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US will forget Vietnam if it attacks 'FATA'

and i wish you do that , will help us a lot

on topic - american's are not fools , they learn from their mistakes , their military planing and spending is 100 times better than pakistan , and a lot of things have changed since vietnam war , they have better weapons , they would just bomb pakistani territory and i don't think any of paf aircraft will even be able to enter pacific ocean.

2700 Military casualties (whole of NATO forces.. not just USA) in 10 years in Afghanistan.. I say they learnt their lessons well..
No, my assessments are totally realistic. What strengths you have described for the PA are precisely what will not be needed, since the US strategy will avoid those scenarios, if and when needed.

USA hasnt won the wars you mention....the traitors snd rebels did.....Iraq.lost due to theor own people taking sides with USA...then Afghanistan and northern alliance fought gor them...now its Libya (which isnt usa's war to be honest) which lost due to her own rebels...
Continuing that pattern...only if a large portion of pakistani people or military sides with USA ..they have chances of victory...on their own they cant.
looking at how much USA is disliked if not hated by both army and people of pakistan....its unlikely that anybody will fight with them against pakistan.

---------- Post added at 08:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ----------

other tham that *is chogy still going to hell*?
Dont add insult to the injury..vietnam was forgetten after invasion of Afghanistan, now its time to forget Korean War!

The actual interesting story is this:

It was reported yesterday that American commander General John Allen had personally asked Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez to halt a truck bomb two days before an explosion wounded 77 US troops at a base in Wardak, 50 miles southwest of Kabul.

In reply, General Kayani offered to “make a phone call” to stop the assault on the US base in Wardak province.

Simple translation:

John A: SOS, SOS, Beep Beep..SOS!
Kayani: Looks into the air, take a deep cigg shot and sighs..will look into it!
the point most people forget is that while the US lost 58 k people in Vietnam they ended up killing over a million . , more recently look at what has happened to Iraq .
now tell me can you accept that many casualties of innocent people , that too just to protect a "national pride " and militants who have brought a beautiful country to its knees.?
well usa can open a front but now they dont want to take anger from Muslim worlds

usa will stop aid in future
even if america can't win the war , it can cause some serious damage to pakistan , and pakistans current situation itself far from worse , there is no way out that pakistan will be able to recover from this blow.

This is nothing compared to what happened to Pakistan 1971, & it got out of that ok.
I don't think so..............

US is far more powerful then any other country at present many folds..

You can't just win a war by distributing AK-47's to Local people...:rolleyes:
even if america can't win the war , it can cause some serious damage to pakistan , and pakistans current situation itself far from worse , there is no way out that pakistan will be able to recover from this blow.
just change places of america to pakistan
I think pakistanis are forgetting that they can't threaten US by Nukes....
It would be very foolish for the US to engage in full on, overt confrontation with Pakistan. Almost all of the US bases are in Eastern Afghanistan close to the Pakistan border region, Pakistan can easily destroy them in missile strikes, & then cut off the supply route from Pakistan. The US won't be able to launch drones into Pakistan: the bases will be destroyed, & even if there are some that aren't, Pakistan shutting off the supply routes would mean that fuel won't be able to reach Afghanistan to operate these drones. The route through Central Asia is even more dangerous than the Pakistan route, because the IMU's stronghold in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan & Northern Afghanistan (Kunduz, Takhar), as well as various other Al-Qaeda factions. Not to mention that it takes almost twice the time to get the supplies through this route, as well as the much higher costs. The US Forces will be trapped inside Afghanistan.
One important difference between the fate suffered by the Soviets in Afghanistan and the US in Vietnam, and the current US endeavor in Afghanistan, is the fact that there is pretty much no other major party supporting the side opposing the US.

The Soviets and the US had their arses handed to them in Afghanistan and Vietnam because of other major powers supporting the local forces fighting the two respective superpowers. Heck, even if Pakistan alone had chosen to support the Taliban with a limited amount of sophisticated weapons such as anti-tank and anti-air missiles (like the US did when supporting the Mujahideen against the Soviets), US casualties would be along the lines seen by the Soviets in Afghanistan, and the US would be 'crashing and burning' like it did in Vietnam.
Pakistan military is the 2nd military of the world who got pitted against the soviets the first 1 was NAZI germany who got devastated by the soviets USSR while Pakistan devastated USSR in Afghanistan.And we are not alone We got China Turkey IRAN with us incase of any misadventure by the US

Do you think anyone will take a stand with you against US?
Wrong expectations bro..
50-60 thousand American soldiers died(officially) and 10s of millions of Vietnamese were killed in Vietnam war.The country was turned to rubble. Even American "loss" means horror for its enemy. Pakistan should elect intelligent senators.
Another point which i think people are not giving importance is that US has 140 k troops in Afghanistan who require a permanent and efficient supplies on daily basis. The pentagon is planning to stay in Afghanistan beyond 2014 and the economical alternate supply line is still not discovered. US cannot afford to cut these supplies which go through Pakistan for some 4k fighters which it believes attack US interests in Kabul (Stupid claim btw).
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