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US will not recognize China's air defence zone, Biden tells Xi

I didn't know that India has ADIZ. When you talk to @JayAtl, you are talking to an India pretending to be an America. I won't even call him an American traitor because to do so imply that he wanted to be an American at some point. He just live here to leech off America and send remittances back to his own country India.

Really? And you didn't mention the millions of Chinese Han leeches in America sending remittances back to Han Land?

Don't you even know your own history that India was created by Britain in 1947?
The Brits created India in 1947? I didn't know you were such an idiot! Now I know.[/quote]
It is so funny seeing you a seditious chinese getting so upset when mother china is spoken in a negative manner.

thank you for your tax dollars to allow :usflag::guns::china::suicide::suicide2:

I'm not upset about who you are speaking of. I just know you are trying to pretend like you are an American when in fact, you are an Indian.
I often wonder why it seems some belligerent hyper-nationalists here who display USA flag as their location live in the USA, if USA is so bad?
People like him are cowards, intellectually and physically. Worst of all -- they know what they are.
" Washington will not recognize Beijing's new air defence zone "

who cares ? china ? lol :crazy_pilot:

let me say it this way : who gives a sh*t ?

& :china: & :pakistan: :sniper: :usflag:

i hope indian brothers dont hate me :p:
You don't have to respect our ADIZ. We anticipate you don't, just as we don't respect your ADIZ. The key is we already established a zone in which we have the flexibility to operate and defend our "space". You can fly and do whatever you want in our zone as long as we see no threat approaching our national airspace. If we see any aircraft approaching our national airspace without clear intention, we shoot. Don't ask us why we didn't provide early warning because you just lie to yourself. We did, it's an ADIZ, warning flight system!
Here is what you do not understand...Which is not surprising, really...

How can you determine what constitute a 'threat' or not? By heading? That is dangerous because flights do deviate for a variety of reasons, from avoidance of weather to creating clearance for other flights. Totally innocuous. So for while, an aircraft may be heading straight towards Chinese national airspace with no intention of entering it.

Here is my prediction: A commercial airline will be shot down by an itchy finger Chinese commander operating under murky rules of engagement and identification set down by a military inexperience at operating such a policy.

And all the Chinese members here will rejoice at such a tragedy.
" Washington will not recognize Beijing's new air defence zone "

who cares ? china ? lol :crazy_pilot:

let me say it this way : who gives a sh*t ?

& :china: & :pakistan: :sniper: :usflag:

i hope indian brothers dont hate me :p:

USA will become your friend mate in the near future ............ :)
Why are you saying that India saved China in WWII when India did not even existed back then? Don't you even know your own history that India was created by Britain in 1947?

Factually true, the US established an air bridge from India to keep China resupply routes open after Burma fell to Japan. Without this support Chinese resistance may have been easily overcome.
Factually true, the US established an air bridge from India to keep China resupply routes open after Burma fell to Japan. Without this support Chinese resistance may have been easily overcome.
DBC wasnt there also a road link as well remember reading about it called the burma road
Factually true, the US established an air bridge from India to keep China resupply routes open after Burma fell to Japan. Without this support Chinese resistance may have been easily overcome.

Was that before or after August 15, 1947?

In this context, the term "India" is generally used to refer to the modern political entity called Republic of India, not the broad geographical region or a subdivision of the erstwhile British Empire.
Factually true, the US established an air bridge from India to keep China resupply routes open after Burma fell to Japan. Without this support Chinese resistance may have been easily overcome.

True. There is the air supply route. And it was important. And we can also say that US supply to Russia also contribute to their victory over Nazis. However, we can't quantify how much the supplies contribute to their victory. Can we say that French assistance help US won the war of independent. Of course, we can. However, its another matter to say that US would not get its independent without French help. In reality, French didn't help that much except this one crucial moment in the battle of York Town. And its the French navy instead of army that helped. And adding to that, its the incompetence of the British naval commander that saved the day.

DBC wasnt there also a road link as well remember reading about it called the burma road

This was the supply route open to China from Burma. But it was closed by Japan in 1942.
The headline - US will not recognize China's air defence zone, Biden tells Xi

Yet the United States was one of the first countries to order/advise its airlines to comply with the Chinese ADIZ requirements, i.e. to file flight plans.

So it really doesn't matter what the village idiot (Biden) said, hard facts speak louder than words. I have no doubt Xi had ripped Biden a new one in the one on one meeting.

Since Tuesday, there were 55 airlines that recognize the new ADIZ.

What Biden said was chickenshit.
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