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US 'Troubled' By Crimea Leader's India Visit

Now I will be contradicting my Kashmiri stand by saying Georgia and Ukraine shouldn't be going for EU but my point is, (that shouldn't be done at the expense of Russia and become a base to antagonise Kremlin)

The old powerful soviet union has been long dead,,they have nothing now to challenge the west except thousands of warheads pointed towards them.

Its true they are still 100 times more advanced than us people but future certainly dosen't belong to them.
1)We all like russians because of our collective disgust at the amount of shit west is creating worldwide,invading and killing people on false assumptions and outright lies.

2)But on the other hand we like the freedom west provides and the opportunities they can offer us.

So in a way we indeed are hypocrite.
That's why it's silly to try to sell us the annexation story by US. Don't they feel shame?
Did they feel shame calling Putin a murderer while completely forgetting what they did in afghan and Iraq?

Supporting that would be contrary to our interests in kashmir,,so we will neither say yes nor no on the matter.
Kashmir gets compared to Palestine and now Crimea...lol those who do it 're ludicrous and India should not lend its ears to what others say.
Georgia and Ukraine shouldn't be going for EU but my point is, (that shouldn't be done at the expense of Russia and become a base to antagonise Kremlin)

What's the other reason u think India is so firm on 'plebiscite not an option' for Kashmir ? Weak point sabke hai...everyone tries to hide that and intentionally ignore to react to events which in-turn could put ourselves in tough spot.
Kashmir gets compared to Palestine and now Crimea...lol those who do it 're ludicrous and India should not lend its ears to what others say.

Those people have valid points,,its an occupation against the will of people.
But i as an hypocrite don't care as strategically kashmir is way too important to be given away and it won't be.

But u as an emotional indian will never look at the reality:haha:
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Did they feel shame calling Putin a murderer while completely forgetting what they did in afghan and Iraq?

The US regime has no shame as you can see by the shameless behaviour of the NATO trolls such as the flightless bird from the South Pole and the US-Aussi-Swedish-Chinese-Vietnamese guy with a heavy dose of identity crisis.
What's the other reason u think India is so firm on 'plebiscite not an option' for Kashmir ? Weak point sabke hai...everyone tries to hide that and intentionally ignore to react to events which in-turn could put ourselves in tough spot.
unfavourable precedence maybe? I don't know. India is just doing what any state will do. protect what it occupies or thinks it is its right to keep. on the other hand India found it right to help the Eastern Pakistani insurgents just like it does to BLA over there the policy might have been contradictory to its Kashmiri one but the outcome meant damaging a rival so that superseded the first principle

coming to the topic, American or Western European "concern" will just be a little sigh NOT to annoy India but just an FYI

whereas when it comes to Pakistan. the European Union leader actually dictated word for word what Pakistan had to say and do regarding this Russian Western stand-off. now that was humiliating and condescending
lol something that I also noticed today.
But then history has many dominating men who were short...from Napolean to Hitler.
Short men must be more aggressive. Lolzz

On topic:
Aksyonov held “unofficial” trade talks in Mumbai and New Delhi. And he did not meet with any Indian officials but Russian diplomats in India joined him for the meetings. So what's the big deal??
But I'm sure India knew he was coming or how did he get his visa??
The joint statement by both the govt.
Joint Statement on the visit of President of the Russian Federation to India for 15th Annual India-Russia Summit | Home | www.narendramodi.in

majority is short, if average height taken all over the world i dont think it would be more than 5.5
unfavourable precedence maybe? I don't know. India is just doing what any state will do. protect what it occupies or thinks it is its right to keep. on the other hand India found it right to help the Eastern Pakistani insurgents just like it does to BLA over there the policy might have been contradictory to its Kashmiri one but the outcome meant damaging a rival so that superseded the first principle

coming to the topic, American or Western European "concern" will just be a little sigh NOT to annoy India but just an FYI

whereas when it comes to Pakistan. the European Union leader actually dictated word for word what Pakistan had to say and do regarding this Russian Western stand-off. now that was humiliating and condescending

Because West need money and they will do any type of dirty work for that money.Allies and partners talks are just lipservice.In sense diplomacy is a hypocrite job.Swallow their own words and threaten small nations.

If Pakistan has a trillion dollar economy and billion $ market they will reduce their so called threat in to little concern.

US State dept would be in a damage control.
And their Spokeswoman swallow some words.
Entire diplomatic world knows who is the Crimean leader.But US state dept forced to accept the 'reason' of our MEA.
US will always be troubled if she poke her nose into others business..
Those people have valid points,,its an occupation against the will of people.
If it was occupation against the will of people then ppl would not have defied cold and boycott calls to cast votes recently.

But i as an hypocrite don't care as strategically kashmir is way too important to be given away and it won't be.
I'm aware of Kashmir's strategic importance. :coffee:

But u as an emotional indian will never look at the reality
You 're a typical hyper active punjabi who over looks facts. :P
Do you really live in India??? :haha:
If it was occupation against the will of people then ppl would not have defied cold and boycott calls to cast votes recently.

Don't be naive

You 're a typical hyper active punjabi who over looks facts. :P
Do you really live in India??? :haha:
I know the facts on ground unlike u,,,and i comment it based on reality and not based on my own whims and fancies.
Go to kashmir and ask any kashmiri what he/she wants and get ur answer.
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