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US to table UN Resolution against Sri Lanka over War Crimes

haha! We all know neither India nor retards in Tamil Nadu working for greater well being or Tamils. All are looking for votes of the stupid citizens in India who fall for any emotional crap. Anyway continue to fool yourself and we will get closer to China day by day. Whose lost in the end anyway. We only care about our benefit.

Wrong. You don't care about the benefits of all Sri Lankans, and therein lies the problem. To you, Tamils of Sri Lanka are third-rate citizens for some reason. Unless you correct this attitude, I guess violence will return again. And the fact that we've stopped our funding or support to Tamil separatists indicates our seriousness in having better ties with SL. But if SL doesn't need it, then so be it.
he benefits of all Sri Lankans, and therein lies the problem. To you, Tamils of Sri Lanka are third-rate citizens for some reason. Unless you correct this attitude, I guess violence will return again. And the fact that we've stopped our funding or support to Tamil separatists indicates our seriousness in having better ties with SL. But if SL doesn't need it, then so be it.
Seriously you need to visit Sri Lanka and see yourself. There's nothing in the constitution that restricts a Tamil from doing what a Sinhalese can do. This is tribal thinking and we have moved on from this type of racial segregation. Nowadays a Sri Lankan is a Sri Lankan regardless of his/her ethnicity.

We really don't consider India to be a friend after all what happened in past 4 decades.
Seriously you need to visit Sri Lanka and see yourself. There's nothing in the constitution that restricts a Tamil from doing what a Sinhalese can do. This is tribal thinking and we have moved on from this type of racial segregation. Nowadays a Sri Lankan is a Sri Lankan regardless of his/her ethnicity.

We really don't consider India to be a friend after all what happened in past 4 decades.

Nor am I saying India is friends with SL. But we need not be adversaries to each other either.

It's all the same in the subcontinent. The cities and large towns are secular and moderate, and ethnic tensions are minimal. But not out in the countryside, where every type of segregation still exists as an open secret. The most obvious hint is being given by the SL Govt itself, in their blatant defence of every atrocity carried out by SLA. I don' think you Sinhala will ever acknowledge it, and therein is the proof that society thinks no better than the Government.
It's not the Tamil issue that is being an obstacle for SL-India relations but it is the stupid attention seeking politicians who are continuously taking advantage of the federal system of India. Just think for yourself how much India lost to China in Sri Lanka for the last few years all thanks to some whining politicians who just seek votes with some emotional garbage. I totally defend whatever done by SLA. We desperately needed to clean the terrorists out of the country to pave the way for development and it was successfully done.

I really wish Tamil Nadu is a separate country then we can deal head-to-head instead of them bringing their masters into every matter.
haha! We all know neither India nor retards in Tamil Nadu working for greater well being or Tamils. All are looking for votes of the stupid citizens in India who fall for any emotional crap. Anyway continue to fool yourself and we will get closer to China day by day. Whose lost in the end anyway. We only care about our benefit.

And not a single mention of us ! :( :cray:
Nor am I saying India is friends with SL. But we need not be adversaries to each other either.

It's all the same in the subcontinent. The cities and large towns are secular and moderate, and ethnic tensions are minimal. But not out in the countryside, where every type of segregation still exists as an open secret. The most obvious hint is being given by the SL Govt itself, in their blatant defence of every atrocity carried out by SLA. I don' think you Sinhala will ever acknowledge it, and therein is the proof that society thinks no better than the Government.
And who gave you the moral superiority over claiming who is a criminal or not. Should I post all the crimes committed in Kashmir by your armed forces? Anyway what you have done in UNSC was a double edged sword. Soon it will get you for you have done in Kashmir.

And not a single mention of us ! :( :cray:
You're our beloved friend :D
And who gave you the moral superiority over claiming who is a criminal or not. Should I post all the crimes committed in Kashmir by your armed forces? Anyway what you have done in UNSC was a double edged sword. Soon it will get you for you have done in Kashmir.

You're our beloved friend :D

The same moral superiority you show when you comment on Kashmir. Only, in this case, you're ready to abandon reason and jump at those who're saying the videos of War Crimes seem authentic and need a broader investigation. Need I say more?
The same moral superiority you show when you comment on Kashmir. Only, in this case, you're ready to abandon reason and jump at those who're saying the videos of War Crimes seem authentic and need a broader investigation. Need I say more?
And I am asking, as an India who are you to pressure us against carrying out investigations? Were there any Indian citizens attacked? Besides if there should be an investigation then the whole history of this 3 decades long civil war should be investigated including IPKF involvement and their crimes.

India is no superpower!
And who gave you the moral superiority over claiming who is a criminal or not. Should I post all the crimes committed in Kashmir by your armed forces? Anyway what you have done in UNSC was a double edged sword. Soon it will get you for you have done in Kashmir.

You know; I'm an ethnic Kashmiri ! :smokin:
And I am asking, as an India who are you to pressure us against carrying out investigations? Were there any Indian citizens attacked? Besides if there should be an investigation then the whole history of this 3 decades long civil war should be investigated including IPKF involvement and their crimes.

India is no superpower!

So you do accept that you did as you pleased with your minorities, and aren't bothered with conducting a free and fair trial for those militarymen who transgressed their duties?

Regarding the probe you seek, bring it on! Let a few heads roll on the Indian side too, mostly of those who were in power in the 1980s. Along with them shall roll those of Rajpakse and Gotabaya. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Justice for an entire community should not be denied for the sake of a few individuals.

You know; I'm an ethnic Kashmiri ! :smokin:

Which part of Kashmir are you from? I've a friend who's from Bagh. :-)
So you're an Indian Kashmiri! :D When did you move there?

An Indian Kashmiri ! :o:

I'd rather inject a Cyanide Capsule ! :mad:

I'm a Pakistani born & bred in Lahore - Grandpa & the rest of the Family including the extended family came from there over the years finally culminating in a mass exodus at the time of the Partition ! :)
An Indian Kashmiri ! :o:

I'd rather inject a Cyanide Capsule ! :mad:

I'm a Pakistani born & bred in Lahore - Grandpa & the rest of the Family including the extended family came from there over the years finally culminating in a mass exodus at the time of the Partition ! :)

Hey, no fair....That cyanide capsule belongs only to LTTE.:lol:

You still must be having a relatives back in India then, ain't it? Have you crossed the border legally for a visit? :laugh:
Hey, no fair....That cyanide capsule belongs only to LTTE.:lol:

You still must be having a relatives back in India then, ain't it? Have you crossed the border legally for a visit? :laugh:

Most of the relatives made for Pakistan in '48 - a few of them made it into Pakistan whilst the rest were cut along the way !

The handful that remained moved out of India to other countries over the decades !

I don't think I've got any relative left on the other side.

Nope - Pakistanis can't visit Kashmir as far as I know so none of us has visited Kashmir !
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