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US: We will trace and kill new Al-Qaeda leader

Osama was in Pakistan then why Did US targeted Afghanistan? American should be responsible for killing of innocent peoples in Afghanistan because of war on terror which they started to find Osama. I don't find any difference between osama and bush. They were just two different character who did same thing with different purpose

I do. But then again, you and i view good and evil differently.
I do. But then again, you and i view good and evil differently.

For me anyone who kill innocent peoples is terrorist. It don't matter if he is your isreali solider in uniform , american president who wage illegal war on other nations to kill thousand innocent peoples along with two or three terrorist or a suicide bombers who take lives of many innocent peoples along with himself. Its all depend how you define terrorist or terrorism. Obviously we all know most innocent peoples got killed because of bush policies than because of 9/11 or Osama. What do you think about american war in Iraq? For me it was evil and Bush should be responsible for all innocent peoples got killed because of this war.
For me anyone who kill innocent peoples is terrorist. It don't matter if he is your isreali solider in uniform , american president who wage illegal war on other nations to kill thousand innocent peoples along with two or three terrorist or a suicide bombers who take lives of many innocent peoples along with himself. Its all depend how you define terrorist or terrorism. Obviously we all know most innocent peoples got killed because of bush policies than because of 9/11 or Osama. What do you think about american war in Iraq? For me it was evil and Bush should be responsible for all innocent peoples got killed because of this war.
It was war. Innocent people die in wars, it is inevitable. Suicide bombing is a choice, so is terror attacks and murdering people in the misguided notion of religious duty. Those are evil in my eyes.
ok kill him, a new leader will take over, kill him too, a new leader will take over, kill him, and again new leader will take over, this war will never end like this.

You are right. We should buy him candy.
It was war. Innocent people die in wars, it is inevitable. Suicide bombing is a choice, so is terror attacks and murdering people in the misguided notion of religious duty. Those are evil in my eyes.

UN define terrorism as any act "intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act," You can see how many peoples should be guilty of terrorism by this definition

you suggest its ok for any country to wage illegal war on other nations. If a powerful nation attack on weaker nation then this war is always justified with excuses but when a weaker person attack on peoples of strong nation then its called terrorism. I think they are both choices and they both bring negative consequences and misery for peoples. We also know consequences of illegal wars are much more destructive than suicide bombing where a criminal kill himself along with many innocents.
UN define terrorism as any act "intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act," You can see how many peoples should be guilty of terrorism by this definition

So you suggest its ok for any country to wage illegal war on other nations. If a powerful nation attack on weaker nation then this war is always justified with excuses but when a weaker person attack on peoples of strong nation then its called terrorism. I think they are both choices and they both bring negative consequences and misery for peoples. We also know consequences of illegal wars are much more destructive than suicide bombing where a criminal kill himself along with many innocents.

See, there we are fundamentally different Raja. You consider terrorists human, i do not.
Becausen of thier religion.

really but i dont see them opposing Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, or Philippines or nigerians lol according to Osama he opposed america because of its anti Muslim policies
See, there we are fundamentally different Raja. You consider terrorists human, i do not.

You did not read the definition of terrorism in my previous post and according to this United nation definition of terrorism, Bush also qualify as terrorist and you consider him human.don't you? terrorists are humans although misguided or evil may be. we should try to understand the reasons for which they choose to commit evil acts in order to eliminate terrorism.
You did not read the definition of terrorism in my previous post and according to this United nation definition of terrorism, Bush also qualify as terrorist and you consider him human.don't you? terrorists are humans although misguided or evil may be. we should try to understand the reasons for which they choose to commit evil acts in order to eliminate terrorism.

I read it, i disagree with you when you call President Bush a terrorist.
I do not try to understand the reasoning of monsters, i just know they need to be put down as soon as humanly possible.
This is where Russia and China excel at, they have zero tolerance for terrorism, unlike the UK and the US that give them fair trials and try and tolerate their inhumanities out of some misguided notion of religious tolerance.
really but i dont see them opposing Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, or Philippines or nigerians lol according to Osama he opposed america because of its anti Muslim policies

Then i suggest you educate yourself in the insurgencies in Philippines past and present, same with Nigeria and China by Muslim extremists.
I read it, i disagree with you when you call President Bush a terrorist.
I said Bush is terrorist according to definition of terrorism by UN and not only bush but your soldiers also committed terrorism on innocent Palestinians. If you don't agree with UN definition of terrorism then provide me your own definition. How you define terrorism and terrorist?
I do not try to understand the reasoning of monsters, i just know they need to be put down as soon as humanly possible.

Again you cannot eliminate the terrorism with terrorism. You will have to prevent the root cause of terrorism in order to eliminate terrorism. you can kill terrorists but few more will born..you need to kill their ideologies which is only possible if we understand their reasoning for which they find it right to commit terrorism.
This is where Russia and China excel at, they have zero tolerance for terrorism, unlike the UK and the US that give them fair trials and try and tolerate their inhumanities out of some misguided notion of religious tolerance.

Your approach is totally insane same like terrorist. You know Hamas also follow this notion of zero tolerance against injustice and cruelty committed by Israel.
Then i suggest you educate yourself in the insurgencies in Philippines past and present, same with Nigeria and China by Muslim extremists.
If you think terrorism is there because of difference in religion and nothing else then you need to broad your thinking..according to Osama al qaida never did 9/11 because USA is a Christian country.. they did because they were not happy with US taking side of Israel in Palestinian-Israel conflict and they think US has anti Islam policies. Again Hamas is not fighting with Israel because they are jews. They are fighting with them because they oppressed Palestinians. Its more political struggle than religious.
If you think terrorism is there because of difference in religion and nothing else then you need to broad your thinking..according to Osama al qaida never did 9/11 because USA is a Christian country.. they did because they were not happy with US taking side of Israel in Palestinian-Israel conflict and they think US has anti Islam policies. Again Hamas is not fighting with Israel because they are jews. They are fighting with them because they oppressed Palestinians. Its more political struggle than religious.
There is always some justification given by terrorists, somehow they are victims of some oppression. Or in reaction to somebody else's action. The hindu terrorists who blew samjhota express and placed bomb in mosque blame muslims for terrorism and want retaliation.
Hope you will be understanding with their "root cause" as well.

In any case, you can at best rationalize violence against govt forces(insurgency, rebels,militants) but terrorism is against innocent bystanders by design.
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