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US to deliver 18 F-16s to Pakistan by month’s end

well be news coming every day seems like we got 50 F 16 we just buyed 18 F 16 and 18 will arrive sometime we get 4 than 5 than 4 what the hell is this give the complete number of F 16 that we will get complete number sir
I think condition are shameful. There is no fun for keeping an equipment which we can not use against our primary adversary. :angry::angry:

Who told you that? Media Reports? Even if they are true, at the time of WAR, all contracts are put aside but I am sure Pakistan wouldn't have signed an EULA that restricts their use against our prime enemy. Have faith on the guys who defend your borders and who have been defending since decades.
in time of war no contracts and orders from outsiders being listen they r just for peace time and we hav faith in the defenders of motherland they r not stupids to put their hands at back and fight without equipment
Pakistan to receive first four of 18 upgraded F-16s from US
June 23, 2010

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan will receive the first four of 18 upgraded F-16s from the US this week and the multi-role combat jets will give its air force the capability to conduct night operations and use precision-guided munitions.

The four Block 52 F-16s are due to arrive at Shahbaz airbase in Jacobabad on Saturday, official sources were quoted as saying by the Dawn newspaper.

The delivery of all 18 jets ordered by Pakistan from the US will be completed by the end of this year, the sources said.

The jets will enhance Pakistan Air Force's capabilities for the ongoing war against terror, the sources were quoted as saying.

Pakistan is also conducting negotiations with the US for purchasing another 14 new F-16s, the sources said.

The Block 52 F-16s are more advanced than the F-16 A/B jets in the PAF's existing fleet.

The PAF is in the process of conducting a mid-life upgrade of its fleet of 30-year-old F-16s.

Four of the 45 old F-16s are currently being upgraded and they will be ready in a couple of months, the sources said.

Ahead of the delivery of the Block 52 F-16s, eight Pakistani pilots underwent training in the US.

The training included a course to make the transition from the F-16 A/B to the F-16 Block C/D aircraft, flight lead upgrade training and instructor pilot certification so that they eight pilots could train others to fly the new jets.

Pak to receive first four of 18 upgraded F-16s from US - Pakistan - World - The Times of India
Pakistan to receive first four of 18 upgraded F-16s from US
June 23, 2010

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan will receive the first four of 18 upgraded F-16s from the US this week and the multi-role combat jets will give its air force the capability to conduct night operations and use precision-guided munitions.

The four Block 52 F-16s are due to arrive at Shahbaz airbase in Jacobabad on Saturday, official sources were quoted as saying by the Dawn newspaper.

The delivery of all 18 jets ordered by Pakistan from the US will be completed by the end of this year, the sources said.

The jets will enhance Pakistan Air Force's capabilities for the ongoing war against terror, the sources were quoted as saying.

Pakistan is also conducting negotiations with the US for purchasing another 14 new F-16s, the sources said.

The Block 52 F-16s are more advanced than the F-16 A/B jets in the PAF's existing fleet.

The PAF is in the process of conducting a mid-life upgrade of its fleet of 30-year-old F-16s.

Four of the 45 old F-16s are currently being upgraded and they will be ready in a couple of months, the sources said.

Ahead of the delivery of the Block 52 F-16s, eight Pakistani pilots underwent training in the US.

The training included a course to make the transition from the F-16 A/B to the F-16 Block C/D aircraft, flight lead upgrade training and instructor pilot certification so that they eight pilots could train others to fly the new jets.

Pak to receive first four of 18 upgraded F-16s from US - Pakistan - World - The Times of India

Uhhhhhhhhhhh another troublesome media report:angel:.Somebody tell them that these are not upgraded f-16's rather new f-16 c/d's.A lay man can easily misinterpret it :undecided:

I think these media people have to search and learn something about defence related things before filling pages with rotten informations :angry::angry:
Because of these cheap tactics and low mentality, indians have failed to assert control over small country pakistan, even they have 8 time stronger economy and defence budget as compared to pak, but still dont have guts/balls to face pakistan air force flying ancient 18 F-16 blk 50/52 against superior 100+ SU-30MKI! Its difficult to understand why they are afraid of pakistan getting F-16s? Is IAF such incompetent that it cant face PAF pilots flying few ancient F-16s(as called by indians).

They have a very large air force. Their main problem is the no. of aircraft types(spare parts problem) and 2nd of all if India had guts they wouldve finished Pakistan a long time back. No doubt Su-30MKI is one of the best fighters in the world(I'm more worried of their Mirages). Pakistan unfortunately is sitting on F-16s a little bit too much, they should order the J-10s from China. Plus training from Russia aint the same as getting trained by the US. As most of my info comes from my dad, if you are from PAF and you're a graduate from FIS, anywhere you go around the world pilots will be willing to listen to you as FIS(Flying Instructors School) has a very good reputation. CCS is another example, a very fine organisation(can be better). Have never heard of any Indian AF stuff like that, apart from their TACDE at Gwalior.
it will be the first batch of Four Aircrafts that is to be delivered by June End.

further deliveries will follw as:
four aircraft in August 2010
five aircraft in october 2010
four aircraft in Dec 2010
one aircraft in December 2011

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