

It may be big news in india but not in Pakistan. Don't know where you're getting your information from.

Considering the no of threads in PDF,programs in your media ,daily briefings by authorities.
Ok I will trust you
You guys have to learn English. He only said he can't confirm or deny.

He won't even confirm that the indian government informed them of these mythical strikes earlier. Your alliance is proving to be an embarrassment for Washington since they won't even acknowledge your claim.
Keep it up .
Entire world knows that strike was happened and still live in denial .
Prove it:coffee:

So many threads on Indian strike why dont sit quitely

Why you are asking proof from Indians when the action has taken place on Pakistani side.
Are u dumb seriously by birth or recent humaliting India make you? You know what's Sar ji Kal strikes mean? Ok Waite! Maan liya hui so it's seems no single one your commando come back alive to have a video or photo what about yours settlite?
What u think when you attacking we were instead of fighting taking movies and photos? Oh man you guys gone nuts.
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