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US to move 60% of navy fleet to Pacific

The US is planning to move the majority of its warships to the Asia-Pacific region by 2020, Defence Secretary Leon Panetta has revealed.

He said that by 2020 about 60% of the US fleet would be deployed there, as part of a strategy to increase US presence in Asia.

Mr Panetta told a regional security meeting in Singapore that the shift was not aiming to contain Chinese power.

Beijing has indicated it is unhappy with the US focus on Asia.

Last November, President Barack Obama announced that the Asia-Pacific region was a "top priority" of US security policy.

His comments were seen as a challenge to China, which is striving to be the main regional power.

"By 2020, the navy will reposture its forces from today's roughly 50-50% split between the Pacific and the Atlantic to about a 60-40 split between those oceans," Mr Panetta told the annual Shangri-La Dialogue conference.

"That will include six aircraft carriers in this region, a majority of our cruisers, destroyers, combat ships and submarines."

Mr Panetta said US budget problems and cut-backs would not stop the changes. He said the US defence department had money in a five-year budget plan to achieve those goals.

"It will take years for these concepts, and many of the investments we are making, to be fully realised," he said.

"But make no mistake, in a steady, deliberate and sustainable way, the United States military is rebalancing and brings enhanced capabilities to this vital region."

China has long-running territorial disputes with allies of the US, including the Philippines, over island groupings in the South China Sea. In recent years it has grown more assertive on the issue.

An increased US presence in the region is likely to embolden those countries and irritate Beijing.

Mr Panetta played down any possible tensions and said he was looking forward to visiting China later this year.

He said he wanted to see Washington and Beijing deepen their military ties, including on anti-drug-trafficking operations and humanitarian aid.

In January, Chinese state media said an increased US presence in the region could boost stability and prosperity.

But it warned the US against "flexing its muscles" and said any US militarism could create ill will and "endanger peace".

Mr Panetta is currently on a nine-day tour of Asia which will include visits to Vietnam and India.

BBC News - Leon Panetta: US to move 60% of navy fleet to Pacific
By then China would probable also deploy a few of its new carriers & submarines to the Atlantic..
By then China would probable also deploy a few of its new carriers & submarines to the Atlantic..
Just joking or china have any allies over there ??
Apart from Pakistan and north korea they don't have any allies..As far as i know.
By then China would probable also deploy a few of its new carriers & submarines to the Atlantic..

sure they will . but you do realize that it takes decades to master the operational side of it ?:)

"First, we should not treat this as a disaster," said People's Liberation Army (PLA) Lieutenant General Ren Haiquan " but we should not treat this indifferently. We must see that we're facing extremely complex and one could sometimes even say quite serious developments, and we must raise our awareness of peril, and prepare to cope with all kinds of complex and serious circumstances."

China says to step up vigilance after U.S. navy shift | Reuters

That's our official response and by 2020 our Navy should be poised to handle all kind of contingencies. We'll be vigilant to any hegemonic behaviors in this region as per our national securities.
China should crank up production in DF21D (Carrier Killer) missiles.

China knows the DF-21 can be easily countered. Its achilles heel is the large over the horizon radar needed as well as US electronic warfare abilities.
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