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US will act on ‘actionable targets’ in FATA: Biden


Oct 3, 2008
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US will attack Pak if it had intelligence: Biden-US-World-The Times of India

US will attack Pak if it had intelligence: Biden

WASHINGTON: Sticking to the campaign pledge of US President Barack Obama, his deputy and Vice President Joe Biden on Sunday said the United

States would not hesitate to launch attacks inside Pakistan, if it had actionable intelligence against "high-value" Al-Qaida targets.

"I can say that the President of the United States said during his campaign and in the debates that if there is an actionable target, of a high-level Al Qaida personnel, that he would not hesitate to use action to deal with that," Biden said in an interview to CBS news.

Biden was responding to a question referring to the latest US missile attack inside the tribal regions of Pakistan and if these attacks were approved by Obama or if he would continue with the Bush Administration's policy in this regard.

"It's my understanding that the president, the previous president, gave our US forces and the CIA permission to go across that border, to go after Al Qaida if it became necessary on the ground. Does President Obama -- will he continue that policy?" the CBS anchor asked.

"I can't speak to any particular attack. I can't speak to any particular action. It's not appropriate for me to do that," Biden said and then referred to the famous "actionable intelligence" statement made by Obama during campaign days.

He also declined to answer specific question if the Obama Administration would notify Islamabad before any cross-border movement. "I'm not going to respond to that question," he said.

Referring to his recent trip to Pakistan, Biden said: "The good news is that in my last trip -- and I've been to Pakistan many times and that region many times -- there is a great deal more cooperation going on now between the Pakistan military in an area called the FATA, the Federally Administered Territory -- Waziristan, North Waziristan -- all that area we hear about, that is really sort of ungovernable.

"Not sort of, it's been ungovernable for the Pakistani government. That's where the bad guys are hiding. That's where the Al Qaida folks are, and some other malcontents."

He said: "And so what we're doing is we're in the process of working with the Pakistanis to help train up their counter-insurgency capability of their military, and we're getting new agreements with them about how to deal with cross-border movements of these folks, so we're making progress."
He's dancing around the hard facts of the understanding. We've got it on paper between our president and our troops. The connection between his office and Pakistan is oral. No written agreement anywhere but it likely remains the most powerful conversation yet held out on a U.S. aircraft carrier this last summer.

No way, no how was there going to be a leak on the Pakistani side and they made sure of it with the meeting in a secure boardroom with a fully vetted access list of only their highest officials 500 miles from anywhere.

Blows the hell out of the non-conversation about "bombing Pakistan into the stone-age". Nobody knows what the hell was said out there but everything changed beginning then.

Talk about your typical S. Asian conspiracy theory! Can't tell me there's no agreement. Targeting intel coming from somewhere and it's not always electronic. If not, and they ain't using the ol' satcoms or cellphones much believe me, then that's ISI.

Too bad that your government doesn't have the confidence of it's position to bluntly and forthrightly tell the Pakistani people the real story about FATAland and PREDATOR. Too bad your army is unwilling to back the civilian government up with these facts and plainly explain why PREDATOR is valuable and necessary.

I hope the rumor about this SWAT operation in the works is true. It can't happen soon enough.

You're at war and your citizens have to guess about which side. Oh well. That's your business, I guess.
^^Hi S2,

Before you start your usuall bashing of Pakistani people and blaming Pak army have a look at the falg of the nations claimed by poster.

I think you have not noticed that subject news has been posted by an indian of US origin or vice versa!

BTW, It sounds like you and your hindu compatriots are not very optimistic about Obama.
Take a look at this Title >> US will attack Pak if it had intelligence: Biden

Yeah Intelligence like regarding WMD in iraq??
Intelligence like where is Osama??
^^Hi S2,

Before you start your usuall bashing of Pakistani people and blaming Pak army have a look at the falg of the nations claimed by poster.

I think you have not noticed that subject news has been posted by an indian of US origin or vice versa!

BTW, It sounds like you and your hindu compatriots are not very optimistic about Obama.

lol. He's obsessed!
Take a look at this Title >> US will attack Pak if it had intelligence: Biden

Yeah Intelligence like regarding WMD in iraq??
Intelligence like where is Osama??

Its the 'Slime of India' newspaper, what do you expect from them except a distortion of the facts?
Naw. I see the byline and am not taken in by that. There's nothing there. The story itself is more revealing further in with what Biden WON'T comment upon.
Its the 'Slime of India' newspaper, what do you expect from them except a distortion of the facts?

This is from daily slime..

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

US will act on ‘actionable targets’ in FATA: Biden

* Vice president says US working to build Pakistan’s capability to counter insurgency
* FATA had been ‘ungovernable’ for Pakistan

WASHINGTON: Hinting that the United States drone attacks in the Tribal Areas would continue as before, US Vice President Joe Biden said the US would act if there was an ‘actionable target’ in sight.

He said the US was working towards strengthening Pakistan’s counterinsurgency capability, but declined to specifically address the issue of drone strikes against suspected Taliban and Al Qaeda targets on the Pakistani side of the Afghan border.

“I cannot speak to any particular attack. I cannot speak to any particular action. It is not appropriate for me to do that,” he said in response to a question in the backdrop of Friday’s drone strikes on North and South Waziristan, which killed 18 people.

Working: “What we are doing is we are in the process of working with the Pakistanis to help train up the counterinsurgency capability of their military, and we’re getting new agreements with them about how to deal with cross-border movements of these folks, so we are making progress,” Biden said.

Referring to US President Barack Obama’s election campaigning, Biden said the president had “said during his campaign and in the debates that if there is an actionable target, of a high-level Al Qaeda personnel, that he would not hesitate to use action to deal with that”.

He, however, praised increased cooperation by Pakistani authorities, calling the coordination ‘good news’.

“The good news is that in my last trip - and I have been to Pakistan and that region many times - there is a great deal more cooperation going on now between the Pakistan military in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Waziristan, North Waziristan - all that area that we hear about being ungovernable,” he said.

FATA: But Biden added that the areas had “been ungovernable for the Pakistani government. That’s where the bad guys are hiding. That’s where the Al Qaeda folks are, and some other malcontents”.

Biden also expressed understanding of the fact that FATA had been historically ungoverned.

According to a Pakistani embassy spokesman, agreement of views on coordination of border monitoring, improvement in intelligence-sharing and bolstering the capacity of Pakistani security forces was a continuous process between the coalition partners.

A senior official in Islamabad on Sunday said the drone attacks were counterproductive to Pakistan’s efforts aimed at curbing extremism.

On Afghanistan, Biden said the new US administration had inherited a ‘real mess’. “What’s happened is that because of a failure to provide sufficient resources, economic, political and military, as well as failure to get a coherent policy among our allies, economically and politically, and in terms of military resources, the situation has deteriorated a great deal,” he said.app
Okay, seriously now, are most Pakistanis simply in denial, or in such an advanced state of paranoia, or just too brainwashed about their "enemy" India, that they cannot see the reality around them. They KNOW that the US will bomb them, they KNOW that Israel will bomb them, and they KNOW that India will bomb them, and they abosolutely must KNOW that it is just a matter of time. The world KNOWS Pakistan as the epicenter of global terrorism, so it is just a matter of time. Why are Pakistanis so offended by the obvious, and for once, why don't they actually take a deep look within themselves instead of accusing India, and Israel, and the US. It seems to be a national trend, the vicious circle of dishonesty-cheating-terrorism-maiming and so on.
And please, before somebody goes on this anti-India or anti-Israel tirade, please think of somrthing more original to do.
Gosh, am I glad you showed up.

You make me look positively diplomatic. Thank you.

May you live in interesting times.
Yeah, Jake, buddy, they "might" not be ready for too much truth. You should introduce yourself on the members intro thread.
Okay, seriously now, are most Pakistanis simply in denial, or in such an advanced state of paranoia, or just too brainwashed about their "enemy" India, that they cannot see the reality around them. They KNOW that the US will bomb them, they KNOW that Israel will bomb them, and they KNOW that India will bomb them, and they abosolutely must KNOW that it is just a matter of time. The world KNOWS Pakistan as the epicenter of global terrorism, so it is just a matter of time. Why are Pakistanis so offended by the obvious, and for once, why don't they actually take a deep look within themselves instead of accusing India, and Israel, and the US. It seems to be a national trend, the vicious circle of dishonesty-cheating-terrorism-maiming and so on.
And please, before somebody goes on this anti-India or anti-Israel tirade, please think of somrthing more original to do.
Well i don't know if US will even attack Pakistan on larg scale which i find too real to be true, But as far as india and Pakistan is concerned, Iam sure that india and Israel will be bomed by Pakistan not more then 20 years and yeh just to save some lines Pakistan will remain on this map but i hardly doubt if ISrael will remain on the map of the world. What seriously is the topic in US now a days after Israeli terrorism against innocent civilians of Palistian with 50,000 houses bomed by Israeli AF is that Should USA back Israel to that extend or no? Its a matter of time buddy when USA will abandon Israel and trust me then you will not even find India to save your *** by Pakistan coz you will be bomed to Moses time when Pakistan army PAF will hit you. That time is not that far... Before you start bashing Pakistan over my comments i will suggest you to go control those small terroist groups who are making you bleed left to right. World has seen Israel as a cowerd nation on earth with the backing of USA so don't feel powerful its just wait and see when Pakistan come and hunt your stinking *** down. Pakistani People are totally not in the state of denial nor the armed forces of Pakistan, Its just wait and watch we are a wicked nation on earth when it comes to deal with our enemies trust US:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::usflag::china::pdf:
Okay, seriously now, are most Pakistanis simply in denial, or in such an advanced state of paranoia, or just too brainwashed about their "enemy" India, that they cannot see the reality around them. They KNOW that the US will bomb them, they KNOW that Israel will bomb them, and they KNOW that India will bomb them, and they abosolutely must KNOW that it is just a matter of time. The world KNOWS Pakistan as the epicenter of global terrorism, so it is just a matter of time. Why are Pakistanis so offended by the obvious, and for once, why don't they actually take a deep look within themselves instead of accusing India, and Israel, and the US. It seems to be a national trend, the vicious circle of dishonesty-cheating-terrorism-maiming and so on.
And please, before somebody goes on this anti-India or anti-Israel tirade, please think of somrthing more original to do.

Firstly, follow the rules of this forum, this is not Palestine you will not be given a free card to act as you wish. Like pointed out above, please introduce yourself first, but take my advice and just disappear for good and never come back.

Second, what you espouse as fact is merely biased opinion. If terror is emanating from Pakistan why does Israel destroy it's neighbours, why is the US stationed in over 144 countries, and why do India's neighbours spend so much on defense needs?

A matter of time that Pakistan gets bombed you say, well for what reason? Our terror is only affecting us at the moment, I don't see any or have ever seen any evidence of Pakistani's causing terror in Israel? So what possessed you to furnish this tirade for us? Coincidentally your IDF is causing terror in Kashmir as we speak and has publicly stated that it will engage in black ops against Pakistani citizens as retribution for the Mumbai incident which had nothing to do with Pakistani's. Do I even have to remind you of what you murderers and pillagers did in Gaza recently? Lebanon? Tell me who is the terrorist now? Utterly pathetic.

It is not us that need to take a deep look at ourselves, trust me we are a nation born out of extreme circumstances much more than your bast*** creation of a sliver of a state tucked away in the middle of nowhere with it's back to the sea. If your nation so much as lifts a finger against Pakistan in an overt fashion, or if we find out you are causing terror in Pakistan covertly and it is proven in court, well all I can say is that we won't respond like Arabs. We will flatten your Kibbutz's from the land, sea and air.

Firstly, follow the rules of this forum, this is not Palestine you will not be given a free card to act as you wish. Like pointed out above, please introduce yourself first, but take my advice and just disappear for good and never come back.

Second, what you espouse as fact is merely biased opinion. If terror is emanating from Pakistan why does Israel destroy it's neighbours, why is the US stationed in over 144 countries, and why do India's neighbours spend so much on defense needs?

A matter of time that Pakistan gets bombed you say, well for what reason? Our terror is only affecting us at the moment, I don't see any or have ever seen any evidence of Pakistani's causing terror in Israel? So what possessed you to furnish this tirade for us? Coincidentally your IDF is causing terror in Kashmir as we speak and has publicly stated that it will engage in black ops against Pakistani citizens as retribution for the Mumbai incident which had nothing to do with Pakistani's. Do I even have to remind you of what you murderers and pillagers did in Gaza recently? Lebanon? Tell me who is the terrorist now? Utterly pathetic.

It is not us that need to take a deep look at ourselves, trust me we are a nation born out of extreme circumstances much more than your bast*** creation of a sliver of a state tucked away in the middle of nowhere with it's back to the sea. If your nation so much as lifts a finger against Pakistan in an overt fashion, or if we find out you are causing terror in Pakistan covertly and it is proven in court, well all I can say is that we won't respond like Arabs. We will flatten your Kibbutz's from the land, sea and air.


Well said buddy and trust me i smell more Indian kido from his post then Israeli
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