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US would intervene with military to defend Taiwan

It’s the most central issue of policy makers in our region. There reactive than active.

Chinese are on a different level than our leadership. In the case of the Chinese it is strategic patience. The US and it's allies are trying to bait China into a war with Taiwan in the hope of getting China in a quagmire. The Chinese leadership is showing great wisdom in this regard. They are waiting it out because the challenger (US) is declining, no need to give it an opportunity to weaken China.

Only criticism of China I have is that they need to step up their game of regime change in countries of interest. They should start with Taiwan.
Very good, I hope it slaps some naïve idiots in China that Americans won't intervene when it comes to Taiwan.

Any armed unification effort must be conducted with direct combat against US in mind.
The Chinese Communist party and gov have disciplinary functions within the departments that can regulate the gov officials and agencies activities such as releasing false info.
There should be an independent system of information processing and distribution for people to know the truth . internally things can get changed because the party still reigns supreme and only the information approved by the senior party leadership can reach the citizens, at every stage of information sharing there is careful analysis and doctoring of facts to suit the party narrative. Positive Public Perception is the foremost priority of CCP. Giving bad news to the public reduces Positive Perception.
Second, China too has judiciary system that rules anything and anybody from violating the laws. Your private media in West and India that claim to be independent are just jokes, they are even more mouthpieces of their govs and establishments with their biases than China's.
Yes , Western and Indian media are jokes. Agreed.
But we have independent newspapers who criticise our own government on their short comings like in india we have NDTV , ThePrint , The Wire , etc .
China dosen't have these kind of media which criticises the wrong policies of the government.
I don't know what your talk of movement of 2 divisions of Chinese troops from Xinjiang to Tibet ever happened that time becos Xinjiang troops are for duties in Xinjiang only usually. If the movement ever happened, it's just regular training within China and you Indians don't have to concern, and that doesn't prove that Chinese attacked Indian side.
In april 2020 PLA moved 4th and 6th divisions to Aksai Chin to reinforce the division already deployed there. There was an agreement as a part of 1996 CBM agreement that neither side will house more than a divison strength of troops without informing the other side. India had a single division in the entire area and PLA had 2 fresh divisions who had just finished a Military exercise in Xinjiang. By the way , placing a mechanised division across the border shows an intent to attack your enemy. India has vulnerable choke points in Sub Sector North and that is exactly where PLA deployed the 6th mechanised division. India just had a single brigade and an armoured regiment there.
With all the nonsense aside, the picture clearly shows that the Indians soldiers are crossing the river to the Chinese side to occupy Chinese territory, period.
Is there anything wrong about that ? They are crossing the river to reach the PP14 which was their right until PLA decided to breach all agreements and built structures at PP14. If you have doubts then look at the map of galwan valley.

Finally, I think you should have your eyes checked and brain trained for counting,
Are you trying to be a troll ?
there is definitely more than 40 Indian captives in the endless long lines shown on the picture.
I may have made a slight mistake . Why don't you count and tell me ? I did and it is a line of roughly 40 or maybe 50 ? It's not an endless line , observe the end of it . There is point behind the PLA soldier where there is a gap and behind that is a ledge. So it's a line of 20 or 24 soldiers in columns of 3 for the first two and columns of 2 for the rest of the length. It could be 50 .
If we can't even agree on the rough number of Indians in the picture that is so obvious, then the rest talk of other things is totally meaningless and pointless becos you won't even accept the most obvious fact and there is no point in continuing the discussion.
What is the obvious fact from your PoV? Isn't it obvious that moving 2 divisions fresh from exercises and building permanent structures in areas where previously both sides patrolled on good terms with each other is a sign of bad intentions ?
There should be an independent system of information processing and distribution for people to know the truth . internally things can get changed because the party still reigns supreme and only the information approved by the senior party leadership can reach the citizens, at every stage of information sharing there is careful analysis and doctoring of facts to suit the party narrative. Positive Public Perception is the foremost priority of CCP. Giving bad news to the public reduces Positive Perception.

Yes , Western and Indian media are jokes. Agreed.
But we have independent newspapers who criticise our own government on their short comings like in india we have NDTV , ThePrint , The Wire , etc .
China dosen't have these kind of media which criticises the wrong policies of the government.

In april 2020 PLA moved 4th and 6th divisions to Aksai Chin to reinforce the division already deployed there. There was an agreement as a part of 1996 CBM agreement that neither side will house more than a divison strength of troops without informing the other side. India had a single division in the entire area and PLA had 2 fresh divisions who had just finished a Military exercise in Xinjiang. By the way , placing a mechanised division across the border shows an intent to attack your enemy. India has vulnerable choke points in Sub Sector North and that is exactly where PLA deployed the 6th mechanised division. India just had a single brigade and an armoured regiment there.

Is there anything wrong about that ? They are crossing the river to reach the PP14 which was their right until PLA decided to breach all agreements and built structures at PP14. If you have doubts then look at the map of galwan valley.

Are you trying to be a troll ?

I may have made a slight mistake . Why don't you count and tell me ? I did and it is a line of roughly 40 or maybe 50 ? It's not an endless line , observe the end of it . There is point behind the PLA soldier where there is a gap and behind that is a ledge. So it's a line of 20 or 24 soldiers in columns of 3 for the first two and columns of 2 for the rest of the length. It could be 50 .

What is the obvious fact from your PoV? Isn't it obvious that moving 2 divisions fresh from exercises and building permanent structures in areas where previously both sides patrolled on good terms with each other is a sign of bad intentions ?
There is definitely more than 50 captives in the picture as the horizon down the lines can't be sighted.

I don't know and there are no mention of such agreement of moving in and out troops along that border published in Chinese media and it's your words only. Besides, everyone knew that the Indian army had been massively beefing up troops along the Sino-Indian border on Ladhka area months before the clash happened, it was reported both in Chinese and English media, so what's to blame Chinese ? Your defence minister, army chief of staff and generals were beating the drums of going to have war with China publicly for long time before the clash as we knew it and the Chinese side were all quiet at that period time. Also, the Indian troops deployed along the whole border areas out number the Chinese troops there by at least 5 to 1 ratio, that's a known fact for decades ! India has 9 armies deployed in the whole border areas indeed. So, what's the fuss ?

Chinese and Indian troops deployed near the borders map, Indian massively out number Chinese :

Sino-Indian Border Deployments (Units located via IHS Jane’s Database August 2016. Does not include paramilitary units, People’s Armed Police (PAP), or infrastructure still under construction). Graphical construction superimposed on Google Maps.
Sino-Indian Border


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There is definitely more than 50 captives in the picture as the horizon down the lines can't be sighted.
Can you observe the ledge ? How can anyone stand behind a ledge ? It's clear that there are 40 or 50 as shown in the picture .
I don't know and there are no mention of such agreement of moving in and out troops along that border published in Chinese media and it's your words only.
Read the 1994 ,1996 and 2005 Border agreement .
Besides, everyone knew that the Indian army had been massively beefing up troops along the Sino-Indian border on Ladhka area months before the clash happened, it was reported both in Chinese and English media, so what's to blame Chines ?
When and where , there is no indication of additonal armour/troop deployment by india before april 2020. If you have such news from before april 2020 then share it here .
We were building roads on our side but our troop deployment still remained at One division in entire eastern Ladakh , nothing more than that.
Your defence minister, army chief of staff and generals were beating the drums of going to have war with China publicly for long time before the clash as we knew it
The army chief or serving generals never said anything about war with china before the ladakh standoff.
Our Home Minsiter did talk about in 2019 , but he is a fool in my opinion . He only talks and does nothing .
and the Chinese side were all quiet at that period time. Also, the Indian troops deployed along the border areas out number the Chinese troops there by at least 4 to 1 ratio, that's a known fact for decades ! So, what's the fuss ?
Wrong ! In ladakh the PLA and IA always had a favourable ratio of 1:1 . The PLA has 4 reserve divisions in Xinjiang which can be moved immediately to reinforce their division in aksai chin whereas india will have to move forces from the plains and kashmir to reinforce the exisiting 3rd mountain div in ladakh . In the eastern sector indian army outnumbers PLA 2:1 in deployed strength .
Can you observe the ledge ? How can anyone stand behind a ledge ? It's clear that there are 40 or 50 as shown in the picture .

Read the 1994 ,1996 and 2005 Border agreement .

When and where , there is no indication of additonal armour/troop deployment by india before april 2020. If you have such news from before april 2020 then share it here .
We were building roads on our side but our troop deployment still remained at One division in entire eastern Ladakh , nothing more than that.

The army chief or serving generals never said anything about war with china before the ladakh standoff.
Our Home Minsiter did talk about in 2019 , but he is a fool in my opinion . He only talks and does nothing .

Wrong ! In ladakh the PLA and IA always had a favourable ratio of 1:1 . The PLA has 4 reserve divisions in Xinjiang which can be moved immediately to reinforce their division in aksai chin whereas india will have to move forces from the plains and kashmir to reinforce the exisiting 3rd mountain div in ladakh . In the eastern sector indian army outnumbers PLA 2:1 in deployed strength .
See the Indian and Chinese Troops deployed near the borders map below, Indian massively out number Chinese

Sino-Indian Border Deployments (Units located via IHS Jane’s Database August 2016. Does not include paramilitary units, People’s Armed Police (PAP), or infrastructure still under construction). Graphical construction superimposed on Google Maps.
Sino-Indian Border


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China needs to wait and wait. Be patient. Wait another 25 years. Build alliances, and internal economic engine. Don't fall for the bait.
The United States will not send troops to Taiwan for fear of triggering World War III. China is not worried at all. He knows that the United States is afraid to come.
So let me know when PR China musters the courage to invade Republic of China.
Actually it's US making up this propaganda all the way, situations across the Taiwan strait currently is the most peaceful and quiet period during the whole history, no one on either side of the strait is in the mood for a war, the only one crying for war is US.
See the Indian and Chinese Troops deployed near the borders map below, Indian massively out number Chinese

Sino-Indian Border Deployments (Units located via IHS Jane’s Database August 2016. Does not include paramilitary units, People’s Armed Police (PAP), or infrastructure still under construction). Graphical construction superimposed on Google Maps.
Sino-Indian Border


Please read my reply , I have already mentioned that indian army outnumbers PLA 2:1 in eastern sector.
But observe that In ladakh india only has one division .
By the way , This map does not show 8th , 11th , 4th , 6th divisions from Xinjiang Military region and the heavy combined arms brigades of 76th group army
Please read my reply , I have already mentioned that indian army outnumbers PLA 2:1 in eastern sector.
But observe that In ladakh india only has one division .
By the way , This map does not show 8th , 11th , 4th , 6th divisions from Xinjiang Military region and the heavy combined arms brigades of 76th group army
There are 4 Indian armies plus one division near the immediate Ladhka region as you can see in the map, not one division, the one division being the most forward, but all within hundreds of KM away. There are only 4 Chinese divisions total in Xinjiang, one 6th division is shown on the map.The other 3 Chinese divisions you mentioned in Xinjiang are deployed more than thousand of KM away in Northern Xinjiang and the 76th army is stationed at least two thousand KM away in another province Qinhai outside both Tibet and Xinjiang, so these armies literally don't count as border deployment simply becos they are too far away and that's why they are not shown in this Sino-India border map. Xinjiang is a big province with the half size of whole India though all these Chinese armies belong to the Western Theatre Command which has the responsibility of guarding Sino-India borders and many other countries borders too. India definitely has way more troops at the borders with much higher ratio than 2 to 1 as you can see in the map that China only has one division and one brigade near the Ladhka region while India has 4 armies plus one division !
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If China ever going to attack Taiwan, there is definitely going to be a sea blockade around Taiwan island with the 70 plus Chinese submarines to stop others from supplying arms to the Island. Also, if US decides to attack Chinese coastal cities, I am sure it's going to escalate into a nuclear war making US mainland also targets.
First of all, do you know what is Blockade??

You can't blockade with 70 sub in an open ocean, 70 subs can probably control the Taiwan strait and all the approach of the Taiwanese West Coast, how about the East Coast that face the Pacific Ocean, which literally have open access??

70 subs may seems a lot in number, but when you count operational down time, and rotation, you don't have 70, you will be lucky if you can make 40 sub in every one go. You do know you cannot post all 70 sub in the ocean and then wait for its food and fuel to run out and all go home, right?

And then in my scenario, I said China draw US into an open conflict by attacking US merchant or military shipping when they supply Taiwan with arms, what make you think if this is the case, the war would not already be nuclear? There is a reason why US flown arms were not attacked by Russia in open oceans or international airspace..
So let me know when PR China musters the courage to invade Republic of China.
lol, when usa muster the courage to just say TW is not part of China.
Otherwise, why invade & break a valuable piece of real estate+booming trade ?
TW is not a worthless place like india where China can just attack with no worry about breaking anything valuable.
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