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US trying to remove enriched Pak uranium: WikiLeaks

I thought we switched to plutonium a few years ago..
the HEU is still kept for some air launched warheads and dirty bombs if needed.

And.. T-rex.. I really doubt the Americans would want to give our uranium to the Israeli's..they already have lots of their own if they wanted to give it..
besides..the Israeli's get their Yellow cake from South Africa.
I thought we switched to plutonium a few years ago..
the HEU is still kept for some air launched warheads and dirty bombs if needed.

Pakistan does not have any plutonium based weapons, nor the technical expertise to recycle spent fuel rods to obtain plutonium.

The original plans for plutonium based weapons were dropped after the French reprocessing plant never materialised, and the plans for using enriched uranium for weapons were instituted after AQ Khan was able to provide the centrifuge technology.
Pakistan does not have any plutonium based weapons, nor the technical expertise to recycle spent fuel rods to obtain plutonium.

The original plans for plutonium based weapons were dropped after the French reprocessing plant never materialised, and the plans for using enriched uranium for weapons were instituted after AQ Khan was able to provide the centrifuge technology.

Post 2001 as well?
There was something going around..
Still the uranium news seems to correlate what seymour hersh was saying all along..except it was for the raw material rather than the nukes themselves.
Post 2001 as well?
There was something going around..
Still the uranium news seems to correlate what seymour hersh was saying all along..except it was for the raw material rather than the nukes themselves.

Khushab has made some strides in this regard, but we probably should NOT discuss those details here.

And my pakistani colleagues were so secure in their thinking that they had nuc weapons and they can lob them and launch them whenever they want to to when they get mad---.

My innocent young pakistanis---my beloved countrymen---my brethren---the big bad wolf is very bad and extremely mean and brutally ruthless---.

And what you want from us by putting this statement . . . .

bow to him . . . . . . . . .
Firstly they don't need to steal from Pakistan... they can produce enough on their own.

Secondly I hope you do understand that the enriched uranium is better in safe hands (whoever the safe hand is) rather than in the hands of the fanatics (read Taliban here) who will hold the whole world ransom.

Heck they are not even sparing their muslim brothers... what makes you think they will not try to use the nuclear option in these attacks (if they do get hold of them).

the nuclear sites of pakistan are secured by pakistan military, and you say they are in the hands of fanatics???, are you trolling buddy???

what abt the fanatic indian govt, unlike pakistan it has done two tests before we even tested ours, they started two wars, and again indian govt wanted nuclear war in 2001???
As far as I know the "Enriched Uranium" is from the research reactor supplied by US under full IAEA safeguards. This uranium has really nothing to do with our weapons program.
As far as I know the "Enriched Uranium" is from the research reactor supplied by US under full IAEA safeguards. This uranium has really nothing to do with our weapons program.

Please see my post above about the old PARR-1 core.
What US is worried about and some of my India Friends always push that thing.....that is beyond reality....lack of knowledge.. lack of statistics of area.

In Pakistan, FATA (Federally Administrative Tribal Area) is 3 percent of Pakistani Population and in FATA you can say less than 1% out of 3% are Talibans and out of them 0.2 are extremists.
If still somebody thinks that they can take over our Nukes and can march towards Islamabad, whereas Pakistan having almost 1 million personals in Army (Including, Army, Navy and Air Force etc.), either that person is living in the world of fools or he is intentionally trying to damage the image of Pakistan.
What US is worried about and some of my India Friends always push that thing.....that is beyond reality....lack of knowledge.. lack of statistics of area.
And how do you know this?

We simply do not know that how much they know about our nuclear assets. And they would never tell us.

In Pakistan, FATA (Federally Administrative Tribal Area) is 3 percent of Pakistani Population and in FATA you can say less than 1% out of 3% are Talibans and out of them 0.2 are extremists.
If still somebody thinks that they can take over our Nukes and can march towards Islamabad, whereas Pakistan having almost 1 million personals in Army (Including, Army, Navy and Air Force etc.), either that person is living in the world of fools or he is intentionally trying to damage the image of Pakistan.
I would like to believe that Pakistan is not on the hit list of USA. However, we should not let our guard down in any case. We do not know that what they are planning behind closed doors for us.

It is a common perception that USA is planning something against us. Only God knows better. However, I hope that things don't turn out like that.

Trust me! Common citizens of Pakistan are clueless about horrors of war, which is sad. I think that media holds some responsibility for educating our people regarding various realities of life.

Regarding US power projection capabilities: Do not try to mistake it for India.
Pakistan must be more alert than ever before now as before we were always telling that US eyes nuclear arsenal of Pak but now it's official by grace of Allah. The Armed forces must take care of moles in Pak where ever they are.

Secondly I really, really like the comment o King abdullah about Mr. 10%. He was so accurate in describing Zardari so exactly.
I hope there will be a lot lessons for muslims to learn abot there friends and foe and there conspiracies.
And what you want from us by putting this statement . . . .

bow to him . . . . . . . . .


Sir, you didnot know it yet---we have been in that sublime position for such a long time that our younger generations didnot know that they grew up in that manner.

You see---you have to plan 10 and 20 years ahead of time where you want to be in life as a nation and then you have to work on it relentlessly day in and day out.

Let us look at the character of the nation---U S is one of our biggest donors---U S is the one who comes to our rescue first and foremost in case of any disaster----with the food---the water rescue---medicine and other resources.

So let me ask you---then how does it become possible for 5 muslim women to say---you are a christian woman and we won't drink water from your hand---then they set her up and place fake and deceptive charges of blasphemy---and to top it off---this judge forces a death sentence upon her---how sick is the mentality of the people.

Amazing isn't it---on one side----we are dependant on the handouts from multiple christian nations---and then in utter dellusion---we don't want a glass of water from a christian---what kind of a sick people are they.

So---please don't worry about bowing down----you as an individual may not bow down and we think that is okay---but when as a nation we do----then what do you say to that.:pakistan:
Firstly they don't need to steal from Pakistan... they can produce enough on their own.

Secondly I hope you do understand that the enriched uranium is better in safe hands (whoever the safe hand is) rather than in the hands of the fanatics (read Taliban here) who will hold the whole world ransom.

Heck they are not even sparing their muslim brothers... what makes you think they will not try to use the nuclear option in these attacks (if they do get hold of them).

Better hands. Please hand over all of the Indian enriched uranium to the Americans since there are 30+ insurgencies in India. In case we need advise on nuclear waste in the future, you will definately be consulted.
the nuclear sites of pakistan are secured by pakistan military, and you say they are in the hands of fanatics???, are you trolling buddy???
The report mentions US concern dating back to 2007. Remember the days when the Taliban was making inroads into the Swat valley and was just a few kms away from Islamabad? Even if I were not an Indian or American, I would be justified in my concern. Things have improved since then and I really appreciate the efforts of the PA in bringing back the confidence.

what abt the fanatic indian govt, unlike pakistan it has done two tests before we even tested ours, they started two wars, and again indian govt wanted nuclear war in 2001???
About who started the wars is an entirely different debate. Lets keep the discussion to the topic.

Better hands. Please hand over all of the Indian enriched uranium to the Americans since there are 30+ insurgencies in India. In case we need advise on nuclear waste in the future, you will definately be consulted.
You fail to understand my point here. I have mentioned this in my reply to to black_magic_pk. I am not supporting handing over to Americans, please read my earlier posts before jumping to a conclusion.
The concerns are no longer justified. Anti-Pakistan militants, in particular the TTP, have taken a really severe pounding over the last 2 and a half years. They don't control any territory (only small pockets here and there) and don't have that many jihadis fighting for them. Swat, SW, Bajaur, Orakzai, and Kurram have all had operations against TTP.
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