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Usa Pilot critical of Chinease J31 & J15 fighters

Usa vetren question chinease aero engineering ability especially in Avionics radars and stealth

Calling J31 a cheap copy and a J15 a floppy fish and too big to be a carrier borne fighter

Seems chinease are not all that in USA eyes.

Chinese junk? Latest fighter plane from People's Army ticketed for export | Fox News

With this in mind i want to ask the question should PAF resort to obtaning more critical western technology as in the past they have fielded technology then the indians via french fighters and usa fighters versis the indians Russian air power technology.

2 intersting but very important points raised

USA believe TVC is vital in fifth generation fighter something thats avialable on both F22 and PAK FA and indeed the su30mki


The chinease J15 is too big a jet for carrier borne operations something that the indians evaluated and went for the smaller mig29k as a result of their research
The purpose that OP opening the thread is that: Get away from India, China, we have better weapon imported from Russia, your indigenous weapon is crap, we will not be scared by you.:-)

EMALS vs ski jump.
When F14 was in service in USN, no EMALS, it was SLS, OK?!
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Usa vetren question chinease aero engineering ability especially in Avionics radars and stealth

Calling J31 a cheap copy and a J15 a floppy fish and too big to be a carrier borne fighter

Seems chinease are not all that in USA eyes.

Chinese junk? Latest fighter plane from People's Army ticketed for export | Fox News

With this in mind i want to ask the question should PAF resort to obtaning more critical western technology as in the past they have fielded technology then the indians via french fighters and usa fighters versis the indians Russian air power technology.

2 intersting but very important points raised

USA believe TVC is vital in fifth generation fighter something thats avialable on both F22 and PAK FA and indeed the su30mki


The chinease J15 is too big a jet for carrier borne operations something that the indians evaluated and went for the smaller mig29k as a result of their research

Lol. IndiA carrier is so small. Of cos they will opt for mig-29K. The USA bogus pilot trys to misled reader with his ill invention. While Liaoning is much bigger and can afford the bigger J-15.

j-20 has canard which increases it angle of attack. Making TVC NON CRITICAL. Look at typhoon fighter.
Whatever may be the case China is going to be the next super power
In next decades Baozi, Shaobin and Youtiao would replace Hamburgers and become the most popular fast food in the world. It's better that you get familiar with em now...lol
How did the Chinese copy the F-35s without having one?

Its a domestic Chinese design and not a copy.

Cyber theft. Chinese has been accused of infiltrating US n/w and stealing designs.

The same Chinese junk (F-7PG) nailed a US superior tech (F-18) multiple time is AA combat some years ago.

Prove it.
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You dont have much for US to spy on technology front. Otherwise is not true.
I do not believe he meant only China. US has been spying on almost every country. Does India spy on China? You wouldn't know, right?
I do not believe he meant only China. US has been spying on almost every country. Does India spy on China? You wouldn't know, right?

They are spying for security issue and to know whats cooking between nations so as to configure their geopolitics. I am talking about cyber theft of latest technology.

Did NSA spying on India to get LCA technology? No, but to get inside indian internal policies. Thats the difference.
Did NSA spying on India to get LCA technology?
LOL why would NSA spy on India? LCA? Give me a break!
You wouldn't know what they spy on, neither would I. How do we come to a conclusion then? They could spy on Germany? How about France? How about on GB? Japan?
LOL why would NSA spy on India? LCA? Give me a break!
You wouldn't know what they spy on, neither would I. How do we come to a conclusion then? They could spy on Germany? How about France? How about on GB? Japan?

Can you comprehend simple English?

I give you an example of LCA in satirical tone. That means if US can develop F22 it will not spy for LCA. Similarly china has nothing to offer in technology term which US want to spy.

But still US spies countries like India/China/Brazil. Question should be why. Reasons are-
1- To know where we developing or developed nations stands in terms of capabilities.
2- To know our internal policies.
3- US own security concern.
4- To get internal info to promote US interest.
5- To know who is friend and who is not.

Got it now? Or still wondering?
My personal opinion is US tech isn't as great as they believe it is and Chinese military hardware is not as inferior as they think it is. Remember, Americans have only used their military against far inferior enemies and, to me, have never been really tested. I'm not saying the Chinese have superior tech or anything, but I bet the Chinese won't be building any equipment in any quantity, if it wasn't able to compete with American weapons.

I think Americans are really worried about Chinese capability, that's why they're trying to disparage Chinese technological efforts to maintain their own image of technological supremacy, especially to Allies who rely on them for security. If Americans were so truly powerful, they wouldn't have to try to convince everyone of it.
Then you have no clue of American technology. Have you heard of the Nautilus and Aurora aircraft and their capabilities? Or even the craft called the Pumpkin Seed? Are you aware of their Black projects and what goes on in Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works and Boeing's Phantom Works? Do you know the billions of dollars that are being spent on these Black projects having cutting edge tech that is years ahead of anything known to mainstream science and technology?

Did you know that much of the money spent on these projects is beyond American Congressional oversight due to the secret nature of the projects?

And you'll ask, how do I know all this if it is super secret? Well, that's for another thread.

So don't even try and compare American technology with that of the Chinese. The Americans are light years ahead.

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