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US warns of ability to take down Chinese artificial islands

It was Cambodia with the support of China in men and weapons that started the war!

The Khmer army attacked Vietnam on the western and southern front.

The Khmer army was just China stooges. It is evidenced when the gangsters targeted Vietnamese ethnic in Cambodia.

Ah it is not as easy as you thought in taking over the SC sea. It’s a long game. You forgot we know you in and out.

Vietnam invaded and occupied Cambodia with Soviet's backing and now you claim Cambodia started the war what a none sense, the international had condemned Vietnam's occupation of Cambodia and support China's invasion of Vietnam in 1979 as to teach you a lesson.

As for SCS, we're not the one who feel insecure as Vietnam which begging other foreign power to support them, the reason you're so quiet in SCS because you're afraid of losing more islands to China as 1988.

The main military goal of Vietnam in the campaign was to purge all Chinese stooges in Laos and Cambodia. Eliminating forever all security threats from the western flank.

LMAO, you talk like Vietnam has any gut to challenge China over South East Asia and even worse without mentor such as Soviet, the best you can do it's keep yourself quiet, trying to harm China's interest and you should know the price you will have to pay.
Vietnam invaded and occupied Cambodia with Soviet's backing and now you claim Cambodia started the war what a none sense, the international had condemned Vietnam's occupation of Cambodia and support China's invasion of Vietnam in 1979 as to teach you a lesson.

As for SCS, we're not the one who feel insecure as Vietnam which begging other foreign power to support them, the reason you're so quiet in SCS because you're afraid of losing more islands to China as 1988.

LMAO, you talk like Vietnam has any gut to challenge China over South East Asia and even worse without mentor such as Soviet, the best you can do it's keep yourself quiet, trying to harm China's interest and you should know the price you will have to pay.
do you think I made joke?

it is a well known fact, even neither China nor America deny it: it was Cambodia that started the war by attacking Vietnam on the western and southern fronts!


China attacked Vietnam for an understandable reason: hatred. as usual. America supported Cambodia because of the sense of a revenge. half of the world supported America because they were US stooges. the other half of the world, the Soviet bloc, supported Vietnam.

as for SC sea, you ask why we invite half of the world to the party, we are brave but no stupid.

ok we can make a deal: you reduce China population from 1.4 billion to 100 million, then we fight. deal?
Is that before or after you lose all of your carriers in the Pacific?

Nope, its when you lose your carriers and your bases.

LMAO, how about this...we will destroy Guam and I believe that US will repair it quickly, it's certainly a matter of concern for China because US has also the technology, technique and manpower. If you're so delight of the reconstruction, let us destroy US and you can enjoy yourself with the reconstruction of United States...it's a good deal

China can recover quickly because you have the manpower to repair whats destroyed. Thats why you are so intent on that. Can't depend on air defense that won't be able to stop it.
China can recover quickly because you have the manpower to repair whats destroyed. Thats why you are so intent on that. Can't depend on air defense that won't be able to stop it.

We can recover it quickly doesn't mean we will let US to destroy it. Chinese generals refrained themselves to have war of word with US generals but don't expect them to sit idly, their jobs is to defend China and not to reconstruct our islands after being getting bombed.
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do you think I made joke?

it is a well known fact, even neither China nor America deny it: it was Cambodia that started the war by attacking Vietnam on the western and southern fronts!


China attacked Vietnam for an understandable reason: hatred. as usual. America supported Cambodia because of the sense of a revenge. half of the world supported America because they were US stooges. the other half of the world, the Soviet bloc, supported Vietnam.

as for SC sea, you ask why we invite half of the world to the party, we are brave but no stupid.

ok we can make a deal: you reduce China population from 1.4 billion to 100 million, then we fight. deal?

Am I surprise if Cambodia wanted to take back Mekong delta as China toke our reefs occupied by Vietnam in SCS. Vietnam is just an expansionism in the region, Cambodia didn't have enough military power to take back the Mekong delta that belong to them but If they want, they can divert water with China's help and Saigon, millions of Vietnamese will be in Chaos. AS for SCS you can invite anyone but if you some foolish move, you will lose more islands.

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Am I surprise if Cambodia wanted to take back Mekong delta as China toke our reefs occupied by Vietnam in SCS. Vietnam is just an expansionism in the region, Cambodia didn't have enough military power to take back the Mekong delta that belong to them but If they want, they can divert water with China's help and Saigon, millions of Vietnamese will be in Chaos. AS for SCS you can invite anyone but if you some foolish move, you will lose more islands.

Okay, so where is "mighty" CN ?? why dont u send "wolf warriors" to help them ?? Camb riot police forces that mainly VNese beating them so hard ??

...Ah, sorry Camb friend, coward-corrupted PLA just simply cant fight without daddy JP-US's help like in :laugh:

Anti-Vietnamese sentiment boils in Cambodia
Attacks on businesses highlight ethnic divide

One of several Vietnamese businesses attacked in the wake of clashes between police and protesters last week (photo by Abby Seiff)

Abby Seiff and Neou Vannarin, Phnom Penh

January 10, 2014
After riot police had come through their homes, dragging out friends and beating them; after those officials opened fire and killed at least four; after it was clear that all they had fought for was going to slip away, a handful of angry young men planned revenge.

It was the Chinese, Taiwanese and Singaporean factory owners who had underpaid them for years, pushing them to this brink. And it was their own Cambodian government who sent armed police to break up their protests. But after months of being told by opposition leaders how much better their lives would be without the Vietnamese taking over their jobs and land, the men who wanted revenge had a single target in mind.

At least three Vietnamese-owned businesses along the stretch of Phnom Penh’s Veng Sreng boulevard, where fighting broke out between police and garment workers last week, were ransacked that Friday afternoon. During the attacks, mobs of young men chased Vietnamese employees and looted or wrecked tens of thousands of dollars worth of furniture and equipment.

“I was here when it happened. We closed the doors as we heard them come – they were shouting: this is a Yuon coffee shop. We have to destroy it,” said Yen Niet, using a common Khmer term for Vietnamese which is widely believed to be pejorative.

“There were about 10 people who made it inside, but outside there were many more.”

According to the accounts given by Niet and her co-worker – both Cambodian – and the Vietnamese owner, Sok Min, the men “destroyed everything”.

Six TVs, three bedrooms, three supply closets, 40 tables, and many kilos of coffee and food were smashed or torn apart. The place was gutted; $10,000 of life savings stolen; and people targeted, Min said.

“My brother was nearly beaten up. He climbed up to the roof to get away. The [Cambodian] female staffers ran to nearby houses for help – the protesters tried to chase them to beat them up too. If my brother hadn’t been so fast, he probably would have been killed,” he said.

For the past five and a half years, Min has run the shop without incident. He serves hundreds of customers each day and is described – by his employees and customers – as a genuinely well liked man. He pays far higher than average wages to his Cambodian staff, and his Cambodian customers often stop by two of three times a day to chat with Min, who speaks broken Khmer.

Police, who have received damage complaints from at least 20 shops, homes and factories, said they were still investigating how many of those businesses were Vietnamese. Many of the attacks were related to the protests: a clinic was razed after a rumor went out that the doctor refused to treat wounded demonstrators, homes were hit when protesters believed they were harboring snipers, and factories were attacked.

But the targeting of these Vietnamese cafes and a motorbike repair shop appears to have no other motivation than ethnic hatred.

"It is the first time I have ever seen this in my area and we will let the court decide what action to take. We are really concerned, it seriously threatens the safety and security of the people who are living in this area,” said the deputy district police chief, Chap Chantha.

About a kilometre away from Min’s shop, three construction workers fiddled with wiring inside a badly damaged shophouse yesterday. The owner was Vietnamese, they said.

“I heard them kick down the door, break it down, and when I came out to see they had taken everything and burned it,” said a young woman working at the coffee shop next door.

The broken sign on the Vietnamese coffee shop is written in Khmer, on the back wall hang three photos of the Cambodian king, queen mother, and late king father. To all appearances, the two cafes must have looked very much alike before last Friday.

Why one shop and not the other?

“Because my shop is a Cambodian shop, not a Yuon shop,” responded another employee.

The attacks all happened on Friday, after security forces opened fire on protesters who had blocked a road lined with hundreds of factories as part of a larger demonstration calling for a doubling of the garment worker minimum wage of $80 a month. The brutality of the police was marked; rumors spread that in fact it was Vietnamese soldiers who had done the dirty work.

They’re not Cambodian, they’re Vietnamese,” 25-year-old Bun Neoun, said shortly after the shootings as he lay in a hospital bed, recuperating from a bullet wound to his thigh.

“They didn’t speak at all, they just come and fight,” was his rationale. He paused and reconsidered, decided perhaps that was not the best argument, and then began insisting that they did speak.

“When they spoke, they spoke Vietnamese.”

Anti-Vietnamese sentiment has long been prevalent, with historical ties reaching back centuries. Land loss in the 1600s, French preference for Vietnamese workers and civil servants during the colonial administration, and a decade of Vietnamese occupation following the fall of the Khmer Rouge have all contributed to animosity.
Okay, so where is "mighty" CN ?? why dont u send "wolf warriors" to help them ?? Camb riot police forces that mainly VNese beating them so hard ??

...Ah, sorry Camb friend, coward-corrupted PLA just simply cant fight without daddy JP-US's help like in :laugh:

We don't need to send wolf warrior to help Cambodia, China only send a single message to Vietnam and Vietcongs were scare like sh1t and retreat back to their border from Cambodia and Laos, you should remember on how we were dealing with Vietnam for over millennium to bring it into a submissive state and we can repeat for millennium to come unless all Vietnamese to emigrate to planet Mars :p:

Now China to train Cambodia to fight a high tech war, you can be sure that another border war with Cambodia will be a great pain for Vietnam. As China's technological progress, our ally will be beneficiary as well.

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We don't need to send wolf warrior to help Cambodia, China only send a single message to Vietnam and Vietcongs were scare like sh1t and retreat back to their border from Cambodia and Laos, you should remember on how we were dealing with Vietnam for over millennium to bring it into a submissive state and we can repeat for millennium to come unless all Vietnamese to emigrate to planet Mars :p:

Now China to train Cambodia to fight a high tech war, you can be sure that another border war with Cambodia will be a great pain for Vietnam. As China's technological progress, our ally will be beneficiary as well.

Oh, but problem is Camb army and riot police forces are under Vn control. And those force will just simply kill all stupid pro Cn forces there.

U cant name any Camb generals that show clear support to CN like your dirty Cnese-Camb Pol Pot :cool:
Sorry for the off-topic question. Don't you think Trump is picking up fights with the whole world at the same time?
He wants to fight with Iran, wants to keep the pot boiling with China, and alienates allies with trade tariffs.

What does he really want to achieve?

Or may be he is being made into a scapegoat given his eccentric behavior and image in public? The problem with US administration is that there is a secretive nerve centre which controls the narrative in the country. It is not a democracy and most leans closer to a secretive plutarchy. Call it the CIA/NSA or whatever, there definitely is more than what meets the eye.

Every president who has come up and tried to make any major differences from the narrative of that time, is either silenced or suddenly changes stance within a few days of coming to power. Ever wondered why is that? Trump wanted friendly ties with Russia but was forced to change overnight. Forced by whom? This is to be understood.
Oh, but problem is Camb army and riot police forces are under Vn control. And those force will just simply kill all stupid pro Cn forces there.

U cant name any Camb generals that show clear support to CN like your dirty Cnese-Camb Pol Pot :cool:

:lol: Viet's fantasy claiming to control Cambodia, you viets are such irrelevant in South East Asia, and there is no such need to name any generals, the exercise video is so obvious on which side Cambodia generals are..LMAO:rofl:
:lol: Viet's fantasy claiming to control Cambodia, you viets are such irrelevant in South East Asia, and there is no such need to name any generals, the exercise video is so obvious on which side Cambodia generals are..LMAO:rofl:
Wow, our soldiers, our police beating Cnese-Camb in Camb every time we want, and u guys here only can blah balh blah ...keep paying tax for your stupid-corrupted PLA dud.
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