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US 'Troubled' By Crimea Leader's India Visit

unfavourable precedence maybe? I don't know. India is just doing what any state will do. protect what it occupies or thinks it is its right to keep. on the other hand India found it right to help the Eastern Pakistani insurgents just like it does to BLA over there the policy might have been contradictory to its Kashmiri one but the outcome meant damaging a rival so that superseded the first principle

coming to the topic, American or Western European "concern" will just be a little sigh NOT to annoy India but just an FYI

whereas when it comes to Pakistan. the European Union leader actually dictated word for word what Pakistan had to say and do regarding this Russian Western stand-off. now that was humiliating and condescending

That is the problem of your politician..Why do not you guys stand up against the people who do not respect public sentiment...That is a surprising thing i always see in Pakistan politics..People have one opinion and Gov of Pakistan always have a different opinion...That has to stop..
That is the problem of your politician..Why do not you guys stand up against the people who do not respect public sentiment...That is a surprising thing i always see in Pakistan politics..People have one opinion and Gov of Pakistan always have a different opinion...That has to stop..
point noted sir
Regardless of which side of the debate you're on, with this move India has mocked the President of United States who mobilized a coalition post-Crimea invasion/re-unification. Perhaps Gorbachev is right after all, the stage is set for a new 'cold war'.

Here are some of the reactions from across the pond:

Outcast Russia turns to Cold War ally India for new billions in trade [LA Times]
latimes com/world/asia/la-fg-russia-india-military-trade-20141211-story.html

EU Mulls New Russia Sanctions Over Crimea, Denmark Says [Bloomberg]
bloomberg com/news/2014-12-12/eu-mulls-new-russia-sanctions-over-crimea-denmark-says.html
So far india and Russia did well, worked on their interest and showed US the door. Question is how far indian regime can withstand US pressure to halt deals with Russia?

Constructive opinions are welcome.
I don't believe u one bit.
No one seriously will.

But maybe she is an odd one out.Religion is a great force,,nothing wrong if kashmiris want to live with pakistanis.
Point is we cannot let that happen otherwise tomorrow every state with minority hindu population will revolt(assam)

Punjab survived because of hindu population and compatibility between hinduism and sikhism and of course intervention of the army.
Here army has to do all the job.

Not for u,,ask a kashmiri who wants to cede away.
He may lead worst life in pakistan but wants to go anyway,same as migrant hindus and sikhs are coming from pakistan

Is that actually true, sir? From my own interaction with Kashmiris (all of them living outside the state), the stance is either to stay in India or independence. I'm yet to see a Kashmiri wanting Pakistan. The non-muslims on the other hand...

There obviously would be a sampling error in my observations, but even poll surveys suggest the demand was always for a free state. Pakistan has always been trouble for them, right from 1947.
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