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US to table UN Resolution against Sri Lanka over War Crimes

You do realize the commander in chief of the armed forces with jurisdiction in Tuvalu is Queen Elizabeth II.

How long do you think Queen Elizabeth II's Army will take to annex India?

Best Case Scenario from your perspective: More time than it will take for the Indian Army to Annex the Sri Lankan island as part of the state of Tamilnadu.
You do realize the commander in chief of the armed forces with jurisdiction in Tuvalu is Queen Elizabeth II.

How long do you think Queen Elizabeth II's Army will take to annex India?

really ? brits fighting indians...can they even fly the typhoon without disassembling their airforce for parts ?
If only someone would make the US accountable for its war crimes........
Human Rights Violation arn't new to Sri lanka. We've been waiting for 30 years, still nothing.

that just shows that SL has done this before...

India doesn't have influence over peanuts, get back to me once india manages to control its own boarders. Heard China set up camp on 5000sqm of indian land. Once you learn to have influence within your boarders; you can then talk about influence at the UN.

and some peanuts are doing "Lungi Dance" after hearing that...about India's influence,you need more study,cause I can't make you understand that even what level of contribution India has even in your country's reconstruction..

The funny thing is if India agrees on a international investigation on sri lanka. How can they say no on a say type of resolution against India?

thats what I said,we do.you don't..see,everybody(even USA) acknowledged that "Kashmir is integral part of India" and nobody will even sneeze about the "Killings".even Pakistan willn't want that,because,in that case,UN will not only probe Indian Administered Kashmir,but also Azad Kashmir,Gilgit and Baltistan...you better learn what its called "leverage" and "mutual understanding"..also,Indo-Pak mutual understanding on Kashmir makes it "Bilateral Issue"..

you better count who are going to support SL on UN Sanction,if genocide gets proved.
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Best Case Scenario from your perspective: More time than it will take for the Indian Army to Annex the Sri Lankan island as part of the state of Tamilnadu.

Your profile says that your 29, but we both know your real age is 31.
I wonder why the Lankan Forces themselves have become the source of visual evidence that war crimes were committed during the final days of the conflict.
The pics and videos of the likes of Prabhakaran's son, Issaipriya etc could only have been captured by Army personnel. To take such damning videos and then be careless enough to let them slip into the hands of the media is pretty dumb, IMO.
So your using the philosophy of 'takes one to know one'?
Whatever floats your boat. BTW, seems like you did not like my idea of the Indian Army claiming whole Sri Lanka as part of the Tamilnadu didn't you? Why?
Whatever floats your boat. BTW, seems like you did not like my idea of the Indian Army claiming whole Sri Lanka as part of the Tamilnadu didn't you? Why?

It's quite an unrealistic task considering the Indian army cannot control its own boarders.
It's quite an unrealistic task considering the Indian army cannot control its own boarders.

Not Sri Lanka that's to much, it's for China to gobble, but India can annex Tamil Eelam , Tamils will be safer under India than genocidal Sri Lanka.

It was also an unrealistic task considering, a well equipped and strong army of over 300,000 eliminating a 10,000 rag-tag child soldiers over 25 years , plus alleged war crimes that warrants an International War Crime Tribunal.

Whatever floats your boat. BTW, seems like you did not like my idea of the Indian Army claiming whole Sri Lanka as part of the Tamilnadu didn't you? Why?

Historical Sri Lanka was once part of Tamilnadu
Not Sri Lanka that's to much, it's for China to gobble, but India can annex Tamil Eelam , Tamils will be safer under India than genocidal Sri Lanka.

It was also an unrealistic task considering, a well equipped and strong army of over 300,000 eliminating a 10,000 rag-tag child soldiers over 25 years , plus alleged war crimes that warrants an International War Crime Tribunal.

Historical Sri Lanka was once part of Tamilnadu

That's your perception.
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