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US to table UN Resolution against Sri Lanka over War Crimes

They will be Sri lanka intelligence force is active around the globe.

Every LTTE member will be dealt with.

Is this comment directed towards me? this is a personal insult to me and is classified is a personal attack.

personal attacks are not tolerated on PDF.

If you insist. Anyways, Refer to post #67 and what you shouldn't do in post#65.
If you insist. Anyways, Refer to post #67 and what you shouldn't do in post#65.

I never made an insult towards another member of PDF.

You are mocking me by calling me gaspower, when you can clearly see my name is airpower.
I never made an insult towards another member of PDF.

You are mocking me by calling me gaspower, when you can clearly see my name is airpower.

FYI, air is gaseous. And what makes you think you're any better if you mock an entire Nation and not an individual?

Also, you just called someone's friend a dirty perverted pedophile without knowing anything about him and are now whining over this? Grow up kid!
FYI, air is gaseous. And what makes you think you're any better if you mock an entire Nation and not an individual?

Also, you just called someone's friend a dirty perverted pedophile without knowing anything about him and are now whining over this? Grow up kid!

You dont seem to understand what a 'personal attack' is.

A personal attack is an insult or abuse or a threat directed at MEMBER OF PDF.

Personal Attacks are prohibited on PDF.

If you disagree with a user's posting, attack their argument not the person.
You dont seem to understand what a 'personal attack' is.

A personal attack is an insult or abuse or a threat directed at MEMBER OF PDF.

Personal Attacks are prohibited on PDF.

If you disagree with a user's posting, attack their argument not the person.

And what makes you think I made a personal attack on you? where is the abuse that I have hurled at you? On the other hand, if I go through all your comments, I'm pretty sure I'll find more a dozen posts where you've spoken awful things that are not theoretically tolerated here.
This shows your lack of knowledge of the subject. In 2009 only LTTE's military arm was defeated. It's oversees then financial arm or currently the Global Tamil Forum is still active. If any one want to have a fair trial LTTE and their supporters should be held responsible for what they have done.

are you joking ? all of LTTE's funds have been looted by genocidal Lanka

Sri Lanka Guardian: KP: Role and Status

Why, the New LTTE Leader Kumaran Padmanathan (KP) represent the Sri Lankan Government as the Spokesperson?

According to your logic SLA should have done nothing when LTTE was on a orgy of killing.

You missed the 'white flag ' incident , hope by now you know what constitutes war crimes

The final atrocity: Uncovering Sri Lanka’s ‘white flag incident’ | Asian Correspondent

BTW can you tell where does this land grab is happening to clarify it.

do you want me to open a separate thread on land grabbing by the genocidal army ?

Sampanthan Discusses Land Grabbing Issue With Menon | The Sunday Leader

Sri Lanka: The intentions behind the land grabbing process

Out of a total land mass of 65,619 sq km, the Tamils inhabited 18,880 sq km of land in the north and east, but after May 2009, the Sri Lankan Armed Forces have come to occupy more than 7,000 sq km of Tamil land.1

Latest data reveals that at least 6,069 acres of public and private lands are occupied by the Sri Lankan Armed Forces (SLAF) for the purpose of opening up Sinhala colonies in the Vanni region. It is worth noting that this excludes already occupied lands in Jaffna region and the ‘Eastern province’.2

There is an official process, which indicates that 6,400 acres of civilian land will be seized for military purposes in Jaffna HSZ.3 People also complain that Sinhala Buddhist archaeologists are engaged in nefarious activities of Sinhalization. They are said to be visiting Tamil areas and 'excavating' Buddha statues that they themselves had planted earlier. The purpose of this exercise is allegedly to claim that the territory in question had been a Sinhala Buddhist area.

The Sri Lankan regime has proclaimed that they ‘liberated’ the Tamil people through a so-called ‘humanitarian operation’. If indeed that is the case, the question arises as to why they believe there is a need to deploy the notorious military throughout the Northeast in such a large scale and appoint war criminals as governors of the region? 85,000-86,000 soldiers are at present in the North and East.4
And what makes you think I made a personal attack on you? where is the abuse that I have hurled at you? On the other hand, if I go through all your comments, I'm pretty sure I'll find more a dozen posts where you've spoken awful things that are not theoretically tolerated here.

That's why I asked you, if you were referring to gaspower as me, if you were, you are insulting me.

Please go ahead and find any, I have never received an infraction on this forum, as i have consistently stayed within the rules and regulations.
That's why I asked you, if you were referring to gaspower as me, if you were, you are insulting me.

Please go ahead and find any, I have never received an infraction on this forum, as i have consistently stayed within the rules and regulations.

Your views are not those of majority of Lankans or Sri Lankan Government. One does not have to insult Sri Lanka to respond to your troll posts. Hence, if you insult any country or it's people, of course the anger will be personally directed towards you, not Lankans in general.

I haven't reported any of your offensive and troll posts here. If we start doing that, well, you know the consequences. And stop whining over nothing. If you can't handle even minor potshots, don't be eager to take them at others in the first place.I leave you to think about the quality of your posts and urge you to refrain from wanton trolling. Henceforth, I'll be reporting such posts. Peace out.
Your views are not those of majority of Lankans or Sri Lankan Government. One does not have to insult Sri Lanka to respond to your troll posts. Hence, if you insult any country or it's people, of course the anger will be personally directed towards you, not Lankans in general.

I haven't reported any of your offensive and troll posts here. If we start doing that, well, you know the consequences. And stop whining over nothing. If you can't handle even minor potshots, don't be eager to take them at others in the first place.I leave you to think about the quality of your posts and urge you to refrain from wanton trolling. Henceforth, I'll be reporting such posts. Peace out.

You dont seem to understand the difference between freedom of speech and personal attacks.

You cannot insult/abuse or threaten any member of PDF. Anything other than that is covered under freedom of speech.

If I didn't insult any member of PDF, its unfair to insult me personally.
You dont seem to understand the difference between freedom of speech and personal attacks.

You cannot insult/abuse or threaten any member of PDF. Anything other than that is covered under freedom of speech.

If I didn't insult any member of PDF, its unfair to insult me personally.

Freedom of speech includes personal attacks, if you didn't know. But here, we go by Forum rules, which are markedly different from the airy-fairy criticize-all-but-oneself leeway given under Freedom of Speech. I hope you've gone through forum rules once at least.
are you joking ? all of LTTE's funds have been looted by genocidal Lanka

Sri Lanka Guardian: KP: Role and Status

Did KP had all the money cashed or he alone had the all LTTE bank accounts. LOL. ?

You missed the 'white flag ' incident , hope by now you know what constitutes war crimes

The final atrocity: Uncovering Sri Lanka’s ‘white flag incident’ | Asian Correspondent

So...? Do you want us to believe a testimony of a terrorist? How do we verify it? These are just baseless allegations.

Out of a total land mass of 65,619 sq km, the Tamils inhabited 18,880 sq km of land in the north and east, but after May 2009, the Sri Lankan Armed Forces have come to occupy more than 7,000 sq km of Tamil land.1

So the tamils have 18,880 sq. km area of land. So what about the rest of the land. Do they belong to Sinhalese?

Then why do Tamils occupy Sinhala lands in central province, Colombo and many other areas? Don't they constitute as land grabs?

Or is it just land acquisition by the armed forces? If that so where do the armed forces should keep their belonging?

I do agree on a forceful acquisition of the land. Lands has been forcefully acquitted in the past due to the war and many of the lands are handed back to the owners. And yes there are some lands which cannot be given back. So the owners are compensated for that.

Do you believe that military lands should be given back to it's owners threatening the national security?

There is an official process, which indicates that 6,400 acres of civilian land will be seized for military purposes in Jaffna HSZ.3 People also complain that Sinhala Buddhist archaeologists are engaged in nefarious activities of Sinhalization. They are said to be visiting Tamil areas and 'excavating' Buddha statues that they themselves had planted earlier. The purpose of this exercise is allegedly to claim that the territory in question had been a Sinhala Buddhist area.

These are just words of fear. Some Tamil hypocrites do not like the truth to be revealed. They think that the North and East belongs to Tamils only.

Let's assume the allegation is correct. Do you believe anyone with the proper knowledge on archeology will accept any thing suspicion or wrong. It will only strength the Tamil claim rather than the Sinhalese claims.

The truth is that Tamils can not debunk the historical evidence the Sinhalese have.

military throughout the Northeast in such a large scale and appoint war criminals as governors of the region? 85,000-86,000 soldiers are at present in the North and East.4

Then why did TNA supported Sarath Fonseka the former Army commander who lead the alleged genocide?

Why did the Tamils voted for Sarath Fonseka the former Army commander who lead the alleged genocide?

Are you ready to eat your foot?
Did KP had all the money cashed or he alone had the all LTTE bank accounts. LOL. ?

that question should be directed to your defence secretary

So...? Do you want us to believe a testimony of a terrorist? How do we verify it? These are just baseless allegations

baseless allegations ? If you act as genocidal Lanka mouth piece you need to be more discerning. the white flag incident involves UN, that's all I will say for now, you can keep on amusing us.

Or is it just land acquisition by the armed forces? If that so where do the armed forces should keep their belonging?

The land grabbing also involves setting up new Sinhala colonies i.e moving Sinhalas from the south, the aim is to reduce the Tamil majority , part of the cultural genocide

Do you believe that military lands should be given back to it's owners threatening the national security?

Are you saying Tamils threaten genocidal Lanka's national security or is it the case of military occupation of another country , you decide ?
If India agrees for a international intervention on Sri Lanka. How can they so no to a international investigation on Kashmir?

The same way we did for the past 67 years .

India will soon have a multinational force knocking on its front door.

Why ?? because a Lankan is having wetdreams about it .
Stop quoting that bullshit rhetoric.

Srilanka is a member of UN and it has voluntary agreed to principles and rules of UN charter.

If Srilanka has so much problem with UN system then abrogate your membership and then go gaga about that.

what principles? If UN is impotent infront of big boys we wont let our country for them to do anything. After all UN is a foreign policy arm of USA

I wonder why the Lankan Forces themselves have become the source of visual evidence that war crimes were committed during the final days of the conflict.
The pics and videos of the likes of Prabhakaran's son, Issaipriya etc could only have been captured by Army personnel. To take such damning videos and then be careless enough to let them slip into the hands of the media is pretty dumb, IMO.

the reality is videos and the socalled pictures are NOT enough to file a case for war crimes? How many cases have we seen american troops doing unspeakable things to captured people?

1. prabhakaran's son - the picture cannot tell who really killed. It is plain tactics in a propaganda video. You add videos of SL army and amidst you insert this picture. So the viewer gets the idea that army has killed him. Not really the truth but propaganda tactics.
what principles? If UN is impotent infront of big boys we wont let our country for them to do anything. After all UN is a foreign policy arm of USA

the reality is videos and the socalled pictures are NOT enough to file a case for war crimes? How many cases have we seen american troops doing unspeakable things to captured people?

1. prabhakaran's son - the picture cannot tell who really killed. It is plain tactics in a propaganda video. You add videos of SL army and amidst you insert this picture. So the viewer gets the idea that army has killed him. Not really the truth but propaganda tactics.

Dude, those US army personnel who were video/photographed doing objectionable things have been promptly identified and punished accordingly. What has Sri Lanka done to those who've carried out these atrocities?

And it's amply clear that Prabhakaran's son was caught alive by Sri Lankan personnel and it's amply clear he later wound up dead. What has Sri Lanka done about this other than bitch about daily that the evidence is fake? No amount of your sugar-coating can mask the fact that many of Sr Lankan forces committed war crimes of varying degree.
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