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US trying to remove enriched Pak uranium: WikiLeaks

The more I think about this, the more I wonder which is more reprehensible: the refusal of Pakistani officials to do the right thing (return the Atoms-for-Peace stuff to the U.S.) on the grounds of personal and political cowardice, or the quiet acceptance of this plea by U.S. diplomats.

"Do the right thing" well we feel that the satan thinks everybody should bow down to it and that's the "right thing" to do according to the satan. However, we think that the US should dismantle its own nukes and that's the "real" right thing to do.
And what you want from us by putting this statement . . . .

bow to him . . . . . . . . .


How are you doing my good man? Now that the wiki leaks are out---doesn't it completely change the perspective of how we thought of ourselves and how we acted upon.

My man----we are pakistanis---we cannot seperate ourselves from our politicians---they are us---and we are them---. Our national character was just now splashed around by the wiki leaks all over the world.

So---what do you think now!
"Do the right thing" well we feel that the satan thinks everybody should bow down to it and that's the "right thing" to do according to the satan. However, we think that the US should dismantle its own nukes and that's the "real" right thing to do.
You are so frightened by your fellow Pakistanis that all you can do is follow mob thinking?
Israel does not need to steal uranium from Pakistan it already has yellowcake and uranium from South Africa which helped develop its weapons even before Pakistan tested it's first nuke Israel already done secret test in the Indian Ocean with South Africa in the 1970's.

not in Indian oceans but in Antarctica
The more I think about this, the more I wonder which is more reprehensible: the refusal of Pakistani officials to do the right thing (return the Atoms-for-Peace stuff to the U.S.) on the grounds of personal and political cowardice, or the quiet acceptance of this plea by U.S. diplomats.

Mr Solomon2, i like you words very much:blah: and at last i have to say that please give your nice words to Indians or Israelians to follow. Just keep away us from your valuable words.
We are responsible nation and we now what to do.Thanks:coffee:
We are responsible nation and we now what to do.Thanks:coffee:
You are not concerned about Pakistan's national honor? By keeping this nuclear material explicitly on the grounds of reserving it for weapons use Pakistan is breaking the letter and spirit of the Atoms for Peace program which generously supplied it in the first place.


Your opinion, please, on Russia's concerns: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...ssias-concerns-pakistans-nukes-kidnaping.html

Oh, I see you already did.
You are not concerned about Pakistan's national honor? By keeping this nuclear material explicitly on the grounds of reserving it for weapons use Pakistan is breaking the letter and spirit of the Atoms for Peace program which generously supplied it in the first place.


Your opinion, please, on Russia's concerns: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...ssias-concerns-pakistans-nukes-kidnaping.html

Oh, I see you already did.

I think you have to read this post in thread you mentioed above:

People are worried about Pakistani fissile material...

Between 1957 and 1965, 100 kilograms of uranium 235 disappeared from a nuclear scrap recycling plant in Apollo, Pennsylvania. The material was weapons grade and suitable for making more than one bomb. The president of the firm was reported to have close ties with Israel. The mystery was never solved.

The coaster, Scheersberg-A sets sail from Antwerp to Genoa with two hundred tons of uranium.

The boat does not arrive in Italy as scheduled but in Iskenderun Turkey, empty of its cargo. Years later the owner of the ship was located in a Norwegian prison and identified as an Isreali secret agent.

Nine Kilograms of weapons grade uranium were found to be missing from a nuclear fuel plant in Erwin, Tennessee.

May-September 1992
Leonid Smirnov, a chemical engineer at the Luch Scientific Production Association in Podolsk, Russia steals approximately one and one half kilograms of weapons grade highly enriched uranium. He was working alone and had no known potential buyers.

July 1993
Two Russian naval officers are arrested outside of a storage facility for the Russian Northern Fleet in Andreeva Guba, 40 kilometers from the Norwegian border. They were found to have 1.8 kilograms of highly enriched uranium. Both men claimed to be following military orders. However most Russian authorities believe that the Russian mob was involved.

November 27, 1993
Three men retired or active in the Russian Navy steal 4.5 kilograms of highly enriched uranium, from a naval base storage facility in Sevmorput, Russia. Authorities were alerted to the theft because one of the thieves carelessly left a door open. The men were arrested several months later trying to sell the stolen material. One of the men arrested stated that it would have taken the Russian Navy 10 years to figure out that the fissile material was missing if they had shut the door.

May 10, 1994
German police in Tengen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, inadvertently discover a vial containing 5.6 grams of nearly pure plutonium-239 in the garage of Adolf Jaekle. Though the origin and the destination of the material is not known it is believed to have originated from the Russian nuclear weapons laboratory Arzamas-16.

June 13, 1994
German authorities in Bavaria report that they seized 800 milligrams of highly enriched uranium in Landshut, Germany. On August 8 they arrest a German real estate dealer and five men from Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The material may have come from a naval or research reactor.

August 10, 1994
The Bavarian Police seize a suitcase from a Lufthansa flight originating in Moscow. It contains a plastic bag with several hundred grams of Lithium-6 (used to make Tritium) and a metal container holding 560 grams of mixed oxides of uranium and plutonium (363 grams of Pu-239). This makes it the largest seizure of weapons grade material in the West. Circumstantial evidence places the fissile material as Russian in origin. After further investigation German authorities contend that German intelligence entrapped the smugglers.

December 14, 1994
Prague police acting on an anonymous telephone call seize 2.72 kilograms of highly enriched uranium from the back seat of a car. Police arrest 3 men: a man from the Czech Republic, one from Belarus, and one from the Ukraine. All three had backgrounds in the nuclear industry. The fissile material is believed to be from the same origin as those found in Germany.

I think if anything russia should tend to its own back yard before "worrying" about PAKISTAN.

Charity begins at home ..... my friend
O.K. everyone, let's make this even more interesting: list the number and kind of fallacies DV RULES and the other Pakistani posters invoking to avoid the thread topic.
O.K. everyone, let's make this even more interesting: list the number and kind of fallacies DV RULES and the other Pakistani posters invoking to avoid the thread topic.

The Enriched Uranium would be "Used" Not "Taken".
Here is the full text of the particular cable being referred to:

A few things to note are:

- The fuel under question is not "highly enriched weapons grade uranium" but rather spent fuel from a research reactor (Chashma, I believe).
- The Government of Pakistan agreed to the transfer of the fuel in 2007, i.e., under the Presidency of Gen. Musharraf. Therefore, if we're going to blame anybody, let's start with our esteemed leadership.
- Media pressure forced the government of Pakistan to delay the transfer. I would like to congratulate our collective media for this.
- For those with knowledge of the nuclear industry, the following excerpt from the Guardian's website should be very interesting in terms of Pakistan's future nuclear interests:

Since 2007, the United States has mounted a highly secret effort, so far unsuccessful, to remove from a Pakistani research reactor highly enriched uranium that American officials fear could be diverted for use in an illicit nuclear device.

DE RUEHIL #1152 1471632
P 271632Z MAY 09


E.O. 12958: DECL: 05/27/2019


Classified By: Anne W. Patterson for reasons 1.4 (b) (d)

1. (S) XXXXXXXXXXXX, told Poloff on May 26 that the
recent spate of media attention on Pakistan's nuclear
security has led the GOP to delay an important
nonproliferation effort, the removal of U.S.-origin
highly-enriched uranium spent fuel from a Pakistani nuclear
research reactor. The GOP agreed in principle to the fuel
removal in 2007, but has been slow in scheduling a visit by
U.S. technical experts to discuss logistical and other
. In recent months, the Strategic Plans Division and
Ministry of Foreign Affairs both indicated progress on the
matter and a proposed visit for late May was under review.
However, according to XXXXXXXXXXXX, a recent GOP interagency review
of the program concluded that the "sensational" international
and local media coverage of the security of Pakistan's
nuclear weapons made it impossible to proceed at this time.
If the local media got word of the fuel removal, "they
certainly would portray it as the United States taking
Pakistan's nuclear weapons," he argued. The visit will have
to be delayed for 3-4 months or until the political climate
makes it more conducive to hosting a U.S. visit, he stated.

2. (S) Comment: As noted in previous post reporting, the GOP
is extremely sensitive to media focus on Pakistan's nuclear
program. In a sign of their growing defensiveness, the
Foreign Office Spokesman took significant time out of his May
21 press conference to address nuclear security, stating
categorically, "there is simply no question of our strategic
assets falling into the wrong hands." To a question about
reported offers of U.S. help with nuclear security, he
responded, "we do not need this assistance." With the
postponement of the nuclear fuel removal, it is clear that
the negative media attention has begun to hamper U.S. efforts
to improve Pakistan's nuclear security and nonproliferation
practices. End Comment.
O.K. everyone, let's make this even more interesting: list the number and kind of fallacies DV RULES and the other Pakistani posters invoking to avoid the thread topic.

.......never a dull moment on these threads... you guys do spend a lot of effort defending your points or vilifying others...... one wonders if you're at least getting paid for your efforts. I'd hate to think you were doing this for free......

I would prefer to witness a brave Pakistani statesman, one willing and able to justify honorable decisions that may be unpopular with a few - or even the majority.

If Pakistani politicians cannot stand up to the "hostile muslims" in their midst, what hope is there for Pakistan? Capitulation to militants, followed by external aggression, then destruction, then defeat or Pyrric victory?

By justifiable you mean the Iraq conflict..
Which dubya now admits was on false intelligence...

Honorable decisions such as the use of agent orange?

By all means.. if you guys could provide honorable and brave statesmen.. please..send them via USaid.

Did the state of florida call in the riot police on the reverend wanting to burn the Quran?
Or do white supremest rallies get banned?

It is because you make a calculated gesture towards such elements that they lose their attention and pipe down..

Agreed.. that is not always the case in Pakistan.. but right now..
It seems the government is playing both sides.

Till then.. one cannot call any judgments..

Also...if we were ever to capitulate to militants..
it should have happened back in 2008..
Its quite the opposite now..
The militants are losing their popularity..
But topics like our nukes.. even unrelated.. are fuel to a simmering fire.

Akin to Buchannan quoting the Quranic verse "..kill the infidels.." to boost his ratings on the anti Muslim horse..
what he does not mention is "kill the infidels when you meet them on the battlefield..".. which is what you do usually.

Lots of Buchannans.. on our local televisions..
and lots of clerics here too.. preaching hate..
But give them attention..and they get support..
give em the finger..and keep doing what you would anyway..
They'll eventually shut up.
If Pakistani politicians cannot stand up to the "hostile muslims" in their midst, what hope is there for Pakistan? Capitulation to militants, followed by external aggression, then destruction, then defeat or Pyrric victory?

Do you know what happened to ZAB thanks to some US backing of ZIA and his dollar hungry Mullahs. If his gov would not have been toppled and alikes of Zia should not have been suported by the US then the issue of this so called "Hostile Muslims" would not have emerged...!
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