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US warns of ability to take down Chinese artificial islands

Good, PLA is stupid, zero exp. PLA's "friends" are just a bunch of big mouth but never send help.

So, Cn dooms day coming close. CN Economy may got chaos in 2023 and the next will be chaos in PLA. nice photoshop pics simply cant help stupid-coward-corrupted PLA look strong:cool:
Why 2023, not 2022 or 2024. Are you a fortune teller? How much you charge per telling on the street?
Just wait till 2023, and I will tell u why.

btw: When CN has war wt US, many of useless guys like u will be put on front line and get slaughtered easily like in 1958 TW conflict. U guys'd better run away to save your life and your family now:cool:
Of course we contribute positively in this region by maintaining peace and make sure Vietnam stay where it was and make no aggressive on one inch of other nation's land: after the end of Vietnam war and bombed by US to the stone age, the aggressive Vietcong started to Invade Cambodia, you can imagine what will happen without China.

We're exercising our right over South China Sea whether you like it or not and I lol'ed about China vs the world most likely China vs Vietnam 2.0 over SCS, winner will take all islands.
It was Cambodia with the support of China in men and weapons that started the war!

The Khmer army attacked Vietnam on the western and southern front.

The Khmer army was just China stooges. It is evidenced when the gangsters targeted Vietnamese ethnic in Cambodia.

Ah it is not as easy as you thought in taking over the SC sea. It’s a long game. You forgot we know you in and out.
It was Cambodia with the support of China in men and weapons that started the war!

The Khmer army attacked Vietnam on the western and southern front.

The Khmer army was just China stooges.
Laos-Camb r still under Vn's control now , and Cnese here just try to delude themselves that all VN troops withdraw after 1988.

In fact, those exiled Lao still calling help from CN to keep fighting against VN, but coward Cn just turn a deaf ear to them coz actually stupid-coward-corrupted PLA can not fight in real battle without Soviet daddy (in Korean war) or US-JP daddy (in 1979 war) :laugh:

From July 1977 to the present time, Vietnam recognises Laos only as its own provinces. Lao independence was completely LOST. Once again, Laos was ruled and occupied by her neighbour. Every day the Vietnamese took from the Lao people all kinds of natural resources such as timber, iron, copper and minerals, in huge quantities.

All prison camp conditions are extremely harsh. There is still no due process of law in Laos today. The Lao and Vietnamese authorities do not respect the UN Human Rights Charter. Daily, Lao officials and the Vietnamese secret police execute Lao political prisoners. One former high ranking Lao officer Dr Phairoth Vonvirath, who recently defected to the United States, admitted and estimated that 90,000 innocent Lao people had been executed between 1975 and 1994. A senior Lao Communist leader who visited Washington DC in late 1995, and who wished to remain anonymous, spoke to a group of the overseas Lao Human Rights activists and claimed much higher figures.

In Laos this is the barbaric way one group of human beings who have the power treat another group of human beings who have no power.

We, all free Lao people, are appealing for help from the International Communities, especially the United States, France, Great Britain, Russia, and Germany and other countries. We ask you to use your power to insist on a Vietnamese withdrawal from Laos. We urge Australia, China, Japan, France, Sweden, Thailand and the United States not to fund any aid programmes for the Lao leftist government regime, which does not recognise the Basic Human Rights of their own innocent people.

We also ask you to support our objectives:

I To withdraw all Vietnamese troops, Official Advisors, and Secret Police from Laos;

II To suspend all aid programmes, including all political and moral support for the puppet regime in Vientiane;

III To free all political prisoners, and to allow prisoners' families to have a right to visit;

IV We strongly demand that the Special UN Human Rights Commissioners travel to Laos to inspect prison conditions in Laos;

V To compel Lao authorities to adopt some form of free election under the supervision of UN observers.

We are counting on you for your strong and unequivocable support


Bounthanh Thammavong, Chairman of the Organisation of Lao Students for Independence and Democracy somsanith@aol.com (Somsanith)
Laos-Camb r still under Vn's control now , and Cnese here just try to delude themselves that all VN troops withdraw after 1988.

In fact, those exiled Lao still calling help from CN to keep fighting against VN, but coward Cn just turn a deaf ear to them coz actually stupid-coward-corrupted PLA can not fight in real battle without Soviet daddy (in Korean war) or US-JP daddy (in 1979 war) :laugh:

From July 1977 to the present time, Vietnam recognises Laos only as its own provinces. Lao independence was completely LOST. Once again, Laos was ruled and occupied by her neighbour. Every day the Vietnamese took from the Lao people all kinds of natural resources such as timber, iron, copper and minerals, in huge quantities.

All prison camp conditions are extremely harsh. There is still no due process of law in Laos today. The Lao and Vietnamese authorities do not respect the UN Human Rights Charter. Daily, Lao officials and the Vietnamese secret police execute Lao political prisoners. One former high ranking Lao officer Dr Phairoth Vonvirath, who recently defected to the United States, admitted and estimated that 90,000 innocent Lao people had been executed between 1975 and 1994. A senior Lao Communist leader who visited Washington DC in late 1995, and who wished to remain anonymous, spoke to a group of the overseas Lao Human Rights activists and claimed much higher figures.

In Laos this is the barbaric way one group of human beings who have the power treat another group of human beings who have no power.

We, all free Lao people, are appealing for help from the International Communities, especially the United States, France, Great Britain, Russia, and Germany and other countries. We ask you to use your power to insist on a Vietnamese withdrawal from Laos. We urge Australia, China, Japan, France, Sweden, Thailand and the United States not to fund any aid programmes for the Lao leftist government regime, which does not recognise the Basic Human Rights of their own innocent people.

We also ask you to support our objectives:

I To withdraw all Vietnamese troops, Official Advisors, and Secret Police from Laos;

II To suspend all aid programmes, including all political and moral support for the puppet regime in Vientiane;

III To free all political prisoners, and to allow prisoners' families to have a right to visit;

IV We strongly demand that the Special UN Human Rights Commissioners travel to Laos to inspect prison conditions in Laos;

V To compel Lao authorities to adopt some form of free election under the supervision of UN observers.

We are counting on you for your strong and unequivocable support


Bounthanh Thammavong, Chairman of the Organisation of Lao Students for Independence and Democracy somsanith@aol.com (Somsanith)
The main military goal of Vietnam in the campaign was to purge all Chinese stooges in Laos and Cambodia. Eliminating forever all security threats from the western flank.
The main military goal of Vietnam in the campaign was to purge all Chinese stooges in Laos and Cambodia. Eliminating forever all security threats from the western flank.
Thank you and now Cambodia is China's best ally and I guess now they have more Chinese stooges, are you going to purge them again?
Thank you and now Cambodia is China's best ally and I guess now they have more Chinese stooges, are you going to purge them again?
China has no ally. As long as Cambodia gets your money they are your friend. If money stops your friendship is in the trash bin. Cambodia, Laos and Thailand know, they can’t afford angering Vietnam.

Vietnamese tank armies are faster in their capitals than before the PLA could begin mass mobilization.
China has no ally. As long as Cambodia gets your money they are your friend. If money stops your friendship is in the trash bin. Cambodia, Laos and Thailand know, they can’t afford angering Vietnam.
Santa Claus wish at its best, are you a spokesperson or something, which party do you represent? Quit the nonsense.
Santa Claus wish at its best, are you a spokesperson or something, which party do you represent? Quit the nonsense.
No I am just an smart poster pointing out a fact: becoming a chinese stooge is a dead sin.
China has no ally. As long as Cambodia gets your money they are your friend. If money stops your friendship is in the trash bin. Cambodia, Laos and Thailand know, they can’t afford angering Vietnam.

Vietnamese tank armies are faster in their capitals than before the PLA could begin mass mobilization.
Many Camb generals r Vnese, Camb riot police force is under Vn control...and CN think Camb is Cn ally..just like they try to convince people here that Laos support CN while in real life, due to the useless of PLA, CN just turn her deaf ear to exiled Lao calling help to repel Vn troop :lol:
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