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USA vs Pakistan scenario.

In a conventional war if your ground forces mass USAF bombers will destroy you. A Single F-15 can destroy multiple tanks or artillery guns. Pakistani army can withdraw to densely populated cities. it would depend on how the Pakistani populace wants to resist.
An F15 has to fly to and from a base. In any realistic war senario Pakistan will

1) Pre war tell every nearby nation who might think of hosting the US Force to; not do that since we will then attack said host nation directly

2) Target bases, logistic dumps communication nodes.

Basically if we fight the war on the enemy's terms, we will lose. We are not going to fight it their way.
we can't fight US directly we got only 2 options
1) develop ICBMs as soon as possible.(according to our scientist know how and basic R&D is there)
2)just don't fucking mess with them.be practical no one right now can take USA head on.
Submarine based ICBM are best not the land based ones... The land based ones would be be bombed by US also our reactors would also be nuked as it is strategic asset.
Build or squire an ICBM (both possible) ... that's the end of it
US threatened to bomb us back in 2001 we still haven't built SLBM for our 2nd strike capability.
Yes they directly allowed that - While pakistan indirectly returned the favour. Numbers might be up and down, should make sense as its the ..... nearly the entire..... race or the only superpower vs certain type of people. Considering the enemy recent and old statements looks like the "certain type of people" are winning;) Also read my above post. I am sure you got the message do not have time for off topic posts or useless chat. :wave:

All I got was a headache trying to understand your comprehension.
I have heard about EMP bombs how much powerful it could be ? do we have any of these type?

And how many US have ?

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Why would US create another Afghanistan ? for nurturing ISIS new modern breed?
What exactly US will achieve by attacking Pakistan directly ?
Destroy Pakistans Nukes? Thats always in the minds of USA law makers paks nukes.
Yes you have pacts, Russia, China , north korea, Saudi Arabia, Muslim world vs Poor US.. Pak alone can hit US.. because you got nukes... Nukes can solve everything..
and what you got? Sunny leone to make trump happy?
An F15 has to fly to and from a base. In any realistic war senario Pakistan will

1) Pre war tell every nearby nation who might think of hosting the US Force to; not do that since we will then attack said host nation directly

2) Target bases, logistic dumps communication nodes.

Basically if we fight the war on the enemy's terms, we will lose. We are not going to fight it their way.

replace f-15 with f/a-18 and aircraft carriers

Why would US create another Afghanistan ? for nurturing ISIS new modern breed?
What exactly US will achieve by attacking Pakistan directly ?

create more problems than they solve
Things will not come to that so easily, reason? hey It's Pakistan not Iraq or Egypt. We got allies like the rest of the countries and to test them, this will be the best time. Those who are thinking US troops will come on ground in Pakistan is living in lulu land, because if that happens every citizen will defend pakistan with their lives and world will witness what we are capable of, ask our neighbor baniyas they will tell you.

If India attacks to Pakistan, this time we will make sure, we get the kashmir from them and they will be fool to have war with Pakistan at this stage as Pakistan will surely have excuse to whatever we have to defend ourselve to the world.

Afghanistan border firing? Air strike will take care that.

Those who are thinking KSA will sit back and wouldn't do a thing, let me tell you again. Their kingdom runs because they make their public happy. Now tell you this because I have been in Saudia, whenever there is a war on Muslim country, the whole Saudia support to those countries with huge amount of money to those countries and this is true for their kingdom also, at one hand they say we are with USA and on other hand they send money to those Muslim countries whom USA is attacking from back door and USA knows this but can't do anything about it.
At worst US will carry out airstrikes and incursions inside Pakistan. Why the heck will they invade Pakistan, do you guys have oil? The question is how will Pakistan react, at best what it can do is attack US interests in Afghanistan. And the whole world knows attacking US is equivalent to suicide. US will knock down all defences and go ahead and bomb the hell out of you. It won't come down to that thought as Pakistan will do whatever US will ask it to do.
US threatened to bomb us back in 2001 we still haven't built SLBM for our 2nd strike capability.

Land based systems are good enuf provided it's mobile...
At worst US will carry out airstrikes and incursions inside Pakistan. Why the heck will they invade Pakistan, do you guys have oil? The question is how will Pakistan react, at best what it can do is attack US interests in Afghanistan. And the whole world knows attacking US is equivalent to suicide. US will knock down all defences and go ahead and bomb the hell out of you. It won't come down to that thought as Pakistan will do whatever US will ask it to do.

The basic assumptions were that we will not be attacking proxies.
US is certainly tilting towards India , and we can easily nuke India/Israel (us proxies). Yes this is also possible but the original idea in thread was not about it.
India might be able to take few nukes but israel is not.
Threatening USA with nuclear weapons is very similar to what North Korea is doing now, defenately don't want another North Korea like country on earth.:fie:

On a serious note, Pakistan should strive only for a better relation with USA, all animosity will be counter productive for it.
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