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US to deliver 18 F-16s to Pakistan by month’s end

i think usa giving f-16 to pakistan to fight terroism that why pakistan did not use f-16 in kargil war. and i think if pakistan will not able to use f-16 in any conflict with india than pakistan has no any new aircraft to fight with india.
PAF to get F-16s with tough stipulations
June 14, 2010

ISLAMABAD: Despite being a key ally in the war against terrorism in which Pakistan have rendered innumerable sacrifices, the United States is extending military assistance to Islamabad under strict conditions and stipulations, reflecting the nature of relations between the two countries.

According to sources, Washington will deliver 18 F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan Air Force (PAF) by the end of this month under a series of conditions including an assurance from Pakistan that aircraft would not be used in any conflict with India.

During last week’s strategic dialogue between India and the US, the Indian leaders had conveyed to their counterparts in Washington their concerns over the US military assistance to Pakistan. Besides assuring Indian side, Washington for the first time came out open to state that it was taking steps to ensure that its military aid to Pakistan would not be used against India.

Sources said the US Air Force engineers would accompany the delivery of the F-16s and supervise not only the airbase but also the operations to be carried out by the PAF against Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Though the PAF pilots will fly the jets, the logistics, management and control is stated to remain with the US engineers.

Sources said the Block 50/52 Model F-16 jets equipped with latest missiles would land at Shahbaz Airbase in Jacoabad. It is said that around US$500 million were spent to upgrade the airbase to make it conducive to the new F-16s.

PAF to get F-16s with tough stipulations | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
i think usa giving f-16 to pakistan to fight terroism that why pakistan did not use f-16 in kargil war. and i think if pakistan will not able to use f-16 in any conflict with india than pakistan has no any new aircraft to fight with india.
Oh noez we didnt?Beta F-16 was flying right along the border.:chilli: The only reason it did not cross border because that would have started full war and let's face it we Pakistanis were on other side of the border and we said that It's mujaheddin fighting so what would have been the reaction of world if we started giving air support to Mujaheddin.:toast_sign:Here read this.We used these F-16's to escort our nukes and you think we won't use it against India...:lol:

While the PAF looked at some offensive options, it had a more pressing defensive issue at hand. The IAF’s minor border violations during recce missions were not of grave consequence in so far as no bombing had taken place in our territory; however, the fact that these missions helped the enemy refine its air and artillery targeting, was, to say the least, disconcerting. There were constant reports of our troops on the LOC disturbed to see, or hear, IAF fighters operating with apparent impunity. The GHQ took the matter up with the AHQ and it was resolved that Combat Air Patrols (CAPs) would be flown by the F-16s operating out of Minhas (Kamra) and Sargodha. This arrangement resulted in less on-station time but was safer than operating out of vulnerable Skardu, which had inadequate early warning in the mountainous terrain; its status as a turn-around facility was, however, considered acceptable for its location. A flight of F-7s was, nonetheless, deployed primarily for point defence of the important garrison town of Skardu as well as the air base.

F-16 CAPs could not have been flown all day long as spares support was limited under the prevailing US sanctions. Random CAPs were resorted to, with a noticeable drop in border violations only as long as the F-16s were on station. There were a few cases of F-16s and Mirage-2000s locking their adversaries with the on-board radars but caution usually prevailed and no close encounters took place. After one week of CAPs, the F-16 maintenance personnel indicated that war reserve spares were being eaten into and that the activity had to be ‘rationalised’, a euphemism for discontinuing it altogether. That an impending war occupied the Air Staff’s minds was evident in the decision by the DCAS (Ops) for F-16 CAPs to be discontinued, unless IAF activity became unbearably provocative or threatening.
Aeronaut: Kargil Conflict and Pakistan Air Force
PAF to get F-16s with tough stipulations
June 14, 2010

ISLAMABAD: Despite being a key ally in the war against terrorism in which Pakistan have rendered innumerable sacrifices, the United States is extending military assistance to Islamabad under strict conditions and stipulations, reflecting the nature of relations between the two countries.

According to sources, Washington will deliver 18 F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan Air Force (PAF) by the end of this month under a series of conditions including an assurance from Pakistan that aircraft would not be used in any conflict with India.

During last week’s strategic dialogue between India and the US, the Indian leaders had conveyed to their counterparts in Washington their concerns over the US military assistance to Pakistan. Besides assuring Indian side, Washington for the first time came out open to state that it was taking steps to ensure that its military aid to Pakistan would not be used against India.

Sources said the US Air Force engineers would accompany the delivery of the F-16s and supervise not only the airbase but also the operations to be carried out by the PAF against Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Though the PAF pilots will fly the jets, the logistics, management and control is stated to remain with the US engineers.

Sources said the Block 50/52 Model F-16 jets equipped with latest missiles would land at Shahbaz Airbase in Jacoabad. It is said that around US$500 million were spent to upgrade the airbase to make it conducive to the new F-16s.

PAF to get F-16s with tough stipulations | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

I still don't mind us getting F-16's coz we need them to carry out night time and precision bombing missions against Taliban. Our Missiles are enough to keep the Indians at bay......And besides, India cannot afford a war even more so than Pakistan.
Pakistan Air Force to get latest four F-16 Block-52 aircraft
June 22, 2010

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Air Forces is all set to receive four latest F-16 Block 52 jets from US at Shahbaz Airbase in this week.

US will deliver 18 F-16 jets to Pakistan and four of them will reach Shahbaz Airbase, Jacobabad this week.

Shahbaz Airbase has been converted into latest operational airbase before arrival of these jets. Eight pilots of PAF have already completed their F-16 training in US.

Sources said that US is also providing additional technical assistance to PAF regarding F-16 jets. The addition of these jets will boost the operational capabilities of the air force.

I think condition are shameful. There is no fun for keeping an equipment which we can not use against our primary adversary. :angry::angry:

How many Pakistanis has India killed in the last 7 years compared to the 25,000 Pakistanis the Taliban have killed.
How many Pakistanis has India killed in the last 7 years compared to the 25,000 Pakistanis the Taliban have killed.

how many Pakistanis were killed by Taliban before 9/11...???
stop your crap! This war is imposed on us by US and CIA but still our primary enemy is India unless and until they abandon their aggressive ambitions against us.:angry:
month is ending and i am still awaiting for the good news :cry:
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Air Forces is all set to receive four latest F-16 Block 52 jets from US at Shahbaz Airbase in this week.

US will deliver 18 F-16 jets to Pakistan and four of them will reach Shahbaz Airbase, Jacobabad this week.

Shahbaz Airbase has been converted into latest operational airbase before arrival of these jets. Eight pilots of PAF have already completed their F-16 training in US.

Sources said that US is also providing additional technical assistance to PAF regarding F-16 jets. The addition of these jets will boost the operational capabilities of the air force.

PAF to get four F-16 – The Express Tribune
how many Pakistanis were killed by Taliban before 9/11...???
stop your crap! This war is imposed on us by US and CIA but still our primary enemy is India unless and until they abandon their aggressive ambitions against us.:angry:

What aggressive ambitions, your either part of the problem or part of the solution.
for what period these US engineers are going to stay here and whether their controlling of these planes is temporary or permanent?

Depends on how long you want them to fly with out crashing, people show up on the job with their Sifarish Letter say its Allahs Will when something goes wrong does not work well with highly technical high preformance aircraft, matter fact dont well even with Russian Migs.
hey assclown Pakistan Air Force Engineers/Technicians have operated F-16's with just 7 crashes in 3 decades.We're not middle east air force.The fact that you used word Sifarish i think you're an Indian with identity crisis.Hell F-16's were flown regularly even when we were sanctioned and was out of spares.We managed to get spares through other markets.
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October 4, 2005 (by Asif Shamim) - A three-member delegation of Pratt & Whitney called on Air Chief Marshal Kaleem Saadat, Chief of the Air Staff Pakistan Air Force at Air Headquarters to present a plaque to the Chief of the Air Staff in recognition of flying the F-16, for over 100,000 accident-free flight hours.
yep, these are maintained by Pakistani Engr/Tech.
☪☪☪☪;948154 said:
hey assclown Pakistan Air Force Engineers/Technicians have operated F-16's with just 7 crashes in 3 decades.We're not middle east air force.The fact that you used word Sifarish i think you're an Indian with identity crisis.Hell F-16's were flown regularly even when we were sanctioned and was out of spares.We managed to get spares through other markets.

Dont mind him... hes an indian.
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