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Usa Pilot critical of Chinease J31 & J15 fighters

Cybuttheft. Chinese has been accused of infiltrating US n/w and stealing designs.

Prove it.

LOL.. We got some moron who think by just spying and you can make another countries similar fighter jet. Get over it. If the countries is not sophisticated enough. No mntter how much info you get, you still cant make anything.

Only desperate idiots who try to smear another countries achievement will be so quick to embrace this stupid theory. If its true, countries like East timor or Liberia shall be able to make some 5th gen fighter,right?
USN have not used EMALS for F-14s, in future PLAN can use these big birds from larger carriers and put some smaller plane on smaller carriers.

He want to say that catapult CATOBAR vs. STOBAR

USN have not used EMALS for F-14s, in future PLAN can use these big birds from larger carriers and put some smaller plane on smaller carriers.

He want to say that catapult CATOBAR vs. STOBAR
Then you have no clue of American technology. Have you heard of the Nautilus and Aurora aircraft and their capabilities? Or even the craft called the Pumpkin Seed? Are you aware of their Black projects and what goes on in Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works and Boeing's Phantom Works? Do you know the billions of dollars that are being spent on these Black projects having cutting edge tech that is years ahead of anything known to mainstream science and technology?

Did you know that much of the money spent on these projects is beyond American Congressional oversight due to the secret nature of the projects?

And you'll ask, how do I know all this if it is super secret? Well, that's for another thread.

So don't even try and compare American technology with that of the Chinese. The Americans are light years ahead.

And do you know about the billions that China spends on it's secret projects?

It works both ways
And do you know about the billions that China spends on it's secret projects?

It works both ways
Agree, it's not a wonder when one thinks of all the UFOs sightings in China. lol...
I am sure your English is much better than mine, for reasons you best know.

How else do you think the USA got the stealth technology? Do I need to explain to you like a 12 year old or do you comprehend impeccable logic? Let me give a clue "Horten Ho 229". Do you get it now?
How about another clue, Stealth aircraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This argument has been debunked a long time ago. May be it is YOU who are the 12 yr old for not understanding it.

The mounting fear of China across the American board means we are doing something right!
Fear? Hardly. Concerned? Why not?
China military in the last 8 yrs spent close to 1 trillions dollars on their military modernization drive. Close to 1 trillions dollars will get China the best military hardware they can come up with. The gap between US and China military will shrink as time go by even China general probable understated China military on par with US military capacity in the desert storm Irag war. Majority of US military equipment used in desert storm still being used right now.
All I can see is insecure Americans derailing this thread. Well, seeing how China progresses there are reasons to feel insecure for the biggest bully on this planet.

To my Chinese friends, we have plenty of high-tech stuffs under the table. For the right price things can be negotiated. ;)

1. accusation is not fact
2. I think the american computer security system is the best in the world
3. sue us!
4. indians are bragging all over the places about their IT prowess. Wont it be time to make the amend and keep the cheerleading going?
5. dont be jealous cheerleaders!
6. China is the victim of US hackers. Read Edward Snowden's expose!
7. F-22 should be a better choice and we should be making some of the best jet engines now
8. we should be having our men landing on Moon last year and also doing our land surveying on Mars now
9. we should also be building a Ford class aircraft carrier and Virginia class submarines
10. you people should grow a brain
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