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US warns of ability to take down Chinese artificial islands

Or may be he is being made into a scapegoat given his eccentric behavior and image in public? The problem with US administration is that there is a secretive nerve centre which controls the narrative in the country. It is not a democracy and most leans closer to a secretive plutarchy. Call it the CIA/NSA or whatever, there definitely is more than what meets the eye.

Every president who has come up and tried to make any major differences from the narrative of that time, is either silenced or suddenly changes stance within a few days of coming to power. Ever wondered why is that? Trump wanted friendly ties with Russia but was forced to change overnight. Forced by whom? This is to be understood.

I definitely believe so.
Your us professional and mighty navy ships can't even put up with civilian merchant ships. Your navymen got KOed bigtime. :-)

Perhaps the Chinese Navy should resort to merchant ships only then because a real navy couldn't handle the U.S. Navy when playing fair. Better to be disguise as a merchant navy. Guerrilla warfare at sea.

Well good luck launching attacks from smouldering bases and sunk carriers.

Yes good luck to you.
Keep your growth rate and your historical support to yourself! You can’t justify aggression in Asia by citing China support to Africa.

now keep your boot-licking of the warmongers to yourselves.

China's contributions on top of economics are worldwide like I said in post 54.


"LONDON - The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is at the top place among the world's leading institutions for high-quality scientific research, according to the Nature Index 2018 annual tables released on Thursday."

What is communist vietnam's contribution to science?


China’s contribution to peacekeeping shows commitment to world peace
interview with UN Assistant Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations Edmond Mulet

date:2016-05-16 author:ShiXiaoMeng

"China sent five military observers to the UN peacekeeping mission in the Middle East in 1990. It was the first time China joined a UN peacekeeping mission. Since then, it has sent more than 30,000 personnel to UN missions in Cambodia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Lebanon, Mali and other places."

What is communist vietnam's contribution to worldpeace?

Global Health and development

How China's high-tech boom can help global health

"Historically, China’s contribution to global health and development focused on the health sector. For decades China has been providing physicians and medical specialists to work in developing countries, most recently in the WHO-certified Emergency Medical Teams deployed in response to health emergencies. It has helped to finance and build large-scale infrastructure projects, building roads, hospitals and healthcare centres, and is sharing its experiences with other countries in building a strong health surveillance and monitoring system.

Recently its private sector have ramped up their participation. Four years ago, China entered the global vaccine market with a Japanese encephalitis (JE) vaccine, China’s first to be pre-qualified by the World Health Organization. Other Chinese vaccines are in the pipeline to be pre-qualified by WHO, including an inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) - essential in the endgame strategy to eradicate Polio and for which currently there is a global shortage. In January of this year President Xi met with WHO’s Director-General in Geneva to sign an agreement to radically improve access to healthcare beyond China through the Belt and Road Initiative, the President’s ambition to reinvigorate trade and infrastructure networks connecting Asia, Europe and Africa."

"The majority of civilian drones produced in the world are developed and produced in China, making China the leader in this technology. While primarily aimed at a consumer market there is huge scope for this kind of technology to be used for more humanitarian purposes.

In Rwanda, for example, a nationwide autonomous drone-based delivery system was launched last year, which delivers emergency supplies of blood from a central distribution centre in the nation’s capital, Kigali, to rural districts. Now, whenever a mother is haemorrhaging during childbirth, instead of waiting hours for a motorcycle delivery they can have the life-saving blood within just 20 minutes. Developed as a part of a partnership between US drone company Zipline, the Rwandan government, UPS and Gavi, the plan is to eventually extend this to deliver vaccines too.

But drones are just one example. Aucma is another, a Chinese innovator that developed the Arktek portable passive cold storage device. This remarkable device can maintain temperatures as low as -80 degrees Celsius without any power, which proved essential in transporting the Ebola vaccine during the West African Ebola.

Given the diverse and vibrant nature of China’s private sector ecosystem, it is likely there are many more potential solutions like this waiting to be found. From data systems to mobile phone-based technologies, the opportunity is to turn China’s innovation champions into global health champions. And that is a global trade system we should all support."

What has communist vietnam done to the world in these areas?

The US can't win its war in Afghanistan after 17 years. It is funny how it believes it can beat China.
This comparison doesn't make sense. Afghanistan is a landlocked country and US have stationed only 16000 troops there to make sure that Afghan government doesn't fall. Afghanistan is in a perpetual state of civil war since the 1960s, and it turned into a breeding ground of terrorists over the course of time. These factors are prolonging American stay in Afghanistan although American Military Industrial Complex benefits from such commitment.

American defenses in the Pacific are truly formidable; refer to my post in page 2 of this thread (no. 29). US defeated Japan in the Pacific (a 4-year long conflict in the 1940s) and gained invaluable experience from it in regards to wrestling control of islands from Japanese forces across the Pacific and encircling Japan eventually. Same Japan had occupied much of China prior to American intervention; it was very powerful back then.
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now keep your boot-licking of the warmongers to yourselves.

China's contributions on top of economics are worldwide like I said in post 54.


"LONDON - The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is at the top place among the world's leading institutions for high-quality scientific research, according to the Nature Index 2018 annual tables released on Thursday."

What is communist vietnam's contribution to science?


China’s contribution to peacekeeping shows commitment to world peace
interview with UN Assistant Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations Edmond Mulet

date:2016-05-16 author:ShiXiaoMeng

"China sent five military observers to the UN peacekeeping mission in the Middle East in 1990. It was the first time China joined a UN peacekeeping mission. Since then, it has sent more than 30,000 personnel to UN missions in Cambodia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Lebanon, Mali and other places."

What is communist vietnam's contribution to worldpeace?

Global Health and development

How China's high-tech boom can help global health

"Historically, China’s contribution to global health and development focused on the health sector. For decades China has been providing physicians and medical specialists to work in developing countries, most recently in the WHO-certified Emergency Medical Teams deployed in response to health emergencies. It has helped to finance and build large-scale infrastructure projects, building roads, hospitals and healthcare centres, and is sharing its experiences with other countries in building a strong health surveillance and monitoring system.

Recently its private sector have ramped up their participation. Four years ago, China entered the global vaccine market with a Japanese encephalitis (JE) vaccine, China’s first to be pre-qualified by the World Health Organization. Other Chinese vaccines are in the pipeline to be pre-qualified by WHO, including an inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) - essential in the endgame strategy to eradicate Polio and for which currently there is a global shortage. In January of this year President Xi met with WHO’s Director-General in Geneva to sign an agreement to radically improve access to healthcare beyond China through the Belt and Road Initiative, the President’s ambition to reinvigorate trade and infrastructure networks connecting Asia, Europe and Africa."

"The majority of civilian drones produced in the world are developed and produced in China, making China the leader in this technology. While primarily aimed at a consumer market there is huge scope for this kind of technology to be used for more humanitarian purposes.

In Rwanda, for example, a nationwide autonomous drone-based delivery system was launched last year, which delivers emergency supplies of blood from a central distribution centre in the nation’s capital, Kigali, to rural districts. Now, whenever a mother is haemorrhaging during childbirth, instead of waiting hours for a motorcycle delivery they can have the life-saving blood within just 20 minutes. Developed as a part of a partnership between US drone company Zipline, the Rwandan government, UPS and Gavi, the plan is to eventually extend this to deliver vaccines too.

But drones are just one example. Aucma is another, a Chinese innovator that developed the Arktek portable passive cold storage device. This remarkable device can maintain temperatures as low as -80 degrees Celsius without any power, which proved essential in transporting the Ebola vaccine during the West African Ebola.

Given the diverse and vibrant nature of China’s private sector ecosystem, it is likely there are many more potential solutions like this waiting to be found. From data systems to mobile phone-based technologies, the opportunity is to turn China’s innovation champions into global health champions. And that is a global trade system we should all support."

What has communist vietnam done to the world in these areas?

Is your iq too low?

You answered to the question How Vietnam can defend against Chinese invasion by telling China peace keeping operations in Africa.

Or irrelevant stories of China contributions to world economy.

As if Vietnam can tell the people of Cambodia: hey don’t be afraid of a Vietnamese invasion because we build a 4g mobile network in Burma.

In respect to boot licking, China is a master of. Look how Xi treats Putin. Really shockingly shameless.
Perhaps the Chinese Navy should resort to merchant ships only then because a real navy couldn't handle the U.S. Navy when playing fair. Better to be disguise as a merchant navy. Guerrilla warfare at sea.
Funny, the Spanish thought their armada couldn't be beaten too. No one can maintain lasting naval supremacy, not Spain, not Britain and certainly not US. Arrogance is not a uniquely American trait, and you're not as exceptional as you like to believe.
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