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US to cut off aid to Palestinian, veto Palestinian recognition in UN

Muslims were part of Nazi military. Bosnian Muslims slaughtered 90% of Bosnian Jews. The Mufti of Jerusalem at the time warmly welcomed Hitler, calling Jews the scorch of the world, and Humanity`s greatest enemy.


The only condition the Mufti set for his help was that after Hitler won the war, the entire Jewish population in Palestine should be liquidated. After the war, Husseini fled to Switzerland and from there escaped via France to Cairo, were he was warmly received. The Mufti used funds received earlier from the Hilter regime to finance the Nazi-inspired Arab Liberation Army that terrorized Jews in Palestine.

A staunch antisemite[3] al-Husseini was widely reported to have encouraged his followers to "kill the Jews wherever you find them".[4] During World War II, he collaborated with Nazi Germany[5] and Fascist Italy, meeting Adolf Hitler[6] and Benito Mussolini in 1941.

Haj Amin al-Husseini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

dont forget that your lovely jewish brothers worked with hitler to! there were some jews that worked under him.
This I didn't know about.

Jeez, I don't know. I don't recall any mass slaughter of Jews in the Middle East in the days of WWII. And yet there is still this 'poor me' syndrome from the Israelis for some strange reason.

Me thinks they want to hold on to their Jewish nation no matter what.

But you have admit mate, Arab leaders really did screw up big time. I mean...two damaged Israeli tanks obliterating an entire division of Syrian tanks by using hit-run attacks from the Golan Heights. Jesus Christ man. Yes, a good tank along with a good crew can make a big difference. Similar story for the Arab air forces. Only Pakistan Air Force pilots had some effect.


Also, correct me if I am wrong, but the persecution of Jews from Arab nations did not bode well for the Arabs. The Protocols of Zion was Soviet anti-Semitic propaganda.

That only gave the Israelis more determination than ever. And that is what made them triumphant. Hope you understand.

What can I say, to the victor goes the spoils.

The prosecution of Jews did not differ from the prosecution of Arabs today in the USA and Asian people at the time of WW2. This is simply something you do against a people you have a war with. And correct me if I am wrong but the mossad also bombed jewish places in Iraq to get Iraqi jews into Israel who refused at the time. The Jews of Iraq -- How the Mossad Caused the Flight of Many Jewish Iraqis : Indybay
I say go for it cut and veto, UN is a useless organization, the world will see the Hypocrisy of the USA, also third intifada , and finally we will see if Saudi Arabia and the other gulf oil rich states will fund their Muslim brethren, this perfect chance to see to reveal whose who.
i cant remember all of their name, but one particular. cant remember him either, but it was made into a movie.

a jew that worked in nazi camps, and printed fake money so the nazis could use them to get whatever the hell they needed!

edit: here is one link!


and dont tell me this is arab or anti-israel!

Are you serious? The site itself is called "Secrets of Zion"... You are either blind or choose to be ignorant, just look at all those books he is suggesting to his readers.
From your sites i saw that these Jews you`ve mentioned were "half-Jews" and "quarter-Jews", i`m quoting from your site. So this leads me to believe that they openly identified themselves as Christians and never took part practicing Judaism, not to mention turning a blind eye to what was done to Jews during the Holocaust.
So no, to be a Jew you need to practice Judaism or at least identify yourself as a Jew. Which none of these "Jews" did, or else they`d be long dead in the Gas chambers.

If you mean that they had Jewish blood, then you`re probably right. But then again some Muslims and Christians both have some Jewish blood long erased by the generations.
Are you serious? The site itself is called "Secrets of Zion"... You are either blind or choose to be ignorant, just look at all those books he is suggesting to his readers.
From your sites i saw that these Jews you`ve mentioned were "half-Jews" and "quarter-Jews", i`m quoting from your site. So this leads me to believe that they openly identified themselves as Christians and never took part practicing Judaism, not to mention turning a blind eye to what was done to Jews during the Holocaust.
So no, to be a Jew you need to practice Judaism or at least identify yourself as a Jew. Which none of these "Jews" did, or else they`d be long dead in the Gas chambers.

If you mean that they had Jewish blood, then you`re probably right. But then again some Muslims and Christians both have some Jewish blood long erased by the generations.

Then those Christians and Jews need a DNA that so they can make aliyah too. I should probably be tested too then since I have ibrahim blood in me too
Then those Christians and Jews need a DNA that so they can make aliyah too. I should probably be tested too then since I have ibrahim blood in me too

We prefer not to have anymore of you, thanks. 1 millionth of a Jew or not, stay in KSA.
We prefer not to have anymore of you, thanks. 1 millionth of a Jew or not, stay in KSA.

So you admit that Israel is country of religious preference over others and so it negates all Israel's claims if it being a democratic state??
Are you serious? The site itself is called "Secrets of Zion"... You are either blind or choose to be ignorant, just look at all those books he is suggesting to his readers.
From your sites i saw that these Jews you`ve mentioned were "half-Jews" and "quarter-Jews", i`m quoting from your site. So this leads me to believe that they openly identified themselves as Christians and never took part practicing Judaism, not to mention turning a blind eye to what was done to Jews during the Holocaust.
So no, to be a Jew you need to practice Judaism or at least identify yourself as a Jew. Which none of these "Jews" did, or else they`d be long dead in the Gas chambers.

If you mean that they had Jewish blood, then you`re probably right. But then again some Muslims and Christians both have some Jewish blood long erased by the generations.

could you help me on the other jew, i dont remember. who helped jews printing fake money. he had it as a profesional career before the war started but i cant remember the name of the movie!
could you help me on the other jew, i dont remember. who helped jews printing fake money. he had it as a profesional career before the war started but i cant remember the name of the movie!

A few bad apples do NOT represent an entire community. We muslims of all people should know this better than anyone.
So you admit that Israel is country of religious preference over others and so it negates all Israel's claims if it being a democratic state??

Israel is the world's only Jewish-majority state, and is defined as a Jewish and democratic state in its Basic Laws.
That being said, you`re still not welcome.
(a) Well, first Palestinian side need make sure what represents itself officially and internationally.

(b) Second, whoever represents Palestinian side need make it clear what its position towards Israel is.

Then we have what I have pointed out:

(1) Has the Palestinian side decided to recognize Israel yet?

(2) has the Palestinian side removed those anti-Israel clauses from its constitution yet?

If you have an "No" answer for (1) or (2), I do not think what U.S. does is wrong.

However, if it is "Yes" for both (1) and (2), U.S. need seriously consider its position for Mideast negotiation.

If I am Israel government, I won't do a damn thing if I do not know (a) and (b) for sure or I know there is a Yes to either (1) or (2).

Of course, I think at the same time, Israel side need stop those settlement building so as to reduce the international criticism against Israel.

If I am not mistaken, Fatah does recognize Israel. Hamas however doesn't.

The division between Hamas and Fatah is what really hurt Palestinians. More so than a division of Israeli tanks.

Address the division.
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