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US to provide military support to Nancy Pelosi's trip to Taiwan: Gen. Milley

Actually, if there's a war in China's front yard. China will win regardless what the U.S. throws at China. American think tanks, military, academia, etc. conducted numerous war games and China came out on top every time. You must be too naive to believe US will win in East Asia.
You miss-understand me. Even if China wins, China will still lose in other ways. The Acme of warfare is to win without fighting. The next best thing is to attack your enemy's strategy.

US neo-con's strategy is to provoke China to attack. They do not want peace.
When there is war, these neo-cons will masturbate. When there is peace they will bang their balls.
Where is the Chinese army?
Playing mahjong.
And China did nothing when Trump sell Taiwan 150 F-16 Viper Block 72 aircraft and 100 M1 Abrams back in 2018, if that did not instigate separation enough, then I don't know what will.
They whined. Alot.
The most sensible reaction would be to send some J-16's approaching the 12-mile airspace of Taiwan. Make this a regular manuerver. This is an advance after crossing the arbitrary mid-strait line in the Taiwan Strait.
Pelosi is now in Taiwan. Where is your J16?
Sleeping maybe. Or scared sh*tless.
Actually, if there's a war in China's front yard. China will win regardless what the U.S. throws at China. American think tanks, military, academia, etc. conducted numerous war games and China came out on top every time. You must be too naive to believe US will win in East Asia.
Naah we'll wipe out your 5k history. End of story.
Playing mahjong.

They whined. Alot.

Pelosi is now in Taiwan. Where is your J16?

Sleeping maybe. Or scared sh*tless.

Naah we'll wipe out your 5k history. End of story.
Taiwan is being surrounded right now. You American? Cause you’re pretty damn dumb.
This is the next chapter, times have changed but it seems like you’re still stuck in the past. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine it’s a new era. We are approaching the climax to the post WW2 era. China and Russia are trying to oust the USD as reserve currency, America is on a very short time frame to stop that before the damage is irreversible. The stakes are much higher now and very little room available for bargaining.
No it's you who's ignoring past events and naively assuming this has only just begun. Definitely not first act of its kind as I've demonstrated, and you've contradicted yourself by calling it the "climax". In case you didnt know, a climax does not happen at the first act haha. Either way, Russia and China need to get a move on because they are also on the menu right now.
Go read the news (any China website again). China promised:

1. A military response to the provocation.
2. Something that will irreversibly change the status quo.

AND... They did just that, a series of military exercise encircling Taiwan so close to it parts overlap with Taiwanese territorial waters.

Talks of PLA planes intercepting Pelosi plane, escorting her to mainland were just "coulds" made by hyped up columnists.
Yes I agree with your last paragraph that China never claimed downing the plane etc. However, shooting a few rockets in the south china sea is a sign of hesitation and not enough a deterrence. The threat of war has to be real because now you have UK Members of Parliament who will make the next move, and they know China will make just noise and do nothing again. Even US state department was mocking you about the predictability and hollowness of your sabre rattling. One China is dead and CCP has had a hand in this.

feel what you want. You don't even have a country to begin with. Fix that first before feeling something for someone else's country.
Yes it's called occupied Palestine, a country recognised by many nations. Iran, Hezbollah and now Russia will ensure the safety of Palestinians. Cry!
No it's you who's ignoring past events and naively assuming this has only just begun. Definitely not first act of its kind as I've demonstrated, and you've contradicted yourself by calling it the "climax". In case you didnt know, a climax does not happen at the first act haha. Either way, Russia and China need to get a move on because they are also on the menu right now.
The climax is coming because the Americans are running out of time. It’s the opening act to the final chapter of the American empire. They are losing the economic battle and the moves they make from now on will be less and less rational. China and Russia cannot rely on the conventional norms of diplomacy anymore. No matter what China or Russia does, America will always escalate from now on. To expect any different is to be foolish.

feel what you want. You don't even have a country to begin with. Fix that first before feeling something for someone else's country.
I feel for fellow non countries and there is nothing you can do about it.

Taiwan puts the ball firmly in Xi Jinping's court​

By Stephen McDonell
BBC News, Beijing
    • Published
      39 minutes ago
U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi meets Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen
Image caption,
U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (L) meets Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen
The danger with escalation is that it is hard to pull back.
Now that US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has managed to visit Taiwan - the highest-ranking American official to do so in 25 years - won't others want to do the same in the future?
Now that China has held major live fire exercises of such a scale, so close to Taiwan, why not do that again? Each time Chinese fighter jets fly nearer to the island or in greater numbers, a new standard of "normality" is established. So, if the People's Liberation Army (PLA) doesn't fly as close next time, what message is it sending?
Not so long ago, Beijing's plan with Taiwan involved engagement. Young people from the mainland were backpacking around the breakaway province claimed by China, and businesses from Taiwan were popping up all over China.
However, the approach under Chinese President Xi Jinping has become much more belligerent, with ever more pressure being applied on Taipei.
Those with more militaristic tendencies in the upper echelons of power here must have secretly welcomed the visit by Ms Pelosi. It has provided an ideal excuse to ramp up the war games around Taiwan in preparation for what they see as the inevitable day when it will be seized by force.


The biggest challenge perhaps for regional stability is that everyone's public position on Taiwan is ridiculous. It's like a giant game of pretend which is becoming harder to maintain.
China pretends that Taiwan is currently part of its territory, even though the island collects its own taxes, votes in its own government, issues its own passports and has its own military.
The US pretends it is not treating Taiwan as an independent country, even though it sells it high-tech weapons and, occasionally, a high-ranking politician visits on what looks very much like an official trip.
It's apparent that it would take nothing for this flimsy show, designed to guarantee the status quo, to fall apart.
The danger for the world is that there are those in Beijing who would like to see it fall apart.
Chinese President Xi Jinping
Image caption,
The approach under Xi Jinping has become much more belligerent
For decades, China's Communist Party-controlled media has been churning out similar rhetoric on Taiwan, but the idea of a war to reclaim it never felt any closer.

That's not the case now.
There is a belief among most people you talk to that President Xi wants to take Taiwan during his time in office, thus catapulting himself into an immortal status - as the leader who unified the motherland.
He has already effectively reined in Hong Kong, a city had become increasingly troublesome for China, well ahead of schedule.
That President Xi will move into a historic third term in office in a few months actually eases the pressure a little.
Now that he can remain in charge for as long as he likes - unlike previous leaders since Mao Zedong who were limited to two terms - he doesn't have to be in a rush to attack the island.
But every day we move a step closer to that and a step further away from peace.

Some of China's propaganda, designed to rev-up popular support for a military solution, displays pre-World War One levels of naivety about what such a war would really entail.
Even with the heavily censored coverage of the Ukraine conflict, seeing that invasion play out would surely have given Chinese people pause when considering involving their own country in bloody conflict.
But nationalism is a powerful tool and delusion can easily take hold.
If Beijing did attack Taiwan, even with the might of the PLA, it would have to mount a large-scale landing across a treacherous strait - and then face a dug-in, committed enemy fighting for a free way of life, seen as much more important than the patriotic justification to attack which has been drummed into the invading army.
Such a war could be long, turn China into a pariah for an extended period of time and kill the Chinese economy. Even if the PLA won, it would lead to the occupation of a huge island populated by millions of people who would likely resent Beijing's authority.
That would be disastrous and smart minds in the Chinese capital know it.

More on this story​

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I look forward to the show brought by Nancy. I guess she first thought the visit would divert American public's attention to her husband insider tradings into the semiconductor companies. She was right -- that succeeded, because Americans are stupid. But she's an American too. So she's on the verge of starting a provokative, uncalled-for, naive geopolitical blunder. That's to put this lightly.
good diversion
she been helping her husband to buy stocks of companies right before policy announcements by govt.

insider trading is a serious crime and she is in trouble already facing questions.
only becoming a war heroin will get her out of that trouble.
The climax is coming because the Americans are running out of time. It’s the opening act to the final chapter of the American empire. They are losing the economic battle and the moves they make from now on will be less and less rational. China and Russia cannot rely on the conventional norms of diplomacy anymore. No matter what China or Russia does, America will always escalate from now on. To expect any different is to be foolish.

If it's a final chapter then it cant be the first act...and no this is not the first time US has reneged on the deal hence why I have to bring ignorant people like you some history lesson i.e. Taiwan Crisis of 1996. Only people who stand to lose from a history lesson are afraid of listening to them.

Playing mahjong.

They whined. Alot.

Pelosi is now in Taiwan. Where is your J16?

Sleeping maybe. Or scared sh*tless.

Naah we'll wipe out your 5k history. End of story.
Oh little COD gamer getting all excited. China has enough nukes to wipe out your 200 year history and turn y'all back to humping family members and chasing bandits on horseback lol Taiwan is currently surrounded and blockaded thanks to Pelosi!
If it's a final chapter then it cant be the first act...and no this is not the first time US has reneged on the deal hence why I have to bring ignorant people like you some history lesson i.e. Taiwan Crisis of 1996. Only people who stand to lose from a history lesson are afraid of listening to them.

Oh little COD gamer getting all excited. China has enough nukes to wipe out your 200 year history and turn y'all back to humping family members and chasing bandits on horseback lol Taiwan is currently surrounded and blockaded thanks to Pelosi!
How many episodes does star wars have? We are at the twilight of the Empire, the current America is not the same the past. They are a lot less confident and a lot more desperate. Overall very unpredictable, a lot more than before. The Russians came to the conclusion that the Americans were agreement incapable before they started in Ukraine.
I guess we will see China warship routine patrolling "Taiwan internal water" from now. See if Taiwan navy will fire first shot.

One more similar incidence, we see J10 routine fly pass Taipei.

Big loss to Taiwan provincial government.
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