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US trying to remove enriched Pak uranium: WikiLeaks

The concerns are no longer justified. Anti-Pakistan militants, in particular the TTP, have taken a really severe pounding over the last 2 and a half years. They don't control any territory (only small pockets here and there) and don't have that many jihadis fighting for them. Swat, SW, Bajaur, Orakzai, and Kurram have all had operations against TTP.

Please also add Khyber Agency, Bara:pakistan: and the tunnel operations in Kohat against the TTP.
Pakistan wouldn't be building a new Plutonium based reactor for weapons, near Khushab, as CIA recon pointed out, if it were to hand over enriched stuff to USA.

End of Story.
Hi Mr. MastanKhan, I personally wanted to thank you for your last post. Take care.
The more I think about this, the more I wonder which is more reprehensible: the refusal of Pakistani officials to do the right thing (return the Atoms-for-Peace stuff to the U.S.) on the grounds of personal and political cowardice, or the quiet acceptance of this plea by U.S. diplomats.
The more I think about this, the more I wonder which is more reprehensible: the refusal of Pakistani officials to do the right thing (return the Atoms-for-Peace stuff to the U.S.) on the grounds of personal and political cowardice, or the quiet acceptance of this plea by U.S. diplomats.

So you would support a public uranium movement with a high likely hood of more anti American sentiment from high paranoia?
its better to flame the fire then to keep quiet and let it simmer a little?
You have no issues with more and more hostile muslims then?
Firstly they don't need to steal from Pakistan... they can produce enough on their own.

Secondly I hope you do understand that the enriched uranium is better in safe hands (whoever the safe hand is) rather than in the hands of the fanatics (read Taliban here) who will hold the whole world ransom.

Heck they are not even sparing their muslim brothers... what makes you think they will not try to use the nuclear option in these attacks (if they do get hold of them).

Why would USA want to go to trouble to produce when they can just steal from Pakistan in the name of "securing Pakistan's nuke" ?
The more I think about this, the more I wonder which is more reprehensible: the refusal of Pakistani officials to do the right thing (return the Atoms-for-Peace stuff to the U.S.) on the grounds of personal and political cowardice, or the quiet acceptance of this plea by U.S. diplomats.

For the record, reactors do not use highly enriched uranium (HEU) but natural uranium and heavy water. I cannot comprehend what US (or you for that matter) means by saying "removing HEU from reactor."
So you would support a public uranium movement with a high likely hood of more anti American sentiment from high paranoia? its better to flame the fire then to keep quiet and let it simmer a little?
I would prefer to witness a brave Pakistani statesman, one willing and able to justify honorable decisions that may be unpopular with a few - or even the majority.

You have no issues with more and more hostile muslims then?
If Pakistani politicians cannot stand up to the "hostile muslims" in their midst, what hope is there for Pakistan? Capitulation to militants, followed by external aggression, then destruction, then defeat or Pyrric victory?
So you would support a public uranium movement with a high likely hood of more anti American sentiment from high paranoia?

Anti American sentiments are 80 % in Pakistan without Uranium being taken away, so whats the difference?
We need a manly government to kick these fastass americans out. This hijra govt is useless.
For the record, reactors do not use highly enriched uranium (HEU) but natural uranium and heavy water. I cannot comprehend what US (or you for that matter) means by saying "removing HEU from reactor."

There are numerous types of reactors, including those that use natural uranium but need heavy water for moderation. There are HEU cores of varying enrichments as well as moderators and pressurization, among other design variables.

Yet other type of reactors used thorium and plutonium, plus several other more exotic mixes as well.

The HEU being referred to here was supplied under IAEA safeguards and was used as the original PARR-1 reactor core. Pakistan is legally obligated to account for this material and its use per its signed agreements.

This old core is now sitting in an immersion sotrage facility in the PARR-2 building after PARR-1 was upgraded to a new higher power core.

In any case, Pakistan now has moved on to other sources of HEU and will soon be able to branch out in other directions as well, which I will not mention here.
We need a manly government to kick these fastass americans out. This hijra govt is useless.

The gonads to which you refer are all checked into in a safe deposit box in Washington DC by their respective owners before they are allowed to form any government in Pakistan. :lol:
I say Pakistan should give that enriched uranium to the Americans. WHY! because its just waste which is not in use by any means. and in return Pakistan can get something out from Americans. and it will also improve Pakistan's image over the world.

Right or Wrong!
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