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There are many smart racists on this forum. They will attack you, use thinly hidden remarks, and then claim to be the victim of racism. In some ways, they are even more despicable than Russian skinheads who are brave enough to act their racism out.
Just because I do not feel I'm superior to other people doesn't mean that I'm inferior. I've married a person, not a race. I would married her whether she is white, Asian, Hispanic or black.

Nope, you will 100% pick on white girl just as many other Banana Chinese i known. :lol:
Here we go, the inferiority complex symdrome, even marrying to a white girl won't help you to cure it.

Why make it personal? What he said before was true, there are many pimple faced racist on the forum and many Chinese do feel superior to others, the same can be said for many Russians, but i'm not afraid to admit it. And why get personal? Why bring his wife into it? I guess this can be expected from you, afterall, you claimed Russians to be 'drunk Russkies'.
There are many smart racists on this forum. They will attack you, use thinly hidden remarks, and then claim to be the victim of racism. In some ways, they are even more despicable than Russian skinheads who are brave enough to act their racism out.

Yeah, most white racists love to pretend to be the victims, while accusing the racist debunkers like us to be the racists.

Too bad, their pathetic tactics isn't going to work with us.
Nope, you will 100% pick on white girl just as many other Banana Chinese i known. :lol:

Totally not true. I dated girls from my neighborhood while growing. There are Asian, Hispanics and whites. I married someone not base on skin color. I also don't have to call other people names just to make myself feel better.
Yeah, most white racists love to pretend to be the victims, while accusing the racist debunkers like us to be the racists.Too bad, their pathetic tactics isn't going to work with us.

So refering to Russians as 'drunk russkies' is not racist, how is this different from short oriental or yellow chink? It isn't.
So refering to Russians as 'drunk russkies' is not racist, how is this different from short oriental or yellow chink? It isn't.

Ignorance at the best, Russians are white people, while drunken russkies isn't a racist remark which covers the entire white race.

Whereas short oriental or yellow chink is a racial slur against not only to Chinese, but to other Asians like Japanese/Koreans/Vietnamese as well.

No wonder that a closet white racist like yourself can never comprehend anything properly, even your skinhead countrymen are much more admirable than you, at least they have the gut to admit their racism.
I think its time to stop all the racist talk. In American, I had experienced racism and know wholly well what it is. In China, I believe its mostly ethnic pride instead of racial pride. I cannot speak for Russia because I do not have enough knowledge to understand the attitude of the people. Since this is a defense forum, what distinguish people are their nationality and national background instead of race.
Ignorance at the best, Russians are white people, while drunken russkies isn't a racist remark which covers the entire white race.Whereas short oriental or yellow chink is a racial slur against not only to Chinese, not other Asians like Japanese/Koreans/Vietnamese.

No wonder that a closet white racist like yourself can never comprehend anything properly, even your skinhead countrymen are much more admirable than you, at least they have the gut to admit their racism.

No it doesn't cover the intire white race it is aimed at Russians, hence the word Russkie. If you do not think calling a Russian a 'drunk russkie' is an insult and a racial slur go ahead and say it to a Russians face, i bet you would chicken out. Calling a Russian a drunk russki can earn you a whipping. The work Russki in Russian actually means Russian. However, it is mispronounced an we do not like it when none Russian speakers refer to us as russkies. Mostly because it is a word which is used to mock Russians. How would you feel if someone came up to you and said ching chong? It would be inapropriate just like it's inapropriate to say russki, both words try to mimick native tongs, in an ettempt to degrade the Asian with ching chong and the Russian with russki. Ruski has always been a word used to mock Russian, just like chink is a word to mock Asians. Drunk Russki is even worse.
No it doesn't cover the intire white race it is aimed at Russians, hence the word Russkie. If you do not think calling a Russian a 'drunk russkie' is an insult and a racial slur go ahead and say it to a Russians face, i bet you would chicken out. Calling a Russian a drunk russki can earn you a whipping. The work Russki in Russian actually means Russian. However, it is mispronounced an we do not like it when none Russian speakers refer to us as russkies. Mostly because it is a word which is used to mock Russians. How would you feel if someone came up to you and said ching chong? It would be inapropriate just like it's inapropriate to say russki, even more so to say drunk russki. Ruski has always been a word used to mock Russian, just like chink is a word to mock Asians.

Russian = a group of white race

East Asian = the yellow race

Learn some anthropology dude, ruskie isn't an offensive remark to other non-russian white people.

But Chink or Ching Chong is offensive not only to Chinese, to but all East Asian in general.

Some Korean or Japanese who attacks Chinese with Chink or Ching Chong remarks, because they are crackheads with pure ignorance.

And they didn't realize that in the eyes of the white people, all Asians are Ching Chong or Chink, which makes no difference.

So stop lecturing me about the slang vocabulary, which i know much more than you.
Russian = a group of white race

East Asian = the yellow race

Learn some anthropology dude, ruskie isn't an offensive remark to other non-russian white people.

But Chink or Ching Chong is offensive not only to Chinese, to but all East Asian in general.

Some Korean or Japanese who attacks Chinese with Chink or Ching Chong remarks, because they are crackheads with pure ignorance.

And they didn't realize that in the eyes of the white people, all Asians are Ching Chong or Chink, which makes no difference.

So stop lecturing me about the slang vocabulary, which i know much more than you.

You are a joke, why would russki be offensive to a none Russian? And Russians are white so are Germans, and French, but what difference does it make? Russki is aimed at Russians, not German, not French not anyone, only Russians. You are not Russian so do not act like you can relate or understand us, you have no clue as to what you are saying; you do not understand the Russian language, what we perceive as an insult and you certainly do not know the correct pronunciation of russki as slur and russki used in the native Russian tongue. Again don't try to act like you know the Russian, language, pronunciations, or what we perceive as insults, I’m not Chinese so I can not say I understand your tongue, dialect and what is perceived as taboo, apart from what others Chinese tell me, so do not act like you know Russian or what we perceive as a slur. Again i challeneg you to call a random Russian Russki, you probably will not do it, atleast to a large Russian, because you know you might get a beat down.
You are a joke, why would russki be offensive to a none Russian? And Russians are white so are Germans, and French, but what difference does it make? Russki is aimed at Russians, not German, not French not anyone, only Russians. You are not Russian so do not act like you can relate or understand us, you have no clue as to what you are saying; you do not understand the Russian language, what we perceive as an insult and you certainly do not know the correct pronunciation of russki as slur and russki used in the native Russian tongue. Again don't try to act like you know the Russian, language, pronunciations, or what we perceive as insults, I’m not Chinese so I can not say I understand your tongue, dialect and what is perceived as taboo, apart from what others Chinese tell me, so do not act like you know Russian or what we perceive as a slur. Again i challeneg you to call a random Russian Russki, you probably will not do it, atleast to a large Russian, because you know you might get a beat down.

I am myself 6'1 and 190 lbs, as not all your Russians are Schwarzenegger, one on one i am not afraid any of you. Not mentioning in real life you may be some 5'3 midget just like your current President who hides behind a computer. It is just pointless to talk big and tough in the cyberspace.

BTW, i've been called countless times as Chinaman or Chink, yet i am not going to act like a whiny b**ch.

You Russians love to brag how big and tough you are, yet you act like a whiny b**ch more than anymore else.
I am myself 6'1 and 190 lbs, as not all your russians are Schwarzenegger, one on one i am not afraid any of you. Not mentioning in real life you may be some 5'3 midget just like your current President who hides behind a computer. It is just pointless to talk big and rough in the cyberspace.

I'm the same size as you, if you are even honest.

BTW, i've been called countless times as Chinaman or Chink, yet i am not going to act like a whiny .

That's unfortunate, if it's true.......but i could be because of your cocky know it all attitutde.

You Russians love to act big and tough, yet you act like a whiny more than anymore else.

Well we arn't small, and we have a reputation of being very tough, but that is not important, as for acting like a 'whiny', i don't, i only stated the obvious; you insulted Russians by calling us drunk russkies and than claimed it not to be a slur, how is me educating you on the meaning of 'russki' being a whiny? If you like calling us drunk russkies go ahead, in fact i encourage you to come up to Russian and say it to them personally, since you think its not a big deal. It's not the first time you called Russian russkies even after i told you it is a slur and demeaning, yet you continue to use the word. I personally do not care but everytime you use it i will let everyone on the forum know the true meaning of the word so people can see you for who you are.
Well we arn't small, and we have a reputation of being very tough, but that is not important, as for acting like a 'whiny', i don't, i only stated the obvious; you insulted Russians by calling us drunk russkies and than claimed it not to be a slur, how is me educating you on the meaning of 'russki' being a whiny? If you like calling us drunk russkies go ahead, in fact i encourage you to come up to Russian and say it to them personally, since you think its not a big deal. It's not the first time you called Russian russkies even after i told you it is a slur and demeaning, yet you continue to use the word. I personally do not care but everytime you use it i will let everyone on the forum know the true meaning of the word so people can see you for who you are.

Tough? Gimme a break. See how US just kept b**ch slapping you guys in the 1990s, they destroyed your country and sold your women as hookers.

Yet you guys can keep a$$-kissing the Yankees and embracing that silly idea of white brotherhood. And always keeping the animosity toward China who happened to support you guys at most of time, but who also happened to be non-white whom you guys despise the most.

Russia itself is the biggest embracer of the white brotherhood, it doesn't matter that a nation who happend to totally rip you off, as long it is white, then you prefer to keep kissing their butt.

At least we won't forgive Japan until they officially make the apology and kneel down to the innocent souls they have slaughtered and persecuted in WWII.
Who's says anything about getting in trouble needing embassy help?
To show you that it will be your country of political allegiance, not some dubious racial ties, that will help you.

Spare me with your flag waving fake patriotism Sargent.
As fake as your Asian unity call.

Your mini rampage against any proud Chinese on here makes you the target.
They have earned it many times over. To date, not one of the Chinese boys have disputed my claim that I was initially polite to them in challenging their claims. Not one have managed to produce a single post from me that is loaded with even one racist slur despite their repeated charge that I made 'racist' insults to the Chinese people.

In the military there are also many a-holes out there that turned a blind eye to country and work as mercenaries.
How is that an issue that could be solved by dividing Americans into racial camps?

Who's gonna look out for Asians whenever their is a conflict of interests between the West and China?
Sure as the sky is blue NOT China.

Have you forgotten the detention camp among Japanese-American citizens during WWII(how eerily similar it is to Guantanamo Bay)?
How can I 'forget' when I have no such experience in the first place? There is a difference between knowing a fact and experiencing that fact. But to answer your question, I do know of the Japanese internment camps, I live near one. Did you also know of the 442nd?

If you enjoy licking elite azz that's your prerogative, but let the rest of us Asians worked hard in peace to EARN our empire. You either lead, follow, or get out the way! What's your call Sargent?
Spoken by someone who got his head up the Chinese's azz?

I don't give a ratz azz donkey dic(k) how many stir fried countries posted on your pissport Sargent!
You should care. If you brought on your ethnicity to support your argument, then you have effectively demanded that your experience and perspective as an Asian be considered before others.

You can experience different things in different places for different people. Life isn't a one way street (perspective in this case).
If life is a two-way street, then I know what lane and direction I want and be on. Do YOU?

My whole argument in a bigger picture is America needs to change period, even if it means rewriting the Constitution. Its on a social decline on a grand scale, from poor education (by choice not economics), rampant drug problems, religious zealots, and growing state militias particularly in the south and midwest states. Look at the problems with the big banks and their greed. Tax payers has to bail them out with Trillions of dollars and you over there saying life is okay in great 'ol USA and keep waving that flag? I don't think so bro, I'm not going to die for some elitist causes anymore or seeing some of fellow Army soldiers dying for it anymore! So keep pissing in the wind if you don't like what I have to say!
How are these problems can be solved by dividing Americans into racial camps? State militias? No such thing, unless you mean the National Guards. I used to volunteer for the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) in keeping track of racist militias in the Northwest region trying to recruit active duty military members around USAF bases. I have marched and literally fought against members of these groups in Hayden Lake, ID. in their annual march downtown. I find it curious that a US Army officer would use those words to describe these racist militia groups as they have nothing to do with state governments. Finally...It is understandable that even university educated people would make grammatical errors, but I find it inexcusable that a US Army officer (?) like yourself would misspell to be 'Sargent'. The proper spelling is 'sergeant'.
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