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US to provide military support to Nancy Pelosi's trip to Taiwan: Gen. Milley

How many episodes does star wars have? We are at the twilight of the Empire, the current America is not the same the past. They are a lot less confident and a lot more desperate. Overall very unpredictable, a lot more than before. The Russians came to the conclusion that the Americans were agreement incapable before they started in Ukraine.
Ugh stop bringing in star wars to back your non-existent point. Doesn't add anything to it and it doesnt even make sense. Cringeworthy!

Of course the current US is the same as the past, they have the same goals and are pursuing them however way they can. It's Russia and China who have changed and are very slowly waking up, but are still drowsy.
Ugh stop bringing in star wars to back your non-existent point. Doesn't add anything to it and it doesnt even make sense. Cringeworthy!

Of course the current US is the same as the past, they have the same goals and are pursuing them however way they can. It's Russia and China who have changed and are very slowly waking up, but are still drowsy.
Not a star wars fan? You dork.
No empires last forever. The Roman Empire at its end was not the same as it was at its prime. Yes Americans still have the same ambitions but they are losing their ability to enforce them. They know they will be losing the economic competition in the long run against the rising power. They are forcing their plans into fruition on a shorter timeframe and that makes them more reckless than ever.
Not a star wars fan? You dork.
No empires last forever. The Roman Empire at its end was not the same as it was at its prime. Yes Americans still have the same ambitions but they are losing their ability to enforce them. They know they will be losing the economic competition in the long run against the rising power. They are forcing their plans into fruition on a shorter timeframe and that makes them more reckless than ever.
I'd say an adult who likes star wars, aimed at children, are dorks...and it is seen by the lack of logical reasoning when trying to have an adult discussion. Yeah, I'll pass, dork.

Yes I actually agree with a lot of what you wrote, but none of what you wrote is relevant to what we are talking about i.e. this hasnt been the first time China has been humiliated like this. Nice diversion, interesting way to take an L on this lol
A wiser Chinese strategy might have been to downplay the visit. Now they risk become slaves to their own rhetoric.
I'd say an adult who likes star wars, aimed at children, are dorks...and it is seen by the lack of logical reasoning when trying to have an adult discussion. Yeah, I'll pass, dork.

Yes I actually agree with a lot of what you wrote, but none of what you wrote is relevant to what we are talking about i.e. this hasnt been the first time China has been humiliated like this. Nice diversion, interesting way to take an L on this lol
I don’t think the original star wars was aimed at children, you must be really young, I won’t fault you for that.

I don’t think you grasp the change in the political atmosphere. Previously it was just to score political points with no intention to actually play their card (Taiwan). Now American has the intentions to play this card for real because they are running out of moves. They are no longer bluffing, that’s the difference you don’t seem to understand. They are pushing for a confrontation no matter what your response is.
I don’t think the original star wars was aimed at children, you must be really young, I won’t fault you for that.

I don’t think you grasp the change in the political atmosphere. Previously it was just to score political points with no intention to actually play their card (Taiwan). Now American has the intentions to play this card for real because they are running out of moves. They are no longer bluffing, that’s the difference you don’t seem to understand. They are pushing for a confrontation no matter what your response is.
No it was always aimed at children. But simple minded adults like yourself also like it, just like how adults still play childish video games, play lego and watch cartoons. All part and parcel of the emasculation of men like yourself. Dont see how that has anything to do with age, my grandfather thought Star Wars was childish, guess he was "tOo YuNg".

Yes there is change, as ive mentioned many times which fails to penetrate your dense skull, that Russia and China have begun changing after decades of humiliation. I dont see what the west is doing any differently except for upping the ante out of desperation, but they are still playing out of the same rule book they did 30, 40 or even 50 years ago.

You seriously need to go look up the Taiwan Crisis, that was by far more provocative by the US Navy. This was just a woman who landed in Taiwan. As Iran found out, a response against a bully like US actually gives them a shock. China being a superpower can inflict such shock to the power of 100. So i think it's simps like you who just dont get it.
No such country called Palestine. Israel there is. There was, and there will always be. Stay in limbo forever.
Israel is a fake state that is surrounded by enemies. Palestine is recongnised throughout the middle east, where it matters, whereas Israel is an occupier and not recognised in the region. Cope.
Fake? It feels so real when I visited Israel. Nice beach, warm people, even visited their capital Jerusalem very nice peeps. I saw Israel. Did'nt see that shithole you call your country which you call Palestine.
None of that changes the fact you were walking on occupied land and an unrecognised pariah in the region. Palestine is blessed, Israel is hell hole with enemies surrounding it. Massive difference.
None of that changes the fact you were walking on occupied land and an unrecognised pariah in the region. Palestine is blessed, Israel is hell hole with enemies surrounding it. Massive difference.
It's Israeli Land. They were there even before Muhammad was even born. Your UAE already recognized em next will be the Saudi boys.. and the rest will follow. That hell hole you call country is a country that your imaginary country which only exist in your wet dream.
It's Israeli Land. They were there even before Muhammad was even born. Your UAE already recognized em next will be the Saudi boys.. and the rest will follow. That hell hole you call country is a country that your imaginary country which only exist in your wet dream.
Nope it's God's land which was once called Canaan. Cant have every occupier claiming what they had 1000s of years ago otherwise the world would be a mess...which is why the state of Israel is not the same as the biblical one. Its a European neo-crusader state that will never see an end to war. Got nothing to do with Muhammad, but now I know I'm talking to an abused ignoramus. Only UAE and Jordan recognises them because they were forced to. The country you call a hell hole is recongnised in its own region more than the occupiers, which is what counts.

Uhhmn Israel is bein recognized by those Arabs left and right. They just "support" Palestine for the sake of supporting it. They ain't doing shit. They are now BFF's with Israel. F8ck they are kissing em with their mouths open on their first date.
Are you high?! They have been recongnised by only a handful of Arab dictators, nothing to be proud of. Palestine keeps getting weapons from somewhere and theyre getting stronger each time, so someone obviously is doing shit...wouldn't expect a hurt little individual like you to understand though.
Fake? It feels so real when I visited Israel. Nice beach, warm people, even visited their capital Jerusalem very nice peeps. I saw Israel. Did'nt see that shithole you call your country which you call Palestine.

So? what did your Brit Masters said about your country when they gangraped yours for 300 years? Then left after they took everything.

Uhhmn Israel is bein recognized by those Arabs left and right. They just "support" Palestine for the sake of supporting it. They ain't doing shit. They are now BFF's with Israel. F8ck they are kissing em with their mouths open on their first date.

That is what brits did to your Apu Nahasapeemapetilon country, you Americans best known him as a character in simpsons show bar owner

those areas were not a part Pakistan we come from and no Brits invasion here.

We except United States, but we never forget you stole it off the natives by killing thrm all you savages .

So it makes sense. For you to see nothing wrong with Israel/ occupation of Palestinian
No it was always aimed at children. But simple minded adults like yourself also like it, just like how adults still play childish video games, play lego and watch cartoons. All part and parcel of the emasculation of men like yourself. Dont see how that has anything to do with age, my grandfather thought Star Wars was childish, guess he was "tOo YuNg".

Yes there is change, as ive mentioned many times which fails to penetrate your dense skull, that Russia and China have begun changing after decades of humiliation. I dont see what the west is doing any differently except for upping the ante out of desperation, but they are still playing out of the same rule book they did 30, 40 or even 50 years ago.

You seriously need to go look up the Taiwan Crisis, that was by far more provocative by the US Navy. This was just a woman who landed in Taiwan. As Iran found out, a response against a bully like US actually gives them a shock. China being a superpower can inflict such shock to the power of 100. So i think it's simps like you who just dont get it.
Your grandpa was probably an illiterate that played with mud bricks. Anything but hauling coal was probably to soft for him. Not sure why you’re so defensive about your masculinity, I guess you’re just trying to make up for your inadequacies.

Yes China and Russia has change alongside the United States hence the change in dynamics between the three. China and Russia has gotten stronger and America weaker. America has been using old tactic to suppress China and Russia but they are no longer working. Therefore they are using increasingly reckless tactics that will lead to confrontation by design. Today’s problem stems from America’s refusal to accept a world that’s already changed, rather than adapting they are ratcheting up tensions to attempt a great reset to save their dying empire. I don’t think it’s in China or Russia interest to just let America save their empire at a cost to them. What’s your suggestion on what China and Russia’s response to the increasingly reckless political antics of America should be? Do nothing or this vague “shock to the power of 100” you’re taking about? It seems like you have many words but still somehow is terrible at making a point.
those areas were not a part Pakistan we come from and no Brits invasion here.
naaaaah you're right. your Pakistan did'nt even exist back then. Sorry I forgot. It was part of the Indian Subcontinent. A part of INDIA.
We except United States, but we never forget you stole it off the natives by killing thrm all you savages .
So it makes sense. For you to see nothing wrong with Israel/ occupation of Palestinian
I see nothing wrong. It was Jewish Land even before Muhammad was born. It's theirs. There is nothing, absolutely nothing not even the combined might of all your shit can change that.

That is what brits did to your Apu Nahasapeemapetilon country, you Americans best known him as a character in simpsons show bar owner
I have no idea what that means
China and Russia has gotten stronger and America weaker.
We can take your China and Russia ten times or 50x over. China cant even take Taiwan a goddamn island. Russia is gettin butt fucked by stick armed Ukrainians. How'd you expect them to beat us eh?
naaaaah you're right. your Pakistan did'nt even exist back then. Sorry I forgot. It was part of the Indian Subcontinent. A part of INDIA.


I see nothing wrong. It was Jewish Land even before Muhammad was born. It's theirs. There is nothing, absolutely nothing not even the combined might of all your shit can change that.

I have no idea what that means

We can take your China and Russia ten times or 50x over. China cant even take Taiwan a goddamn island. Russia is gettin butt fucked by stick armed Ukrainians. How'd you expect them to beat us eh?
Woo CoD really trained your Emmas with 2 moms well.
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