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US to move 60% of navy fleet to Pacific

What is plan of Russia? also super power in making

I think the European Navies can handle Russia and plus 40% US Naval Forces are still still in Middle East/European Theatre.

More than enough to handle Russia.
Bad for regional stability. :tdown:
I don't think so. As per China's increasing territorial hunger, Its Aggressive designs against Vietnam, Philippines and other countries, some opposite tension is required to reduce overall tension.
I think the European Navies can handle Russia and plus 40% US Naval Forces are still still in Middle East/European Theatre.

More than enough to handle Russia.

some people really keep thinking about a world war like scenario . Sorry ain't happening . Europe and Russia today are much closer than they were before and same for Russia and USA .Disagreements are there but they are no enemies . Jeez
China knows the DF-21 can be easily countered. Its achilles heel is the large over the horizon radar needed as well as US electronic warfare abilities.

Yes maybe you can counter a few, but will you do when they use a multi attack?
torpedo,DF-21-and cruise missiles?
how many DF-21 can the USA navy counter?
Yes maybe you can counter a few, but will you do when they use a multi attack?
torpedo,DF-21-and cruise missiles?
how many DF-21 can the USA navy counter?

no doubt anything can happen especially in a theater of battle. But the point is the DF-21 is not the omnipotent weapon some people think it is.
no doubt anything can happen especially in a theater of battle. But the point is the DF-21 is not the omnipotent weapon some people think it is.

It does not matter what people think. Fact is not determined by opinions.
No one says it is some unstoppable weapon. but it is very deadly if uses in large numbers.
I heard it hits mach 10+ in its final phase.

war is never predictable, you cant say oh China will do X and America will do Y to counter it.
who knows what will happen.
Expected move by the west .
Thanks to them and ofcourse India that we will have stability in the region .....phewww !! :lol:
Pakistan and India should act like real brothers, US CHINA or Russia will ran away from Indian Sea, They dont want to see India and Pakistan become super power

Well, even if India and Pakistan stick together against the US, they would still stand little chance against them.

The US is only maintaining its interests. Try stopping them :D
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