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US to transfer Afghan war's, military equipment to Pakistan.

Why not raise your standard and make yourself worthy.....first rule of the law....before jumping into an argument, first have the ability to comprehend what the debate involves or whom the person is addressing or replying to.
US is allegedly to hand over some equipments to Pakistan.....do you see India or Indians in the equation but if some Indians are suffering from an inflammatory rectum then by all means comfort since they bring it upon themselves.

Your linguistic demeanor suggests your state of mind which cannot differentiate between simplistic deductive reasoning and "inflammatory retort ". Conventional addition of small arms and logistic system raises fears in India which is suffering from state sponsored pakistani assymetric warfare.

Your claim albiet offtopic was Indians national are highest illegal immmigrants in US, when I asked you to substantiate that claim, you produced zilch... that sums up your credibility, hence I suggest stick to your forte where your prominence lies.
It is too early to make any conclusion but i hope US will take care of many out listed in this list for Pakistan. Trust already has built in major issues but there is need of solid government to ensure technology advanced government to share sophisticated weapons.
Same can said about india too which is already armed to the teeth but yet adopt the cry wolf strategy to acquire more military equipment.
And too all indians please do not wet your pants US is not going to give us any heavy military equipment, if mortars, howitzers are the one you guys are worried about

Yes, We are scared, not of pakistani m,ilitary might but of the asymmetric warfare forced upon us. I am indeed scared of surplus ammunition, and small arms systems making it's way to pakistani establishment which cries non-state actors when it's mercenaries kill and maim innocent civilians in India. It might not be a big deal for you to worry about, but yes indeed it worries us. Your addiditonal mortars and howitzers shell indian position to facilitate infiltration.

as far as being armed to teeth, what is % of gdp you sanction for your military compared to India??
It's also funny Indians always blathering about drones when just a few weeks earlier they were running around like head less chicken.

Oh JammyBoy....but i thought that was an OLD Indian TRICK......


as claimed by YOU?? :undecided:

bTW, even if that happened, that was in DISPUTED region, without even ONE shot being fired, the issue was resolved.

If Diplomacy can work better than going to WAR, than only an IDIOT will go for later, but i guess some take it as a sign of weakness.

Even US is going through the route of Diplomacy for solving Iran/NK issues.....Does that mean US is weak??

Back to topic: Can i ask which is this source, is it credible enough??

@Hyperion I need complete translation :P
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Traditionally INDIA's arsenal has been deployed against Pakistan.

Tali do haath say bajti hai (takes two to tango, or perhaps tangled).

As I said earlier.

Indians and Pakistanis hawks on this forum are living in the past.

Almost like dinosaurs.

Times a changing fast. Very fast.

So you all better get with the program. sooner the better.

And please please stop this decades old b!tching and bickering and moaning and groaning unless you are in your own bedroom where no one can see you or hear you except the one on your bed. :lol:

Thank you.

My fellow TTs.

You must rise above the rest. and not get involved in petty bickering.

And if you are having difficulty rise above the rest, and continue getting involved in petty bickering

Then you must see your family doctor.

He may be able to help your "rise" with a pill or something.


If someone says Indians are emigrating by the 1000s. So what?

Peace to you my man. Peace to all.

Dear sir,

I resisted acccepting a false claim by your fellow countryman, If wonder if that would be a considered bickering if the tables were turned.

I dont see you getting worked up on false offtopic claims by your countryman, immigration is not the issue at hand, the false claim of Indian's being the highest illegal immigrant as spun by your mate is the issue that I resist to.

as far as remedy for asking for valid justification for exhorbitant claim in your opinion seems to be with a family doctor, I barely think I need any advice in that case.

And as a fellow TT before giveing me advice on my rhetoric, you might want to think twice before typing, what you might perceive as humor, just reflects immaturity.
US giving second hand equipments to Pak in Aid n Pakistanis r happy to accept it as a goodwill gesture for Drone strikes isn't that surprising at all...:)

we will take it, and we will use against you guys when you act stupid towards us. then you wont be saying nothing lol
Your linguistic demeanor suggests your state of mind which cannot differentiate between simplistic deductive reasoning and "inflammatory retort ". Conventional addition of small arms and logistic system raises fears in India which is suffering from state sponsored pakistani assymetric warfare.

Your claim albiet offtopic was Indians national are highest illegal immmigrants in US, when I asked you to substantiate that claim, you produced zilch... that sums up your credibility, hence I suggest stick to your forte where your prominence lies.

A lot of irrelevant things seem to rattle Indian nerves and shake their brains, SMS and faulty Carburettors spying Pigeons and Camels being amongst many others.....and Sarbajit must be turning at the bottom of the Ganges on the very mention of state terrorism.
As for your digressing banter, what an example you are for all the think tanks when on one side you are blabbering about off topic post and at the same time adamant for more substance.....how worse can it get. !!
It's amusing to see the same people who oppose any aid from the US vehemently, badmouth US all the time for everything including drone attacks are feeling so happy at the prospect of receiving a few freebies from the US, as if those would be without any strings attached.
Oh JammyBoy....but i thought that was an OLD Indian TRICK......

as claimed by YOU?? :undecided:

bTW, even if that happened, that was in DISPUTED region, without even ONE shot being fired, the issue was resolved.

If Diplomacy can work better than going to WAR, than only an IDIOT will go for later, but i guess some take it as a sign of weakness.

Even US is going through the route of Diplomacy for solving Iran/NK issues.....Does that mean US is weak??

Back to topic: Can i ask which is this source, is it credible enough??

I need complete translation :P

He had doctored the title to sooth his agony, it' old TRICK of windjammer.

Credibility of sources is variable as far as jammer is concerned, it's directly proportional to his requirements.

And meanwhile , when we were playing our old trick , Afghanistan had cocked a snook in pakistan by killing their 30 soldiers as claimed ny ANA buy refuted by PA for obvious reasons.

I thought 91% pakistanies hate USA, incredible U-TURN.
A lot of irrelevant things seem to rattle Indian nerves and shake their brains, SMS and faulty Carburettors spying Pigeons and Camels being amongst many others.....and Sarbajit must be turning at the bottom of the Ganges on the very mention of state terrorism.
As for your digressing banter, what an example you are for all the think tanks when on one side you are blabbering about off topic post and at the same time adamant for more substance.....how worse can it get. !!

Oh boy!!! this is funny,

First paragraph of my post: Indian reservation against additional weapons to Pak.

Second paragraph directed to you to substantiate your claim.

there is no digressing here. My first paragraph informs you of my reservations of additional arms supply to pakistan.

My second paragraph asks you to provide any legitmate reference to the claim you made about Indian being the highest number of illegal immigrants in US.

Please respond to the topic if you can without mentioning rape, toilets etc.

please substantiate your off topic claim , if you can without again referring to rape, toilets etc.

He had doctored the title to sooth his agony, it' old TRICK of windjammer.

Credibility of sources is variable as far as jammer is concerned, it's directly proportional to his requirements.

And meanwhile , when we were playing our old trick , Afghanistan had cocked a snook in pakistan by killing their 30 soldiers as claimed ny ANA buy refuted by PA for obvious reasons.

I thought 91% pakistanies hate USA, incredible U-TURN.
You are another genuine Indian member.
Only someone who joined this forum this month can vouch for that. !!
Oh boy!!! this is funny,

First paragraph of my post: Indian reservation against additional weapons to Pak.

Second paragraph directed to you to substantiate your claim.

there is no digressing here. My first paragraph informs you of my reservations of additional arms supply to pakistan.

My second paragraph asks you to provide any legitmate reference to the claim you made about Indian being the highest number of illegal immigrants in US.

Please respond to the topic if you can without mentioning rape, toilets etc.

please substantiate your off topic claim , if you can without again referring to rape, toilets etc.


However reasonable and deducive your arguments may become ,he will undermine it by bringing in new topic or emptying his hot gas in incoherent way or......
He had doctored the title to sooth his agony, it' old TRICK of windjammer.

Credibility of sources is variable as far as jammer is concerned, it's directly proportional to his requirements.

And meanwhile , when we were playing our old trick , Afghanistan had cocked a snook in pakistan by killing their 30 soldiers as claimed ny ANA buy refuted by PA for obvious reasons.

I thought 91% pakistanies hate USA, incredible U-TURN.

This so called **** in the snook was only accepted by cockless Bharatis and Afghanis by the way. ;)

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