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US vows to defend Japan against China

Well, this is the reality, since China is not becoming the largest world factory for nothing.

Do you truly think those sneaker-making banana republics can replace us?

No, I don't think any single country can replace China, but does that mean China can take over the worlds and expect to still be ahead?

As I said options, that's mean a collective of countries. As I said, no country is more important than any other, I would have said the same thing if we are talking about Canada, which is currently the number 1 trading partner with the US. Is US depended on Canada? Of course not.

You would not say China depend on US market to dump their product too right? So if you can find another market for the 400 billions goods that originally destined to the US, why can't American find another factory to buy their product from? As far as I concern, it's easier to look for another supplier than to look for another buyer.
No, I don't think any single country can replace China, but does that mean China can take over the worlds and expect to still be ahead?

As I said options, that's mean a collective of countries. As I said, no country is more important than any other, I would have said the same thing if we are talking about Canada, which is currently the number 1 trading partner with the US. Is US depended on Canada? Of course not.

You would not say China depend on US market to dump their product too right? So if you can find another market for the 400 billions goods that originally destined to the US, why can't American find another factory to buy their product from? As far as I concern, it's easier to look for another supplier than to look for another buyer.

Remember China itself is also a huge market, and GM made more money over there than in US.

Soon China will become the largest importer and consumer, so it is the world can't neglect our market.
Remember China itself is also a huge market, and GM made more money over there than in US.

Soon China will become the largest importer and consumer, so it is the world can't neglect our market.

As I said, there would be no change, a businessman mind's go where the money is, no single entity is too big or too small, they only see money in their eyes, they don't see nations or politics

World is a big market, a wise businessman will do business all over the world and not just staying in one place. So as i pointed out repeatedly, no single market is too big.
As I said, there would be no change, a businessman mind's go where the money is, no single entity is too big or too small, they only see money in their eyes, they don't see nations or politics

World is a big market, a wise businessman will do business all over the world and not just staying in one place. So as i pointed out repeatedly, no single market is too big.

The problem is that if you leave the largest market, then others will come, and you will lose the potential profit to other competitors.
Heh where did I said "US need to get rid of Chinese useless junk"

I merely pointing out US economy is not depending on Chinese import, if the people who's buying an item because it's cheap, then they don't care if said item came from China,Laos or Vietnam, so long that they are the cheapest

Unless you are saying there are no one else can make anything cheaper then the Chinese do, then the American would still have an option

That's what I say

You can think China is an unremovable option, that's your business.
chinese not only make cheap products, in fact its high quality for the price youre paying. American made products are overpriced junk that break very fast.
Americans can try to diversify its trade to places like south east asia and south asia but the quality will go down. There are tons of countries who are now poorer but they lack qualitive labor. Not only that buts its also the fact that all these countries dont even have the technology anymore to produce their own stuff. Iphone is full of parts from korea, japan and china. And foxconn is the one who decides where its gonna manufacturer not apple.
chinese not only make cheap products, in fact its high quality for the price youre paying. American made products are overpriced junk that break very fast.
Americans can try to diversify its trade to places like south east asia and south asia but the quality will go down. There are tons of countries who are now poorer but they lack qualitive labor. Not only that buts its also the fact that all these countries dont even have the technology anymore to produce their own stuff. Iphone is full of parts from korea, japan and china. And foxconn is the one who decides where its gonna manufacturer not apple.

Imagine if the US automakers leave the Chinese market, it will automatically push the German automakers to the throne.

While the Korean automakers will also gain a significant share.
The problem is that if you leave the largest market, then others will come, and you will lose the potential profit to other competitors.

I am not an American. I am just saying that because of globalisation, no one can afford to see the world as a segregated market anymore

I believe it is true when people say we can do without some part of the world, or some part of the world is more important than the other is simply outdated, you do not have to believe what I said, that does not change my believe
Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan (日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の相互協力及び安全保障条約 Nippon-koku to Amerika-gasshūkoku to no Aida no Sōgo Kyōryoku oyobi Anzen Hoshō Jōyaku?), also known in Japan as Anpo jōyaku (安保条約?) or just Anpo (安保?) for short,[ was first signed in 1952 at the San Francisco Presidio following the signing of the Treaty of San Francisco (commonly known as the Peace Treaty of San Francisco) at the San Francisco War Memorial Opera House. Then, the Security Treaty was later amended further on January 1960 between the US and Japan in Washington.

When the Treaty was first signed, it contained amendments that permitted the United States to not only act for the sake of maintaining peace in East Asia, but also permitted the United States to exert its power on Japanese domestic quarrels. The latter part mentioned has been deleted in the revised version of the Treaty. In the amended treaty, articles that delineate mutual defense obligations, the US obligations to pre-inform Japan in times of the US army mobilization were included to alleviate unequal status suggested in the treaty signed in 1952. The treaty established that any attack against Japan or the United States perpetrated within Japanese territorial administration would be dangerous to the respective countries' own peace and safety. It requires both countries to act to meet the common danger. To support this requirement, it provided for the continued presence of U.S. military bases in Japan. The treaty also included general provisions on the further development of international cooperation and on improved future economic cooperation. This treaty has lasted longer than any other alliance between two great powers since the 1648 Peace of Westphalia. The treaty had a minimum term of 10 years. However, it provides that it will remain in force permanently unless one party gives notice that they wish to terminate it. Upon such notice, it is meant to terminate one year later.
chinese not only make cheap products, in fact its high quality for the price youre paying. American made products are overpriced junk that break very fast.
Americans can try to diversify its trade to places like south east asia and south asia but the quality will go down. There are tons of countries who are now poorer but they lack qualitive labor. Not only that buts its also the fact that all these countries dont even have the technology anymore to produce their own stuff. Iphone is full of parts from korea, japan and china. And foxconn is the one who decides where its gonna manufacturer not apple.

There are 4 factors why people buy a particular kind of item in the market

1.) Brand
2.) Quality
3.) Availability
4.) Price

For the first kind of people, they don't really care where the item is coming from, they buy them because of its brand, take Ikea for example, people but Ikea furniture because they are from Ikea, Ikea may make them in China, Finland or in Sweden, but that was not the consideration

2.) people have the money to buy quality item will not care about price, as long as they are the best in their own category, for example, if a person is going to get a car, and all he wants is speed, they won't care about the price, if I am going to buy a Ferrari, I will not wait until they are on sale to get one.

3.) Some time people buy something just because they are
Close and available, that would explain the buying pattern of an automatic vending machine, while they sell the same item almost twice the price of an supermarket, but people still buy from venting machine because they are there when the people need it.

4.) if a person is buying an item simply because they are cheap, the. They will not care about the quality of that item as you would have normally expected. If a person want and can afford a higher quality item, then the price factor would almost always ignored.

China being unstoppable because of their dirt cheap price, where it suited well the rear echelon of the customer, when you go to a discount store, you would generally not care about how long you can use that item, but rather how much it cost. In some degree, being cheap (Not cheapest) but of higher quality would actually work against you. As either people who go for quality would not care about the price, and people who care about the price would not put quality in any priority, then you would only seek customer in between but not two extreme

why do Chinese hate Japan so mch?? Japan is so small,its no threat to u...
moreover china n Japan ,,,historicaly n culturaly share so mch similarity....
yeah the Japanese did a lot of bad things during war but it was long time ago....n in my view they have paid in full for all those atrocities...hiroshima nagasaki....

why do Chinese hate Japan so mch?? Japan is so small,its no threat to u...
moreover china n Japan ,,,historicaly n culturaly share so mch similarity....
yeah the Japanese did a lot of bad things during war but it was long time ago....n in my view they have paid in full for all those atrocities...hiroshima nagasaki....

You have to ask to these people why China cannot forgive their country. Also, you have to ask to the Jews why they can never forgive those Nazis.


why do Chinese hate Japan so mch?? Japan is so small,its no threat to u...
moreover china n Japan ,,,historicaly n culturaly share so mch similarity....
yeah the Japanese did a lot of bad things during war but it was long time ago....n in my view they have paid in full for all those atrocities...hiroshima nagasaki....

It's not only about history, the ww2, and Nanking massacre. It's also about the nowadays China-Japan relations. If you can read Japanese, see their forum and media, they hate Chinese so much. There always should be a reason. Broadly, you can see, China, Korea and Japan hate each other.

why do Chinese hate Japan so mch?? Japan is so small,its no threat to u...
moreover china n Japan ,,,historicaly n culturaly share so mch similarity....
yeah the Japanese did a lot of bad things during war but it was long time ago....n in my view they have paid in full for all those atrocities...hiroshima nagasaki....

Why do you Indians keep focusing on how Chinese see Japanese? It's not only China, Both Koreas hate Japan so much they want to take them down. How would the Russians feel today about the Germans for killing > 20 millions of their people? Since the Japs didn't kill millions of Indians you would not understand. Japanese history books only cover 2 pages about WW2 and focus so much on the Americans dropping the 2 famous objects on their heads that plenty of their citizens to this day still blame the Americans for using inhuman way to end the war. Since the Japanese has been downplaying their attrocities in their history books from the very beginning this had led the previous generations to today's generations into believing they had not done horrible things and keep asking why they deserved to be nuked. Plenty of Japanese deny or don't even know about the Nanjing massacre, don't know the existence of developing biological weapon for mass destruction, testing chemicals on prisoners.
And here there are people like you who keep repeating this dumb question over and over again. If those attrocities also happened to India you wouldn't be asking that silly question. I'm not exaggerating when i said they only cover 2 pages about WW2, during some interview a Japanese man said so himself while showing the book on camera so this is the main reason why they don't know much about WW2. The future generations will also be that ignorant even though they have nothing to do with the war, they will continue to spread hatred against Koreans and Chinese because they are brainwashed into believing we are the evil ones, it's their way of playing the victim's role. The extreme right wingers blame the Americans for those nukes and other attrocities, hate South Koreans for occupying Dokdo island, hate us for claiming Diaoyu Island and that we are getting stronger is a threat to them.

Just because India has some good ties with Japan and they didn't kill so many Indians compared to other (South)East Asians you Indians don't have a grudge against them plus there's no territorial disputes between these 2 countries.

And about sharing similarities between China and Japan, you don't know sh!t it has always been Chinese culture that has influenced Japan. They use Chinese characters as Kanji and combine it with their limited hiragana and katakana characters. Their traditional clothings/ancient architecture/early literature/paintings/pottery/art were all heavily influenced by China. We introduced them chopsticks/tea/papermaking/sculpture. Japanese gardens were also influenced by Chinese gardens as well including bonsai and zen buddhism and breeding carp for color mutation.
Why do you Indians keep focusing on how Chinese see Japanese? It's not only China, Both Koreas hate Japan so much they want to take them down. How would the Russians feel today about the Germans for killing > 20 millions of their people? Since the Japs didn't kill millions of Indians you would not understand. Japanese history books only cover 2 pages about WW2 and focus so much on the Americans dropping the 2 famous objects on their heads that plenty of their citizens to this day still blame the Americans for using inhuman way to end the war. Since the Japanese has been downplaying their attrocities in their history books from the very beginning this had led the previous generations to today's generations into believing they had not done horrible things and keep asking why they deserved to be nuked. Plenty of Japanese deny or don't even know about the Nanjing massacre, don't know the existence of developing biological weapon for mass destruction, testing chemicals on prisoners.
And here there are people like you who keep repeating this dumb question over and over again. If those attrocities also happened to India you wouldn't be asking that silly question. I'm not exaggerating when i said they only cover 2 pages about WW2, during some interview a Japanese man said so himself while showing the book on camera so this is the main reason why they don't know much about WW2. The future generations will also be that ignorant even though they have nothing to do with the war, they will continue to spread hatred against Koreans and Chinese because they are brainwashed into believing we are the evil ones, it's their way of playing the victim's role. The extreme right wingers blame the Americans for those nukes and other attrocities, hate South Koreans for occupying Dokdo island, hate us for claiming Diaoyu Island and that we are getting stronger is a threat to them.

Just because India has some good ties with Japan and they didn't kill so many Indians compared to other (South)East Asians you Indians don't have a grudge against them plus there's no territorial disputes between these 2 countries.

And about sharing similarities between China and Japan, you don't know sh!t it has always been Chinese culture that has influenced Japan. They use Chinese characters as Kanji and combine it with their limited hiragana and katakana characters. Their traditional clothings/ancient architecture/early literature/paintings/pottery/art were all heavily influenced by China. We introduced them chopsticks/tea/papermaking/sculpture. Japanese gardens were also influenced by Chinese gardens as well including bonsai and zen buddhism and breeding carp for color mutation.
why u getting so agitated.......i asked cause i didnt know...
moreso i asked chinesetiger specificaly ,,,not u....because i wanted a balanced answer..
why u getting so agitated.......i asked cause i didnt know...
moreso i asked chinesetiger specificaly ,,,not u....because i wanted a balanced answer..

I only taught you some cultural history and the truth about Japanese way of handling WW2 history. Whether you find it balanced or not is up to you. Chinesetiger didn't bother with an ignorant so i took the trouble to educate you. IF you don't like it fine, leave it at that.

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