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US will forget Vietnam if it attacks 'FATA'

Sunni Ittehad Council issues fatwa against US
Religious outfit says in case of US assault, Jihad will be obligatory for Pakistani Nation. Sunni Ittehad Council, in its fatwa, said if United States launches a military assault against Pakistan, it would be a religious obligation of every Pakistani to participate in the Jihad against America. The religious leaders also said that Pak Army should start preparations to counter possible military attack of US. The Ulema who issued the Fatwa include Allama Pir Muhammad Afzal C...read more...
Dunya News: Pakistan
Imran warns of fierce resistance if US attacks Pakistan

GUJRANWALA: Pakistanis would put up the most fierce resistance if the United States sends its forces to Waziristan, Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf Chief Imran Khan warned on Sunday.

Addressing a public meeting at Liaquat Park, he said President Zardari and his government have failed to provide amenities to the poor people, check price-hike and eliminate corruption from the country. He said the country was sinking but the president was busy in robbing its people.

He said the change was imminent and it could not be averted. Khan said he had always opposed subservience to the USA and deploying the Pakistan Army for the cause of the United States. He said Pakistan had no role in the 9/11 incident and, therefore, it needed not fight others’ wars. He said Pakistan had already suffered huge losses of life and property in fighting the US war.

Khan said Pakistan’s greedy leaders were selling their conscience for US dollars. He said America was pitted against Afghan people and it was set to face defeat ultimately. He termed President Zardari a coward leader and said the nation needed self-respecting brave leaders.

He pledged to rid the country of American slavery. The PTI chief appealed to the people raise funds for the flood-stricken people of Sindh. Our reporter adds from Lahore: PTI Chairman Imran Khan said the US was blaming Pakistan for its defeat in Afghanistan but the nation would foil any bid meant to challenge our sovereignty.

Imran lamented that the country’s leaders were busy shopping in Dubai and London and they has no concern with the sufferings of this country. Due to their corruption and lack of governance today Pakistan is facing all types of pressures internally and externally.

---------- Post added at 08:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 PM ----------

Imran warns of fierce resistance if US attacks Pakistan

Courtesy: The NEWS.

---------- Post added at 08:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:40 PM ----------

US attack on Waziristan will result in united response: Imran

* PTI chief says after coming to power, his party will liberate country from shackles of US, establish peace, harmony in Karachi and other cities of country

Staff Report

GUJRANWALA: If the US army attacked Waziristan, the whole nation would give a united response and counter it, and separation from the so-called US “war on terror” would end suicide attacks and jihad in Pakistan, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chairman Imran Khan said on Sunday.

Addressing a rally in connection with his “Remove rules and save country” campaign attended by 50,000 PTI activists and members at the Liaqat Park, Khan said that he had asked General (r) Pervez Musharraf to refrain from launching an army operation in Waziristan but he did so on the behest of the US and as a result we have lost 35,000 men. He blamed the “dollar-loving Pakistani rulers” for the mass killings of Pakistanis.

He said that the war on terror belongs to the US and not Pakistan, adding that the policies of the country were not in favour of national sovereignty, as a result of which American Army head Mike Mullen was issuing threats to our country today.

He asked President Asif Ali Zardari to inform the nation about his role under such crucial circumstances and said that our nation needed leaders and not ‘geedars’.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Courtesy: Daily Times.
How close is a US carrier group to the Arabian sea at the moment? US will signal its intentions the day it decides to move its carrier group close to Pak in the Arabian sea.

In my view Pak does not stand a chance. Before US declares its intentions if at all to attack Pak it would have made the ground work to have majority of the world on its side willingly or otherwise.
Nations who forget their history are bound to repeat it, so the USA will never forget Vietnam. Saddam promised the "Mother of all Battles" in the case US attacked, did he not? Perhaps Senator Saifullah should remember that.

From all ur recent posts it seems like u r yearning do badly to see harm done to Pak-Watan... ur hidden-wishes r overflowing out of ur pores...
In case of conflict; i see USAF dominating the skies as we don't really have any formidable air superiority fighter against F18's etc. And possibly the bugged f16 B52 will just refuse to lock on USAF planes!!!
However on the ground it will be a different situation; US army will get hammered, no doubt, provided we can shield our units from cruise missiles & B-2's :blink:
From all ur recent posts it seems like u r yearning do badly to see harm done to Pak-Watan... ur hidden-wishes r overflowing out of ur pores...

Funny how whenever Americans get outargued, they say "look what happened to Saddam, we will make you like him", but when you say that you'll make an example of them like in Vietnam, they say "no no no that's 40 years ago!"

Well, Saddam was 20 years ago, and the amount of time since Gulf War and now is the same as that between Vietnam and Gulf War. In 20 years, things change, and they change alot.
What 'resources of a working nation' did Al Qaeda utilize in carrying out the Kenyan bombings and 9/11 attacks?

---------- Post added at 06:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:04 PM ----------

Your point, and Karan's, is incorrect, as you will see when he ties himself in knots trying to associate some sort of 'functioning government resources' to the activities of Al Qaeda leading up to the 9/11 attacks.

Not that I claim to know all the undisclosed details, but wasnt Al Queda hosted by Afghanistan and its government at the time of 9/11 ?

---------- Post added at 09:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 AM ----------

From all ur recent posts it seems like u r yearning do badly to see harm done to Pak-Watan... ur hidden-wishes r overflowing out of ur pores...

Your post is the incarnation of what is exactly wrong with Pakistan in my view.. Most people simply indulge in Jingoistic chest thumping and the ones who dare to differ and talk sense are accused of harming the Pak-watan :disagree:
I just had a discussion where I concluded

Era One: Imran in 1997-2005 *(rise of ordinary Pakistani to politics/rise of nationalist leaders)

Era Two: Imran 2006-2013 *(Emergence of a National Leader/rise of a political party)

Era Three: PTI 2014-2022 and onwards *(Emergence of National representative Party/rise of the political institution)

Hopefully, people will learn sooner than later that middle class political party is the only solution to Pakistan's problems...
Yes, and you forgot to mention the 'jihad' factor :D, I am sure that suited booted people will be there as well for the sake of jihad.

Here comes the soooper doooooper fatwa from our mullah section.:lol:


English Version:

LAHORE – As many as 50 religious scholars associated with the Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC), a conglomerate of 20 Barelvi school of thought groups, have declared that Jihad against the US would be obligatory for the entire in case of aggression against the country.
According a press release issued here on Sunday, the scholars had issued a decree for Jihad against the US, terming it real Jihad in defence of the homeland.
The fatwa also declared as haram (illegitimate) calling the US super power, saying only Allah Almighty deserved the title.
The scholars called upon the government to end the country’s role as front-line state in the so-called US war on terror and try to establish a new bloc comprising China, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. They also urged the government to start preaching Jihad in the way of God with the armed forces making preparations to counter any foreign aggression. They urged all politicians to bring back their assets from abroad as well as returning bank loans got through political influence.

Political statements and tall claims nothing else. We Pakistani are so gullible that we fall for 'big words' of politicians very easily. This is the ultimate tragedy of this nation.

Imran Khan led dharnas against NATO convoys and release of Raymond Davis miserably failed.

Common people in Pakistan are facing so much hardships that they seldom care about what is happening in Afghanistan and how are Pak-US relations proceeding.

People in many regions of NWFP and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa are already fed up with WOT. They have faced the wrath of Taliban and then came the barrage of US drone attacks. Many have got displaced in those regions and are living like refugees. I wonder what is the degree of morale in those regions. I feel sorry for the affected people.

People in Sindh and Punjab have literally no idea about suffering of these people. Bunch of keyboard warriors and internet generals. United my ........

Additional US attacks will only increase the suffering of the affected people.
From all ur recent posts it seems like u r yearning do badly to see harm done to Pak-Watan... ur hidden-wishes r overflowing out of ur pores...

My posts have not changed recently: they are factual, and logical, as always.

The only thing that comes out of my pores is sweat, and even that only a little since it does not get as hot here as Pakistan.

My efforts are to prevent harm to Pakistan, and indeed even help it flourish. You may disagree, but that is not my problem. I will continue to serve Pakistan, as well as USA, as best as I can. Deal with it.

Back to topic, I think that both sides are working to reduce tensions, and that is a good thing.
Will you make them forget Vietnam or remember Vietnam? Both can mean the same thing! :D
US frustrations over Pakistan boil over

Adm Mike Mullen's comments that the militant Haqqani group is a "veritable arm" of Pakistani intelligence service the ISI is just the latest and most extreme in a series of statements that will be seen in Pakistan as incendiary.

Not only will this generate concern in government circles, but the wider public will also be very worried about the implications of this war of words.

Pakistani media coverage of a string of outspoken comments from the US on Pakistani relations with militants have reflected these fears. People are worried that the Afghan war is coming to their side of the border.

All of a sudden the Americans are talking openly about suspicions they have harboured for years and at an extremely senior level.

For years, US statements have trod delicately about the issue. They have talked about "elements" of the Pakistani "establishment" having "links" with militant groups.

The new accusatory terminology is instructive and lays bare the gulf that has opened up between these uneasy allies.

'Common enemy'

The question is what will it really achieve in Pakistan and what options are open to the Pakistani government?

The first position, as is clear from past experience, is denial. Pakistan denies the allegations and this has been a consistent position over the years. Interior Minister Rehman Malik has demanded evidence.

"We demand that US provide us proof that the Haqqani network is based in tribal areas, so that we can eliminate our common enemy," he told the BBC.

He also says that while there are militants in the tribal areas, the responsibility for attacks on Afghanistan also lies in what he calls "some weakness on the other side of the border".

The government will be keen to remind the wider world that Pakistan too has been in the grip of terror for years as militants launch deadly attacks across the country.

But many argue that one simply has to look at the number of militants arrested or killed on Pakistani soil. Most famously, Osama Bin Laden was killed in Abbottabad, but countless other high profile Taliban and al-Qaeda leaders have been arrested or killed in the country. The Pakistanis may well issue denials, but analysts will point to such history.

The Haqqani network - and Pakistan's alleged relationship with it - has been a source of frustration for the US.

It is a matter of record that Jalaluddin Haqqani, the leader of the network, was nurtured by the Pakistani secret service while fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan during the 1980s. Indeed he was also assisted by the CIA.

Some analysts believe the links between the militants and Pakistan's intelligence are still alive. But others say that Pakistan's secret service no longer has control over the potent militant groups it helped create.

'Diplomatic glue'

There is some evidence, locals in Pakistan's tribal areas close to the Afghan border say, of cross-border support, such as food supplies being provided to militants. Some analysts even allege that elements of the army admit assistance in Waziristan.

But this is flatly denied by Pakistan's military and the ISI, through its various channels, has also denied such links.

What is clear is that the Haqqanis play a significant role in the militant affairs of Pakistan's north-west. They are the "diplomatic glue" of the various militant groups in the area, mediating when there are tensions between competing clans and tribes in Waziristan.

The real question, for most analysts in Pakistan, is not whether the Haqqanis are here or whether the Pakistan military supports them, but what the Americans are going to do now.

They will want Pakistan to go after the Haqqanis, but the Pakistanis are reluctant to undertake a military operation, particularly one that will prove unpopular in a country bruised by the latest US comments and unilateral actions such as the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

And the last Pakistani offensive against militants in Waziristan simply shifted many militants to neighbouring regions.

If there are links, they have so far eluded mapping and conclusive proof. It is now up to the Americans to show if there is a smoking gun.

BBC News - US frustrations over Pakistan boil over
Not that I claim to know all the undisclosed details, but wasnt Al Queda hosted by Afghanistan and its government at the time of 9/11 ?
Afghanistan at that time was not exactly a 'functioning government/nation' was it? And outside of being able to reside in a war-torn nation, what 'functioning government resources' were provided to Al Qaeda by the Taliban in perpetrating the embassy bombings and 9/11?

And if 'hosting' is your concern, then it would be just as easy, if not easier, for groups like the Haqqanis and Al Qaeda to shelter in a destabilized Pakistan, and in fact gain even more power and control since they would likely have the most guns and most powerful militias, in the absence of State Security Forces.

So no, Al Qaeda did not have access to any 'functioning government resources' in perpetrating its terrorist attacks, including 9/11.
Your post is the incarnation of what is exactly wrong with Pakistan in my view.. Most people simply indulge in Jingoistic chest thumping and the ones who dare to differ and talk sense are accused of harming the Pak-watan :disagree:
There is nothing wrong with his post - he is merely articulating his interpretation of VCheng's comments, one that I share - whether that is VCheng's intent or not I cannot say, but his posts strongly imply exactly what the poster said.
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