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USA wasn't informed about "No Evidence Surgical Strike" upfront


Jul 21, 2009
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Indians claimed that USA (Western World) was informed about India's actions upfront and India had conducted this operation after getting a consent from them.

US Foreign Office has just rubbished this claim that they were informed upfront. USA has refused to acknowledge if something even happened.

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May be you are the ones who need a hearing Aid.
His replies were:
1- I have nothing on that for you
2- It is not for me to confirm but the respective governments

How much shameless can you people get ? :disagree:


All this proves is how desperately Pakistanis are trying to save face.

Where is this blatant denial, that there are no evidence of strikes itself like the title of the thread claims?
LOL making up claims.

Diplomacy is not so tongue and cheek as you pakistanis want it to be.
So stop going into semantics, all it means is he doesn't have any answer for that.
Indians claimed that USA (Western World) was informed about India's actions upfront and was conducted this operation after getting a confirmation from them.

US Foreign Office has just rubbished this claim that they were informed upfront. USA has refused to acknowledge if something even happened.

This is more evidence that the indians are lying and this ATTEMPTED "surgical strike" has gone disastrously wrong for them.

All this proves is how desperately Pakistanis are trying to save face.

Where is this blatant denial, that there are no evidence of strikes itself like the title of the thread claims?
LOL making up claims.

Diplomacy is not so tongue and cheek as you pakistanis want it to be.


All this proves is how desperately Pakistanis are trying to save face.

Where is this blatant denial, that there are no evidence of strikes itself like the title of the thread claims?
LOL making up claims.

Diplomacy is not so tongue and cheek as you pakistanis want it to be.
So stop going into semantics, all it means is he doesn't have any answer for that.

Are you high?

This is not the first time an indian journalist was insulted by US state department. Even on the issue of Baluchistan they gave you people a slap which literally destroyed your dreams to portray Baluchistan on level of Kashmir.

He means exactly what he said and if you indians are so pathetic to dig for meal in a trash can then no one is stopping you. There is one simple reason for their annoyed reaction that they dont want you to ask stupid question like can you confirm strikes when journalist is himself an indian. Are you people still not sure of strikes that you need american approval?

All this proves is how desperately
Pakistanis are trying to save face.

Where is this blatant denial, that there are no evidence of strikes itself like the title of the thread claims?
LOL making up claims.

Diplomacy is not so tongue and cheek as you Pakistanis want it to be.
So stop going into semantics, all it means is he doesn't have any answer for that.
  • Indians are desperate to get any confirmation from the world outside. Watch above video.
  • No one in the world has confirmed that "Surgical Strike" happened.
  • No one in the world has condemned India, which in return would conform at least something happened
  • India said it had taken USA into confidence before conducting this strike and now the claim lay naked - yet another lie caught red-handed.
  • India within 48 hours is coming down to Pakistan asking "lets not escalate situation". How could they approach Pakistan asking not to escalate if something had actually happened?
  • And the best part - India has Zero Evidence to show to the world.
Indians claimed that USA (Western World) was informed about India's actions upfront and was conducted this operation after getting a confirmation from them.

US Foreign Office has just rubbished this claim that they were informed upfront. USA has refused to acknowledge if something even happened.

The lies and false claims made by idiot Indians deserve being rubbished the world over. The core nature of Indians consists of lies, deception, and violence. By snubbing Indians, the US Foreign Office has just did what any self-respecting nation would do. Indians will only get humiliated and disgraced if they try in implicate others in their lies.
Lol, The spokesperson nearly burst out laughing at the suggestion of the surgical strike. He was trying hard not to laugh.

Seems as though darpoke India is being humiliated everywhere. First by UN and now the US.
Are you high?

This is not the first time an indian journalist was insulted by US state department. Even on the issue of Baluchistan they gave you people a slap which literally destroyed your dreams to portray Baluchistan on level of Kashmir.

He means exactly what he said and if you indians are so pathetic to dig for meal in a trash can then no one is stopping you. There is one simple reason for their annoyed reaction that they dont want you to ask stupid question like can you confirm strikes when journalist is himself an indian. Are you people still not sure of strikes that you need american approval?

Pakistani delusion at its best.

Searching for every drop of meaning from nothing at all.

All he meant was ''I'd rather not answer' from which pakisanis like yourself deciphered no evidence, not informed and what not.

Where is he saying in properly enunciated words that "There was no surgical strike by India"/
All he does is mumble to avoid the question.

  • Indians are desperate to get any confirmation from the world outside. Watch above video.
  • No one in the world has confirmed that "Surgical Strike" happened.
  • No one in the world has condemned India, which in return would conform at least something happened
  • India said it had taken USA into confidence before conducting this strike and now the claim lay naked - yet another lie caught red-handed.
  • India within 48 hours is coming down to Pakistan asking "lets not escalate situation". How could they approach Pakistan asking not to escalate if something had actually happened?
  • And the best part - India has Zero Evidence to show to the world.

And Pakistanis trying even harder to save face with doctored title.
Don't you worry when we do provide the proof like we always do, you lot will be denying that too.

If nothing happened then why the hullaballo? Why is pak media so eagerly covering a simple ceasefire violation?
Pakistani delusion at its best.

Searching for every drop of meaning from nothing at all.

All he said was ''I'd rather not answer' from which pakisanis like yourself deciphered no evidence, not informed and what not.

And Pakistanis trying even harder to save face with doctored title.
Don't you worry when we do provide the proof like we always do, you lot will be denying that too.

If nothing happened then why the hullaballo? Why is pak media so eagerly covering a simple ceasefire violation?

Who is asking you to listen to me? You have got your own fucckin ears so go listen to the statement yourself.
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