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USA ‘s Tomahawk Vs India’s Nirbhay Vs Pakistan’s Babur-Three subsonic cruise missile

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Babur can also "Ping" back.
that is a last signal just before hitting the target. This last ping is relayed to Commanders via Beidou which has Text message service built in.
the Ping consists of Missile's last known Lat long and it confirms if the missile could hit he target or if not another missile can be sent through a different route.
This one capability i guess Nirbhay doesnt have at the moment.
Babur is nothing more than license produciton of yj-62 missile of the chinese. Have a look.
The Indians will atleast have dedicated Communication sats. While the Pakistanis will not, meaning once they shoot it, they have to forget it. While the Indians can still have communication. You have look into the larger infastructure. As for the Chinese, they too are doing the same thing, except they had issues expecially when they had one land accidentally in Pakistan's frontier provience, ie meaning they'll didn't abort the missile.
Hope this clears it up for you.
Pakistan doesn't have the C4 like India or China at the moment so even if it is a better missile, they won't be able utilize the most out of it. Their military top brass also lack discipline these days.
ndia’s Nirbhay blasts off like a rocket and unlike from other missiles it turns into the aircraft.After its launch in early flights the rocket falls off and small wings get deployed.At that time gas turbine comes into work and it turns into full aircraft.It cannot be jammed as it operates on fire and forget system

WTF :omghaha: :omghaha:

Who wrote that BS? I mean every cruise missile works like that. It's not something Nirbhay does

The true difference b/w Tomahawk and South Asian's LACM is former can target moving objects with the inclusion of a ESM seeker while later can only target stationary objects for now.

It took Pakistan 8 years from first test to Operationalizing the Babur.

India would need 6 years If it sticks to the basic and evolve LACM with stationary target capability. If DRDO wants to become ambitious and go after a Seeker in Nirbhay, then I would add another 2 years in program until it becomes operationalize


They're making one.
Babur's tail configuration and its South African connection:

I do too. Then it occur to me that there are worse fates than being a Hindu. They could have turned out like this idiot on an Internet forum who calls himself @TeesraIndiotHunter. Now that's a fate worse than death itself.

Not trolling, I actually feel sad for hindus and their eternal inferiority complex when it comes to Muslims.

Just look at the comments LOL
Not trolling, I actually feel sad for hindus and their eternal inferiority complex when it comes to Muslims.

Just look at the comments LOL

LOL you wish. We are in the Indian defence section, youd kind not specifically muslims have an issue a complex ....we don;t even think or talk about Pakistan.
If we go by indian logic on babur:

I believe nirbhay is a copy of african bamboo stick and wiring from nigeria.

This is what thousands of years of humiliation, destruction, and enslavement to Muslims can do to hindus. Hindus are a weak people, always suffering from inferiority complex, and deep frustration on what superior Islamic peoples did to inferior hindus over thousands of years.

Hence you have things like "Babur is not Pakistani! no no! must be chinese!" ...:lol:

feel sad for hindus.

Yes, yes, Hindus are weak, Hindus are this and that. These are stupid things your generals and text books would say, then you go and make stamps like this.


Please know the history of that land of Pakistan before talking about humiliation.

And trust me, we laugh our asses off when you guys say stupid shit like that. :lol:
I believe it is the other way around. One or two Tomahawks fell on the ground unexploded in 1998 when President Clinton ordered attack on Osama Bin Laden after Kenya bombing. The unexploded missiles were immediately sent to China for copy. Pakistan got its Babur from the Chinese copy.

In 1998, the missile had first generation warhead and electronics. It is not clear whether Chinese managed to improve upon it or left the design as is. Pak could do neither. They rely on all Chinese components but assemble it in Pakistan.

Its exactly the way you stated. I didn;t have the time nor energy to re edit my own post.
LOL you wish. We are in the Indian defence section, youd kind not specifically muslims have an issue a complex ....we don;t even think or talk about Pakistan.
LOL you wish. We are in the Indian defence section, youd kind not specifically muslims have an issue a complex ....we don;t even think or talk about Pakistan.
Do you even know why was Pakistan created. Do let me know the reason.
Babur is nothing more than license produciton of yj-62 missile of the chinese. Have a look.
Oh really? Lets have a "look", compared to Babur, YJ-62:

-has different dimensions
-has a fixed and larger inlet
-has tail fins present farther from exhaust
-has a cruising speed of 0.9 mach
-has half the range of Babur
-is primarily an anti-ship missile with a radar seeker
-is not designed to be launched vertically
-does not have DSMAC/TERCOM

And guess what genius, Pakistan Navy ordered 120 YJ-62s back in 2009. Now why would we do that if we already had "license-production"?

And on top of all that, want to enlighten us all that how exactly did Pakistan make a much better "licensed-production" cruise missile than YJ-62 itself? This must put Chinese reverse-engineering to shame, no? :sarcastic:

Babur's tail configuration and its South African connection:

View attachment 137087
Atleast learn to differentiate between Babur and Ra'ad before raising allegations.

Ra'ad has such tail configuration because PAF had been satisfied with the performance of the same tail-design on H-2 (South African Raptor-I/II) stand-off munition, which was license-produced by NESCOM.
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