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US to table UN Resolution against Sri Lanka over War Crimes


Mar 22, 2013
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US to table UN human rights resolution criticising Sri Lanka over 'war crimes' | World news | theguardian.com


Assistant secretary of state Nisha Biswal talks to reporters

The United States will table a United Nations human rights resolution against Sri Lanka, a State Department official said on Saturday, putting new pressure on Colombo to address war crimes allegations.

The UN has already called on Sri Lanka to punish military personnel responsible for atrocities in the civil war that the government won in 2009, and Washington says the human rights climate on the island is worsening.

"Lack of progress in Sri Lanka has led to a great deal of frustration and scepticism in my government and in the international community," assistant secretary of state Nisha Biswal told reporters in Colombo after a two-day visit.

"There hasn't been sufficient action taken by the government to address the issues of justice and accountability. We heard from many people about people who are still unaccounted for, whose whereabouts and fates are unknown to their family members."

Biswal declined to say what would be in the resolution to be tabled at the March session of the UN Human Rights Council, but US embassy officials have said it may call for an international investigation in Sri Lanka.

"We understand growing concern, frustration, and scepticism among many in my country and many in the international community that has led to increasing calls for international investigation and an international process." Biswal said.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa's government, which finally crushed a 26-year rebellion by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in 2009, has rejected calls for an international inquiry and said repeated requests from overseas were to please the large Tamil diaspora in the west.

A top Sri Lankan official said in Washington last week that an international inquiry into war crimes would bring "chaos" and insisted that the government's national reconciliation process must be given several more years to work.

Biswal acknowledged that the reconciliation process needed more time, but said credible steps had to be taken now.

"The culture of deterioration of human rights gives us great concern when churches and mosques are burnt down and people feel that they cannot practise their faiths freely and without fear. Then I believe the urgency that has gripped the international community is justified," she said.

The British prime minister, David Cameron, has said he will push for an international inquiry into war crimes allegations if Sri Lanka does not conduct its own probe by March.

Some Sri Lankans who met Biswal told Reuters they had told her an international process was essential.

"We do not have confidence in a local investigation because that would be done by the military, who are accused of war crimes," one activist from northern Jaffna peninsula told Reuters, on condition of anonymity.

A UN panel has said that about 40,000 mainly Tamil civilians died in the final few months Of the war. Both sides committed atrocities, but army shelling killed most victims, it concluded. Separatist Tamil Tiger rebels renowned for the use of child soldiers and suicide bombings battled government forces from 1983.
Terrorists should not worry about UN but examine their own back yard

Attacks On The Judiciary Intensify | Colombo Telegraph



US ambassadress and Nisha Biswal In Tamil Eelam

United States of America made strong stand against war criminals run Srilankan state , and claimed the state has done little progress on reconciliation and accountability.

A senior US diplomat said that Sri Lanka’s Rajaapaksa brothers run regime has made little progress on justice, reconciliation and accountability more than four years after the end of the Tamil Genocide which ended with 100,000 Tamil massacred by Sri Lankan forces.Assistant Secretary of State Nisha Biswal said lack of progress has frustrated her government and the international community.

U.S. already in a preparation to press a resolution against Srilankan regime at the U.N.’s top human rights body in March.

“Patience of the international community is wearing thin…..” Biswal told reporters in the capital Colombo,she said she told senior Sri Lankan government officials about the “insufficient progress” in addressing justice, reconciliation and accountability, after the war’s end.

She said the new resolution will call on Sri Lanka “to do more to promote reconciliation, democratic governance, justice and accountability….” But she declined to discuss the text of the resolution, saying it is too early.

She met Tamil leaders and Tamil civil society members during last week. Tamil Catholic Priests have explained her the massacre carried out and urged her to call for International inquiry to find the truth. Meanwhile Tamil Coalition of Tamil Parties , Tamil National Alliance (TNA) said it has already pssed a resolution in Tamil run Northern Provincial Council body but it also said it cannot do more without help of International Community as Tamils cannot cannot do anything in Sri Lankan parliament against Rajapaksa regime.

In November, British Prime Minister David Cameron said he would call for a U.N.-backed investigation into allegations of war crimes.

U.N. rights chief Navi Pillay has said she would recommend that the council establish its own probe if Sri Lanka fails to show progress by March
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US patience with Sri Lanka is wearing thin with regard tn human rights violation of minority Tamils under Sinhala occupation

Anti-Lanka resolutions and the US game plan | The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

At least three recent developments in the Indian Ocean Region are worth mentioning here. One is that the lease on Diego Garcia, a British-controlled territory in the Indian Ocean where the US has a military base, expires in 2016. Any agreement to extend, modify or end it has to be negotiated in 2014 between the US and the UK. The US used Diego Garcia as a long-range bombing base targeting Iraq and Afghanistan and for the CIA’s secret rendition flights.
A champion of Human rights Strikes again.

All this fuss is because SL is closer to China nothing more. Ummmerikkkkaaa wants a piece of pie
Why is US harping on 'reconciliation' , when the events of the last 5 years have proven that ‘reconciliation’ is a camouflage for genocide.

What is urgently required is saving Tamils from the on-going genocide
Tamils in the coastal village of Peasaalai, north-west of the Mannaar island on Thursday took to the streets in protest against the land grab by the occupying genocidal Sinhala military.

The occupying Navy, which is already stationed in the one-acre coconut palm grove, is now trying to permanently seize the land from the village. The people of the village mobilized against the move and blocked the surveyors from measuring the land despite the harassment by the occupying navy video-filming the people amidst the deployment of a large number of SL navy sailors at the site.


confession by a Sri Lankan soldier who fought the 2009 war against Tamils to the UNHR commission

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"We do not have confidence in a local investigation because that would be done by the military, who are accused of war crimes," one activist from northern Jaffna peninsula told Reuters, on condition of anonymity.

So a Tamil person said he do not trust the local investigation. OK it's his perception.

Then why should the Sinhalese trust US for a fair investigation? Do they have a fair track record?

India should never support US resolution against a south Asian country

Wait and see it will one day bounce back on India through Kashmir. Then there will be no one to protect India.
Any resolution against Sri Lanka that goes to the UNSC will be vetoed by China and I'm sure Russia would veto too.
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