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USA Bid to Rob Pakistan Nuclear Documents Foiled


Apr 4, 2009
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A former Pakistani intelligence official reveals a foiled attempt by CIA officials to steal secret nuclear documents with the help of a Pakistani military officer. Former Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) Chief Lt. Gen. Javed Ashraf Qazi said Saturday that in 1994-95, Pakistan's intelligence officials had foiled a US attempt to steal Pakistan's nuclear secrets, a Press TV correspondent reported.

Several officials with the United States' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and a Pakistani military officer were arrested in relation to the case, he added. Following the investigation, the Pakistani officer was trialed in a martial court and the CIA agents who were deported, were issued a warning that they could face imprisonment if in the future they were found guilty of anti-state activities in Pakistan, he said.

Meanwhile, Pakistani Premier Yousaf Reza Gilani, who said, "Islamabad will never compromise over its nuclear program," urged the US to respect the country's institutions. "Pakistan is a conscious and modest state and the US should respect the institutions of the country," Gilani told reporters on Saturday.

Pakistan is a crucial ally in the US-led war against al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Last month, President Barack Obama expressed confidence over the security of Islamabad's nuclear program. Though militant attacks on supposedly secured military installations across Pakistan have raised fears that the groups could penetrate the nuclear facilities, Gilani said that the world had "expressed satisfaction" over Pakistan's nuclear security arrangements.

He called for the international community to recognize Pakistan as a nuclear power, as Islamabad had addressed the world's concerns over the safety and security of its nuclear weapons.

Source: Pakistan Ideology

US Should stop stealing other peoples' stuff.

They weren't stealing stuff.

I mean it's not like they stole stuff and wanted to make their nuclear weapons like Pakistan's.

They just wanted to know the locations and the progress. Remember this is 1994-5 when the Nuclear program was in final stages. Would have been a havoc had the leak gone on.

I seriously salute ISI to safeguard our secrets from leeches like USA and Israel.
They weren't stealing stuff.

I mean it's not like they stole stuff and wanted to make their nuclear weapons like Pakistan's.

They just wanted to know the locations and the progress. Remember this is 1994-5 when the Nuclear program was in final stages. Would have been a havoc had the leak gone on.

Dear friends, in my opinion, the leaks given by Javed Ashraf Kazi and Brigd Rtd Imtiaz on tv channels are surprising. These retired officials are leaking secrets in violation of official secret act. The timing of such leaks is a coincidence with Wikileaks or it to earn some unnecessary prominence. We have to defend ISI rather to leak something which were not in the knowledge of people at large.

There is another aspect of such leaks, other unconcerned people also dare to discuss on tv channels the Pak nukes program. They who know nothing about nukes are induging in serious discussions putting the country safety in jeopardy.

Nuclear command authority should take notice of all such discussions and clear directive should be issued for every Pakistani not to discuss the nuclear issue on any forum. When there is an authority only they can issue any details of past and present cenarios regarding pak nukes. The people or officials of no other country discuss such important issues of their countries and even they put curtains on the details of nukes.
I remember reading that a young girl who was betrayed by one of the scientists involved in the conspiracy informed the army about it and the culprits were caught
No mercy for such peoples......nothing is above than national security matters.
Even CIA personnels must not be deported who were arrested, must be prisoned at same time with Paksitani peoples who were arrested........as they don't give mercy when they catch some Pakistani.....
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